Islam is the true religion

Islam, like christianity, judeism, hinduism, etc., is just a set of cults designed to con as many people as possible into putting their blind trust into an idea of one or more made up gods.

There is no physical evidence to suggest that your god exists any more than there is that the christian gods or hindu gods exists.

So don't bore us with that "the true religion" bullshit.
SkinWalker said:
Islam, like christianity, judeism, hinduism, etc., is just a set of cults designed to con as many people as possible into putting their blind trust into an idea of one or more made up gods.

There is no physical evidence to suggest that your god exists any more than there is that the christian gods or hindu gods exists.

So don't bore us with that "the true religion" bullshit.

I think you will find skinwalker that quranreader is a man after your own heart.
Except he is racist as he targetting Islam specifically, and not all religions as do you here :)

quranreader said:
I am a new convert to Islam. I converted because as a Christian or Scientologist, I was never allowed to have more than one wife. But now I am allowed to have four!!!

And not only that, the Quran gives me permission to fuck goats (but only if I sell the goat in another town!!) I am thinking of bringing my used goats from New York to New Jersey to sell them. Interested anyone?

Allah whoakbar,
Ahh. I've been had. But then so have you, since before you edited it, your post read, "What skinwalker means Quranreader is : "Welcome to sciforums." "


But you are right, I'm not prejudiced. I hold all religions in equal contempt.
SkinWalker said:
Ahh. I've been had. But then so have you, since before you edited it, your post read, "What skinwalker means Quranreader is : "Welcome to sciforums." "


But you are right, I'm not prejudiced. I hold all religions in equal contempt.

Indeed I was, but I smelled a rat so I went looking for it! :cool:
Quranreader is a scum bucket troll and I hope he is banned.

Please also note, a mere five minutes between your post and mine and my post edited before it registered as 'edited' meaning I smelled my rat after posting, found it with phenomenal speed and was able to edit my post (complete with quotes) before it even registered as edited, how fantastically fabulous am I?
We would never have known if not for the modern miracle of "email notification." I sometimes get email notifications of posts that the poster has gone back and deleted!

Which makes it all the more fun to quote and take a jab at since they usually delete it because a glaring hole in their argument is realized. :)

I've also considered the possibility of using the lag time between email notification and edit time (without having to incurr the "editted by..." note at the bottom of the post) to send an insult to someone you are debating with, but haven't had the opportunity to try it out yet.
SkinWalker said:
I've also considered the possibility of using the lag time between email notification and edit time (without having to incurr the "editted by..." note at the bottom of the post) to send an insult to someone you are debating with, but haven't had the opportunity to try it out yet.

lol, I've done that, not deliberately though! I just thought better of it after I'd posted it! lol
ilam s a form of patriarchial oppression the desin to esnlave woemn and sacar pople about the arth. nture, FEEL it?

read the mushroom tree, to see for truth.

or your BLINB!
hey, who has been using my account to make posts in my name?
i have a question.

'does mohammed contradict himself'?

if not... then all the lines written in the second half of the KORAN, which says to kill the infidels... is not.. referring to other religions..

but only.. specifically to evil, ungodly people, atheists...

since the first half of the KORAN, speaks of jews and christians AS brothers and good godly people... so long as they are good and godly people.

in this way we see that the many islamic leaders have made the same mistake the christians do...

they use scripture in one part of the book, to contradict scripture in another.

and you cant do that.

or do you believe otherwise?

no that would not be proof not in this forum, we at leat need to examine his erection, if you can show us his erection then we may consider that as proof.
quranreader for your benefit I will pass on these notes by Chuck Missler. Unfortunately Islam is a pagan idol/demon worshiping religion, I hope you understand this before it is too late.
Notes and References on Islam
by Chuck Missler
(accompanying the briefing package "The Sword of Allah: The Rise of Islam")*

long cut-and-paste from another site deleted by moderator. In future, please provide a link.
Last edited by a moderator:
Was you guys forced to scare the guy away? Damn unneccesary, I have some good, serious, questions, but it seems he left the forum now.