Islamic Extremism.

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The people killed by Bush and Sharon are NOT mosquitoes .
There is nothing I have said anywhere that justifies you saying this to me. The Iraquis that SH killed were also not mosquitoes. Nor those he tortured. That one person is bad does not make his or her enemy good.

Saddam was one trillion times better than any Western politician dead or alive .
He was better than Olaf Palme?
There is nothing I have said anywhere that justifies you saying this to me. The Iraquis that SH killed were also not mosquitoes. Nor those he tortured. That one person is bad does not make his or her enemy good.

He was better than Olaf Palme?
Bush killed millions and he is alive and happy .
Saddam killed few Iraqis and he is dead by the hands of those who killed millions of Iraqis .
Saddam killed traitors and saboteurs like the US nut Timothy Mckveigh . I do not think the Americans are mourning the death penalty of ther monster Timothy Mckveigh .
Saddam taught his people to defend their nation and yes they did with a tremendous courage and bravery .

The coward Donald Rumesfeld was saying on TV that his troops would be welcome with flowers and music . Look how many Americans dead and terribly injured on the hands of the Iraqis !. where is the music and where are the flowers Mr Nuts ?!!!.
Saddam killed few Iraqis

"he [Saddam] murdered as many as a million of his people, many with poison gas. He tortured, maimed and imprisoned countless more. His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead.'s_Iraq
When the gas came, however, that was the worst place to be since the toxic chemicals, heavier than air, concentrated in low-lying areas. Between and 4,000 and 5,000 people, almost all civilians, died either at the time or shortly thereafter.

Saddam killed traitors and saboteurs
All of them traitors and nuts?
Any data?

How many Iraqis and how many Afghans were killed by Bush and his followers ?. How many refugees in Iran, Syria, Pakistan and elsewhere ?.
How come BUSH and his gang were not hang by a court of law ?.
Oops....the laws apply only for the weak now.
Bush killed millions of lives in both Iraq and Afghanistan .
The ones killed by Saddam were CIA operatives, saboteurs, thieves.....and even some queers who work for MOSSAD .
How many Iraqis and how many Afghans were killed by Bush and his followers ?. How many refugees in Iran, Syria, Pakistan and elsewhere ?.
Well surely that's up to you to post the statistics/ links, isn't it.
Since you're the one claiming that Saddam Hussein has killed (or caused the deaths of) lower numbers.
But I note re your comment on "no nation is secular" that you have difficulties with reality.

The ones killed by Saddam were CIA operatives, saboteurs, thieves
Oh I forgot, you don't do that.
Uninformed opinion is good enough for you.

and even some queers who work for MOSSAD .
Or are you simply being an ignorant bigot?
Well surely that's up to you to post the statistics/ links, isn't it.
Since you're the one claiming that Saddam Hussein has killed (or caused the deaths of) lower numbers.
But I note re your comment on "no nation is secular" that you have difficulties with reality.

Oh I forgot, you don't do that.
Uninformed opinion is good enough for you.

Or are you simply being an ignorant bigot?

Watch your words .
If you can not debate do not call people names .
What do you know in politics ?.
Zero is your score and that is too much .
Go and enjoy the propaganda .
Congratulations !.
Bush killed millions and he is alive and happy .
Saddam killed few Iraqis and he is dead by the hands of those who killed millions of Iraqis .
He killed a lot of Iraquis and he used chemical weapons against Kurdish Iraquis. When he did the Bush and Reagan, who were his allies, downplayed what he did. Bush and Reagan, and many of the same people in Bush 2's administration, supported SH in many ways. If SH was a good person why did he work with Reagan and Bush? Why were they so pleased with him?

Saddam killed traitors and saboteurs like the US nut Timothy Mckveigh.
No, sorry. He killed ordinary people who expressed the wrong opinion. People were afraid of him and his agents.

Saddam taught his people to defend their nation and yes they did with a tremendous courage and bravery .
They were brave, he was a coward who sent them to die against an overwhelmingly more powerful set of enemies and when they died, as anyone could have expected, he ran and hid in a hole.

The coward Donald Rumesfeld was saying on TV that his troops would be welcome with flowers and music .
Rumsfeld is a criminal. He was also a criminal when he was buddies with SH, but SH didn't care about that then. Rumsfeld evilly covered up SH's chemical warfare as much as he could.

