Islamic Wife Beating

What a title! How does Islamic wife beating stack up against Christian, Buddhist or atheist wife beating? I mean I bet an atheist could administer a real good ass-wooping compared to any of those other groups. I mean at least he wouldn't have a god to answer to. And Balerion when will you learn that its ALWAYS the woman's fault. If it weren't so she wouldn't be having her ass whipped. I mean haven't you ever wondered why its ALWAYS the woman getting her ass whipped? And they must think they deserve it too otherwise we'd hear more cases of husbands dying from crushed glass being ingested with food.

Oh, so we're pretending that Islam has nothing to do with it? Is that how we're going to play this?
Oh, so we're pretending that Islam has nothing to do with it? Is that how we're going to play this?

Ever read lavidicous? Seen those "god hates fags" nutjobs? Christians should really sit quitely in the corner making no noise so that people dont start looking at there OWN books and attitudes

Oh and what religions should be blamed for this little gem from another thread

Uhm... no offense Sea, but it sounds like you either need to beat some sense into your husband, or find a new one 0_o
Oh, so we're pretending that Islam has nothing to do with it? Is that how we're going to play this?

Perhaps you can explain to me how beating a spouse with a toothbrush is Islamic? Is it in the Qu'ran that a wife is to be beaten with a toothbrush?

Or is it just domestic abuse pure and simple, regardless of the religious affiliations of those proposing this latest version of beating one's wife?
Perhaps you can explain to me how beating a spouse with a toothbrush is Islamic? Is it in the Qu'ran that a wife is to be beaten with a toothbrush?

Or is it just domestic abuse pure and simple, regardless of the religious affiliations of those proposing this latest version of beating one's wife?

Um, did you not watch the video in the OP? Did you pay no attention to the conversation other than wellwisher's inanity?

Here's the sura in question:

4:34. ‘Men are in charge of (or overseers of - qawwamuna) women, as Allah has given them more (strength) than the other (sometimes translated as made them superior to the other), and because they spend of their wealth (to provide for them). Therefore women who are virtuous are obedient to God, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what God would have them guard. As for those women on whose part you fear rebellion (nushuz), admonish them and banish them to beds apart, (and last) beat (adribu) them. Then, if they obey you, seek not a way against them. For God is Most High, Great (above you all).

The Youtube poster from the OP is the one who mentioned using a toothbrush, but I've never heard of that being used as a tool of spousal abuse before, and certainly the Quran doesn't make any mention of it. Nor does it say "beat them lightly." It just says "beat them." Well, after they've been banished to their bedrooms, of course, for the sin of rebelling against their male masters.

Yeah, we all know spousal abuse happens to both sexes without any reference to religion, but to pretend that Islam (and Christianity and Judaism, but we're talking specifically about Islam in this instance) doesn't institutionalize it is disingenuous at best. I mean, what's a sure way to ensure that domestic violence occurs? By giving one party inherent power over the other. And that's exactly what the monotheistic faiths do, particularly Islam.

So can we stop pretending that religion has nothing to do with it?