Islam is the true religion

c7ityi_ said:
islam is the false religion.

All lies contain truth and all truth contains lies. There is not a "false" religion just as there is not a "true" religion. The truth cannot be taught, or it wouldn't be the truth.
LOOK... i am not one who is putting islam down, or calling it moon god stuff or saying it is evil.

i read the koran, and i see it for what it is... the inspired words of mohammed.
and the only reason we are having a problem in this world with extremists, is because of the same reason we have problems with christian fanatics...

they interpret scripture in such a way as to allow them too ignore specifics and focus on other fundamentals.. literally.. being fundamentalists.

in the koran, we see.. the first half is alll peace and love and brotherhood amoungst those who are godly and good people... they are our brothers..
so long as they see us, as muslims as the same.. good and godly and peace loving people.

however... in the second half mohammed writes along the lines of the mindset of fighting.. literally pagan atheistic evil... which existed in his world in abundance, specifically in mecca.

inspired by this evil, mostly agaisnt women, mohammed wrote on the concepts of war, and battleing evil.. and those who promote it.
and in this way, we can clearly understand a distinction between those who are evill and atheistic in their ways.. and those who are religious and godly in their own way regardless of their faith.

the mistake comes, when the muulahs think its ok to focus on the second half and ignore the first half.

in this way.. all jews and christians become the enemy.. in this way, their political motives of prejudice extremism is promoted by the religion itself.

when it is not...

it does promote doing battle with those who are evil, of which many a claim can be made about govt and corp's and groups which perform evil, but the open extermination of people based on their faith in GOD is not supported in the KORAN.

it is a fine line.. but it is a line that limits the targets to the wealthy and powerful and those in gov't...
and since those who are wealthy and in gov't dont want that... they have literally promoted the extremists view... of hating all jews and christians who are not muslim..
and in this way, they have flurished and consolidated their power.. and continue to do so.

but it will only last a short time.

if i can read it.. so can others.

i would go and lead the muslims to clarity, but i do not speak arabic, and they will not repect me as such.
Finsnuffle said:
All lies contain truth and all truth contains lies. There is not a "false" religion just as there is not a "true" religion. The truth cannot be taught, or it wouldn't be the truth.
i know.

as I get it, you have to be religious. Those who aren't are automatically "enemies" of Islam?

It feels like Islam is not promoting freedom for people - they can't decide a lot themselves. Also it's a very strong religion, that effects the people a lot.. Is that good or bad?

There's lots of similarites between christians and muslims, but I feel that christians doesn't use violence as much - BUT since I live in a former christian country (nowadays more I-don't-believe country), maybe I just don't get to hear about the christian extermists.
Victor E said:

as I get it, you have to be religious. Those who aren't are automatically "enemies" of Islam?

It feels like Islam is not promoting freedom for people - they can't decide a lot themselves. Also it's a very strong religion, that effects the people a lot.. Is that good or bad?

There's lots of similarites between christians and muslims, but I feel that christians doesn't use violence as much - BUT since I live in a former christian country (nowadays more I-don't-believe country), maybe I just don't get to hear about the christian extermists.

i would say the un-religious... atheists.. are the enemies of GOD.

Assuming God wants us to believe....

then atheists... in pushing dis-belief are directly Opossing GOD.

ALSO... in mohammeds day... men were evil.. in mecca.... pagan.
with no sense of morals.. and who bought and sold women as cattle.

mohammed, saw this... abundance of great evil.. and he rasied an army and brought morality to people who had none...

a good thing.

as to whether it is good or bad for people.... it is always good.
and only goes bad... when one makes bad interpretations...

just as christians do....

and i would remind you of... the dark ages in europe... the burning of witches in the americas.... the crusades.... and the fact that when the white man came to the americas... in one hand he held a bible.. that taught of love and compassion, and sharing..
but in the other hand, he held a sword,, for killing, ,raping and stealing.

in our modern world today... we see the muslims doing the same thing...

but it is not mohammeds fault.. just as it was not JESUS'S fault..
just as it is not MOSES'S fault...

the fault... has to do with the fact that the muulahs, just like the preachers..... are greedy selfish fucking bastards.
who care more about their position and personnal future and wellbeing than they do about actually doing as they preach other to do.

its hypocracy... and it knows no bounds.

HUMAN BEING are... most of the time... stupid and evil.
and if it were not for the other times, when they are smart and good, i would ask the lord for our peoples destruction.

luckily for me... and you... its not to late.