Look how many Americans dead and terribly injured on the hands of the Iraqis !. where is the music and where are the flowers Mr Nuts ?!!!.
Again, you can hate American middle east policy without painting SH as some kind of hero. The guy idealized Hitler, another leader who killed and tortured his own people.
If you are a president and people start killing others and working for foreign intelligence services what are you supposed to do ?. You have to bring law and order to the nation and that is excatly what the president of Iraq did . His name was and still is : the great Saddam Hussein .
Look how Iraq was when Saddam was in power and look how is Iraq today ??/!!!.
If you are a president and people start killing others and working for foreign intelligence services what are you supposed to do ?. You have to bring law and order to the nation and that is excatly what the president of Iraq did . His name was and still is : the great Saddam Hussein .
Look how Iraq was when Saddam was in power and look how is Iraq today ??/!!!.
I'm sorry. The people who believe that Bush is great are deluded by propaganda. The people who believe that SH was great are deluded by propaganda. I think it is very sad when people believe in these dictators. I have nothing more to say to you on the subject.
Iraq under Saddam was living in peace and prosperity . Iraq under Bush and Obama living in hell on earth . I believe in the books or laws, rules, regulations and order . Saddam had all these elements in his society and when he was toppled none of these elements stood . Besides that colonialism is wrong in any inch of this planet including in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Palestine....yes Palestine.....etc .
As far as this non sense about secular society I know no secular society on earth since the majority always rules . The US is Christian nation because they have Christian holidays, they get their laws in one form or another from Christianity and of course their politicians are still carrying out Christian crusades whereas the army have huge crosses......etc.
Christmas trees and Santa parades have nothing to do with Christianity.

Besides, Santa was an atheist. :)

He was?

If you are a president and people start killing others and working for foreign intelligence services what are you supposed to do ?. You have to bring law and order to the nation and that is excatly what the president of Iraq did . His name was and still is : the great Saddam Hussein .
Look how Iraq was when Saddam was in power and look how is Iraq today ??/!!!.

Saddam and his sons used to electrocute Iraqi soccer stars in the nuts when they didn't perform up to expectations. What the heck does that kind of psychopathic behaviour have to do with keeping law and order? Your bias absolutely reeks here.
Saddam and his sons used to electrocute Iraqi soccer stars in the nuts when they didn't perform up to expectations. What the heck does that kind of psychopathic behaviour have to do with keeping law and order? Your bias absolutely reeks here.
He is better than Bush and Obama for sure . Look how many innocent people are being killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia under the bloody hands of Bush and Obama !!. Wake up . Under Saddam Iraq was a little heaven and under Bush and Obama Iraq is just hell on earth . Following the pushes and the instigation of the Zionists, the neo cons and Israel are pure destruction to humanity . No wonder Adolf Hitler fought against small groups trying to control the nation policy by deception and lies . Enjoy the propaganda and turn to a little robot with no brain . The truth hurts but it is there to see .
Justifying the actions of Adolf Hitler, the world's most indisputed war criminal? Definitely going to report this post. You justify Saddam using torture and can't see the obvious insanity in this approach. Just absolutely ludicrous, I'd say more on it but I'd rather have the mods take a look at your nonsense first.
Wake up . Under Saddam Iraq was a little heaven

The truth hurts but it is there to see .

Saddam's rise to power:

"Relationships with fellow party members were carefully cultivated, and Saddam soon accumulated a powerful circle of support within the party.

Saddam acted to secure his grip on power. He forced the ailing al-Bakr to resign on 16 July 1979, and formally assumed the presidency.

Saddam claimed to have found a fifth column within the Ba'ath Party and directed Muhyi Abdel-Hussein to read out a confession and the names of 68 alleged co-conspirators.

The 68 people arrested at the meeting were subsequently tried together and found guilty of treason. 22 were sentenced to execution. Other high-ranking members of the party formed the firing squad. By 1 August 1979, hundreds of high-ranking Ba'ath party members had been executed."

Saddam's Ideals:

"Saddam also created a Western-style legal system, making Iraq the only country in the Persian Gulf region not ruled according to traditional Islamic law (Sharia). Saddam abolished the Sharia courts."

