Islam is Not the Source of Terrorism, But its Solution

Originally posted by archangel
really-- the solution to all our problems, yeah right

The Quran is in complete agreement with the bible and Torah in putting the unbelievers in hell. Check the bible.

And who is to judge a believer and unbeliever except god. Did we forget the hypocrites who say they believe but are lying to themselves.
Now, check the Quran on hypocrites.

A hypocrite is one that says something that they don't mean. They are the opposite of standard and are meant to confuse humans, but they don't confuse god. In the eyes of god, the hypocrites have the lowest place in hell. That means that all those that say that they are muslims may be potentially hypocrites and will be condemn to fire although they always said and even acted muslim. So there is no real way to have an Ummah or a muslim nation, because there is no way for humans to detect the hypocrites who are many. Those that say that they don't believe are not hypocrites for at least they didn't lie to themselves. So here you go, god will be the one playing the last trick on all of us and noone known who is going to hell or heaven.

[4.145] Surely the hypocrites are in the lowest stage of the fire and you shall not find a helper for them.
Wow ....... that was like 3 months ago


slay the idolators

I think you ought to look supposed current "idolization" as well as idolization in Qu'ranic context .

so this is where the solution lies, does it? well i sure think there are gonna be a lot more problems than solutions from this this came from...................................

That depends on how it is implemented

Im sure you have the great alternative ....... surrender and bear your fate ? I dont think so

But what really amazes me is your quotation of Qu'ran : why ?


For alienating people's mind into hate and war while the real muslims starve, go uneducated, ect.

I understand your pacifist premis , however when you are doging bullits there is little time to consider education .

He's feeding on human misery and because he is miserable he likes the company of misery. UBL won't exit in a healthy environment, he's food for the demons and devil, and god has made a special place in hell for his likes, those that use the name of god to corrupt the earth....his spot is so low in hell, that his poor self won't even have time to cool back before it's burned.

UBL wont exist in a healthy environment because healthy environment dont exist . This is reality .

And please ........ stop this demons and devils and afterlife talk Flores , tell me how does he corrupt the world anymore than any other military on any side in any given period of time ?

No he does the same likeeveryone else : killing peoples . Again from a pacifist premis this is wrong regardless of who what where etc . However if we take UBL's position in this global society and put it aside of all his other military actual and historical colleaugues , and divide the groups into fighting for the opressed and fighting for the oppressor , it is evident what side UBL is on .

a muslim woman that doesn't want to wear a hijab, likes to be equated to men in all areas, and don't want to be told to mimic ancient arabia desert living styles in the name of being a muslim...what the hell can UBL do for me????

Perhaps you cant imagine it dear sis , but the world isnt made to please you others are in much more need than you are . What can UBL do for you ? Does UBL need to do something for you in order to be hope for millions of others ?

A biot of altruism is toomuch to ask yes ?

For a start, does UBL have any understanding of engineering, medecine, economics, education, ect.......

Who cares ?

Or do I have to join the ignorance of pre-Islam and denounce science and understanding to belong to his ancient arabia cult

Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
Perhaps you cant imagine it dear sis , but the world isnt made to please you others are in much more need than you are . What can UBL do for you ? Does UBL need to do something for you in order to be hope for millions of others ?

No I can't imagine it and please don't call me sister, because I have no brothers and just one sister. And I really take relations seriously, a brother is a brother, a sister is a siter, an aunt is an aunt, a husband is a husband, and a friend is a friend. Now you go mixing up relations, but don't confuse me in your saucy head for a sister, because I aint one in your wildest dreams.

Second, I never heard of Prophet Muhammed, Jesus, or Moses telling perfectly good people that believe in god that they are not important for the hope of millions. That bunch of balony that UBL speak and recite like a monkey is only good with lettuce and tomatoes, it doesn't work beyond the you get it Ghassan Kanafani?

Funny that UBL of yours...He can't do anything for me, but you say, "but the world isnt made to please you others are in much more need than you"...what a joke??, so the world must be made to please the others on my expense and Mr. UBL is in the business of pleasing others, or perhaps he is even determined to hurt me to please the others, but wait, he will help millions? He is a great man? Wow, We could save Mr. Laden a step, and just cut our own head off and ship it Fedex and consider ourselves martyrs for saving millions and no need for UBL??...but wait, Mr. Laden is a hero, he is not about to sacrifice his own popularity and work this behind the scenes for the good of others.

