"Islamic" Golden Age

- Islamic Golden Age
- Islamic Science
- Islamic Math
- Islamic Art

We do not say Tao Golden Age, Christian Golden Age, or Shaman Golden Age, or Shinto Golden Age, Polytheistic Golden Age or even Pharaonic Golden Age.

We do say Greek Golden Age, Egyptian Golden Age, Chinese Golden Age...

We do not say Shinto Science or Christian Calculus or Tao Algebra...

We refer to Roman Architecture or Indian Architecture etc... we don't refer to it as Christian unless we're referring to a Church.
Who is we?

You see, in the Islamic countries the religous establishment have done a wonderful job of fooling everyone into thinking about things incorrectly. Unlike the rest of the world, they paint almost everything as being "Islamic". Gotta wipe your arse? Do so Islamically :bugeye: That's true.
I see your point.

This vague word that has no concrete meaning except to the individual who uses it. Overall this acts to maintain the power base (as in all societies) - in this case the theocratic establishment. It makes it almost impossible for normal people, who happen to Muslim, to move past "Islam". Because in doing so they feel they must lost their entire history. This is not true.
I agree.

As soon as they realize Calculus or Advanced Engineering, discovered by a Christian, is still just math and engineering and has little to nothing to do with the aside that they were raised Christian, then maybe people raised in the ME can move past this idea that everything important in their history is "Islamic". It's not. Nothing scientific has anything at all to do with superstitious beleif.
Let us pray.

Really, if they ever want to move into the 21st century, they'll have to assess the entire way they think about themselves and their history.
The same holds true for science as well.
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You do? Even after Iraq? Didn't you personally support the invasion of Afghanistan? Those backward savages needed to be taught a lesson, eh?
I said I supported a limited attack on the people who attacked the USA. I said: 6 weeks. It could have been easily handled and over in about 3 weeks, considering Bin Laden's whereabouts was known. I can only suspect that the army is completely incompetent or he wasn't meant to be captured. Either could be true.

As for the war and occupation of Afghanistan - I'd pull troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan ASAP. Today couldn't be soon enough by my reasoning.
actually with a just a minor bit of tweaking, Michael could make for a great Islamic reformer
Being atheist that's going to be a bit of a problem huh? :D

We've went over the whole mythologicalized Islamic golden age before (hence SAMs cartoon of the dead horse). What I was thinking is that it's really a problem with a way of thinking about the past and this is preventing progression.

Do not be afraid to question the past - it's over and done with.
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I said I supported a limited attack on the people who attacked the USA. I said: 6 weeks. It could have been easily handled and over in about 3 weeks, considering Bin Laden's whereabouts was known. I can only suspect that the army is completely incompetent or he wasn't meant to be captured. Either could be true.

As for the war and occupation of Afghanistan - I'd pull troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan ASAP. Today couldn't be soon enough by my reasoning.

So you see, you too are willing to kill people based on no evidence, but propaganda. I have no faith in the ability of people to rise above their paranoia.
CT SAM? Let me guess, Bush Jr the moron (who can barely wipe his arse) secretly orchestrated 9/11? :D PLEASE!
I'm sure there's a CT 9/11 thread somewhere else.

Oh, and what's your point?
*The part of 'Bush the Moron' will be played by Mohammad*???

Also, we're talking about "Islamic" tradition here SAM, and that's what matters to you and other Muslims, not reality. We can agree that in reality there may not have ever been a Mohammad. So, again, what's important is Islam and it's affect on modern Muslim mentality. Well, as we know Islam means about anything - why not change it? I mean, I noticed you're changing your view point on what Islam means, all the time.
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Being atheist that's going to be a bit of a problem huh? :D

We've went over the whole mythologicalized Islamic golden age before (hence SAMs cartoon of the dead horse). What I was thinking is that it's really a problem with a way of thinking about the past and this is preventing progression.

Do not be afraid to question the past - it's over and done with.
Have you ever considered converting to islam?
It could certainly open the door to getting other muslims to behave in the way that you think they should.
I think Islam is serving humanity well exactly the way it is. So long as there is Islam, I have little fear that Xians can push through their theocratic ideals. And really, that's the one to worry about. I mean, Muslims are on the whole helpless. Xians on the other hand are not. That's a worry... to me anyway.