Saddam's Politics:

"Domestic conflict impeded Saddam's modernizing projects. Iraqi society is divided along lines of language, religion and ethnicity"

Saddam's Fears:

"In 1979 Iran's Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was overthrown by the Islamic Revolution, thus giving way to an Islamic republic led by the Ayatollah Khomeini. The influence of revolutionary Shi'ite Islam grew apace in the region, particularly in countries with large Shi'ite populations, especially Iraq. Saddam feared that radical Islamic ideas—hostile to his secular rule—were rapidly spreading inside his country among the majority Shi'ite population."

Saddam's Solutions:

"Saddam sought to combine pan-Arabism and Iraqi nationalism, by promoting the vision of an Arab world united and led by Iraq.

As a sign of his consolidation of power, Saddam's personality cult pervaded Iraqi society. Thousands of portraits, posters, statues and murals were erected in his honor all over Iraq.

Sometimes he would also be portrayed as a devout Muslim, wearing full headdress and robe, praying toward Mecca... but also appeared in Western suits..."

Saddam's War:

"Iraq was also stuck with a war debt of roughly $75 billion[citation needed]. Borrowing money from the U.S. was making Iraq dependent on outside loans, embarrassing a leader who had sought to define Arab nationalism."

Saddam's Embarrasment:

"Saddam also borrowed a tremendous amount of money from other Arab states during the 1980s to fight Iran, mainly to prevent the expansion of Shiite radicalism. However, this had proven to completely backfire both on Iraq and on the part of the Arab states, for Khomeini was praised as a hero for managing to defend Iran and maintain the war with little foreign support against the heavily backed Iraq, and only managed to boost Islamic radicalism in the Arab states."

The Gulf War:

"On 2 August 1990, Saddam invaded and annexed Kuwait, thus sparking an international crisis.

Iraq's ethnic and religious divisions, together with the brutality of the conflict that this had engendered, laid the groundwork for postwar rebellions. In the aftermath of the fighting, social and ethnic unrest among Shi'ite Muslims, Kurds, and dissident military units threatened the stability of Saddam's government. Uprisings erupted in the Kurdish north and Shi'a southern and central parts of Iraq, but were ruthlessly repressed.

The United States, which had urged Iraqis to rise up against Saddam, did nothing to assist the rebellions."

The U.S. continued to view Saddam as a bellicose tyrant who was a threat to the stability of the region. Saddam, meanwhile, was embittered by the aftermath of the Gulf War, which he viewed as a betrayal by a nation that once considered him an indispensable ally"

Saddam's Flip Flop:

"Saddam increasingly portrayed himself as a devout Muslim, in an effort to co-opt the conservative religious segments of society. Some elements of Sharia law were re-introduced, and the ritual phrase "Allahu Akbar" ("God is great"), in Saddam's handwriting, was added to the national flag."

Saddam's Last Words:

"Here, I offer my soul to God as a sacrifice, and if He wants, He will send it to heaven with the martyrs, or, He will postpone that ... so let us be patient and depend on Him against the unjust nations.

God is Great ... God is great ... Long live our nation ... Long live our great struggling people ... Long live Iraq, long live Iraq ... Long live Palestine ... Long live jihad and the mujahedeen"
Justifying the actions of Adolf Hitler, the world's most indisputed war criminal? Definitely going to report this post. You justify Saddam using torture and can't see the obvious insanity in this approach. Just absolutely ludicrous, I'd say more on it but I'd rather have the mods take a look at your nonsense first.
Hitler is better than both Bush and Obama who are controlled by the neo cons . Hitler was a gentlemen enough not to be controlled by such butt heads .

Also both Hitler and Saddam are better than Bush, Obama and Sharron .
Wake up .
If Hitler won the war then Palestine, Iraq, Afghanista would not have been colonies in 2009 .
What is Islamic Extremism?

I was looking at a Newsweek article and it started out like this: Capitalism is the key to fighting Muslim extremists. The biggest punch to "Islamic Extremism" comes from a growing Muslim middle class.

So? What exactly is "Islamic Extremism"?

What is excatly Jewish extremism ?.
What is excatly Christian extremism ?.
What is exactly Buddhist extremism ?.
What is exactly atheism extremism ?.
What is excatly Hindu extremism ?.
All extremists are the same : the same agenda for power and manipulation .
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