If I were to pick a religion I'm leaning 'Raëlism Movement' I like their attitude towards sex and there's a lot of cute Koreans that have joined :D

So you see, you too are willing to kill people based on no evidence, but propaganda. I have no faith in the ability of people to rise above their paranoia.
M*W: Strange comment coming from you of all people.
CT SAM? Let me guess, Bush Jr the moron (who can barely wipe his arse) secretly orchestrated 9/11? :D PLEASE! I'm sure there's a CT 9/11 thread somewhere else.

Oh, and what's your point?
*The part of 'Bush the Moron' will be played by Mohammad*???

Also, we're talking about "Islamic" tradition here SAM, and that's what matters to you and other Muslims, not reality. We can agree that in reality there may not have ever been a Mohammad. So, again, what's important is Islam and it's affect on modern Muslim mentality. Well, as we know Islam means about anything - why not change it? I mean, I noticed you're changing your view point on what Islam means, all the time.
M*W: This one made me laugh, Michael! Rosie O'Donnell was a big (no pun intended) 9/11 CT. It doesn't surprise me that S.A.M. is, too. How do you say in French, P.A.R.A.N.O.I.D.?
The Khalifat al Rashideen, Umayyad Dynasty along with spread to Andulusia, Abbasi Khilafah of Baghdad, Ghazni Dynasty, Seljuk Dynasty, Ayyubi Dynasty, Ghori Sultanate, and the last great age of the Ottoman, Safavi, and Mughals is what typified the Islamic golden age. This is a period longer than 1200 years.
There is already a substantial wiki on the topic:

Islamic Golden Age

There is an important quote at the top of the article, Sam.

"The neutrality of this article is disputed."

You can find the same stuff here:


and here:


In fact, you can find the same stuff written in the Wiki article plastered all over the internet, word for word. I'd call that propaganda Sam. wouldn't you?

Propaganda: Information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause.

Probably because, unlike all of the above, in the Islamic Golden Age, the emphasis was on Islam.

That may very well be true, but the articles circulating around the internet appear to be promotional and not informative.

Here's a better explanation:

"Why is it that most people believe that Islam had a great Golden Age while Europe was burning dreadfully in its Dark Age? This is a historical misconception which needs to be addressed. Allow me to give you an analogy before I make my point. There are two rotten apples in my analogy –one of the apples is more rotten than the other one. Obviously, the less rotten apple looks more attractive when it comes to choosing one out of the two. This does not necessarily mean that the less rotten apple is not rotten.

Now, take the above analogy and apply it to the so-called Golden Age Islamic civilization compared to the Dark Age Europe. Obviously, the Islamic civilization looks very pleasing when you compare it to the European Dark Ages. This does not necessarily mean that the Islamic civilization was a great civilization. This simply means that the Islamic civilization was not as rotten as its European Dark Age counterpart.

Allow me to present a few true examples to illustrate my point regarding how Muslims of that era did so little to improve human life, even though, they controlled a large portion of the global power and wealth for almost a millennium."

Still can't find the ignore button? :)

Don't worry, I'll help you to ignore me. ;)
The Khalifat al Rashideen, Umayyad Dynasty along with spread to Andulusia, Abbasi Khilafah of Baghdad, Ghazni Dynasty, Seljuk Dynasty, Ayyubi Dynasty, Ghori Sultanate, and the last great age of the Ottoman, Safavi, and Mughals is what typified the Islamic golden age. This is a period longer than 1200 years.

I've been looking for a good source of the history of the Rashidun and the Abbasids, any suggestions?

Not so much the military aspects, but their social network and interactions with the local people in the places they went.

Also a history of the first Arabic schools opened outside Arabia.

Diamond, since you know more about this stuff, could you also comment on the following?

The main views on the causes of decline comprise the following: political mismanagement after the early Caliphs (10th century onwards), closure of the gates of ijtihad (12th century), institutionalisation of taqlid rather than bid'ah (13th century), foreign involvement by invading forces and colonial powers (11th century Crusades, 13th century Mongol Empire, 15th century Reconquista, 19th century European colonial empires), and the disruption to the cycle of equity based on Ibn Khaldun's famous model of Asabiyyah (the rise and fall of civilizations) which points to the decline being mainly due to political and economic factors
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Still can't find the ignore button? :)

Don't worry, I'll help you to ignore me. ;)

That post wasn't for you specifically Sam, it was a post for anyone who would like to read about Islamic propaganda and the bullshit contained within it, which would include the Wiki article that YOU linked. :D