Precisely Ghassan, UBL can't do nothing for me, or anyone else, he's a hypocrite, and actually he undermines everything that I and many stand for. He is scum of the earth "GAHELY", dirty looking shovenist pig, raleying on the weak and feeding on misery and using the word of god to corrupt the earth. You go follow him, and I'll watch you from a distance through CNN, except that I don't have that much time for TV, so excuse me for not keeping up with your shallow scum Jihad. For all I'm concerned, he is my biggest enemy. I hate his guts with passion. I'm not that dumb to sacrifice myself to serve his evil plans, but I see myself doing anaything including jeopedizing my life to rid the world of his likes.

Are we clear my dear? Or are you still seeing me as clear as mud?
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No I can't imagine it

Thats sad

And I really take relations seriously, a brother is a brother, a sister is a siter, an aunt is an aunt, a husband is a husband, and a friend is a friend.

So whats next ur gonna cry ? boohoohoohoo ?

Sheehs , I wouldnt expect for someone who has such instable semantics to be so stuck up on this choice of words , sis .

Well in that case I never called you sister now have I ? Maybe sis stands for sissy :rolleyes:

Please this is pretty pathetic shit dont you think ?

Have you ever considered that I really would not give a shit about how you like to be called sis ?

Second, I never heard of Prophet Muhammed, Jesus, or Moses telling perfectly good people that believe in god that they are not important for the hope of millions. That bunch of balony that UBL speak and recite like a monkey is only good with lettuce and tomatoes, it doesn't work beyond the you get it Ghassan Kanafani?

So if they dont say it , it isnt true ? Is that your argument sis ?

The thing is I dont see any mayonaise . Where's the mayonaise ?

Who cares about the mayonaise when its not in question ? Do you always ask for cement when you're tearing down a wall ? Get it sis ?

Funny that UBL of yours...He can't do anything for me, but you say, "but the world isnt made to please you others are in much more need than you"...what a joke??, so the world must be made to please the others on my expense and Mr. UBL is in the business of pleasing others, or perhaps he is even determined to hurt me to please the others, but wait, he will help millions? He is a great man?

I dont see how it needs to be at your expense , but if you would take a look around from your succesfull position you always like to brag about and consider the positions of other worldwide , and follow the money trail ......... you might conclude that others suffer at your expenses . So unless "your expense" means your (national) environment that has come into being over the backs of others , you have little to do with it .

Look what you cant seem to understand is that all you matter to is your direct surroundings . In a global perspective , in relation to the total sum of lives , your life means absolutely shit .

Or are you claiming that your life is more valuable to that of another human being by default because you happen to live in a society that holds more value for your life at expense of another ?

Wow, We could save Mr. Laden a step, and just cut our own head off and ship it Fedex and consider ourselves martyrs for saving millions and no need for UBL??...

Is there even a meaning in this ? This makes no sense whatsoever .

but wait, Mr. Laden is a hero, he is not about to sacrifice his own popularity and work this behind the scenes for the good of others.

The world aint Disneyland missy , his personal this and that is completely irellevant to his struggle for others , nobody would have any heroic idea of his person if he would sit at home and do nothing but be good all day long now would they ? Its the position he is in and the political actions he performs , the peoples he stands up for , that make him a hero .

He himself might be the biggest peace of shit , it has no relevance to the issue unless your stuck with some romanticized unrealistic understanding of what a hero is .

And even on those points he would score alot better than say Bush or Sharon .

Precisely Ghassan, UBL can't do nothing for me, or anyone else,

Lets keep it at him not being able to do anything for you , ok ? Leave "anyone else" out of it please most Arabs dont live the life you live ok ?

he's a hypocrite

He could be red and have hornes for all I care

Whats the point ? Does it change his actions and his position ?

and actually he undermines everything that I and many stand for.

And those would be the West ? Thats good , thats the position Im talking about .

You go follow him, and I'll watch you from a distance through CNN

How would you whatch me through CNN ? What you mean go follow him , like go to Pakistan ?


I hate his guts with passion

Its very sad to hate tv-images like that

but I see myself doing anaything including jeopedizing my life to rid the world of his likes

Very sad coming from a mother .

Are we clear my dear?


Or are you still seeing me as clear as mud?

It has always been very clear
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
Look what you cant seem to understand is that all you matter to is your direct surroundings . In a global perspective , in relation to the total sum of lives , your life means absolutely shit .

I didn't feel any need to answer your post above, we seems to be setteled and in agreement that we disagree, but this quote in specific is very disturbing and is the root cause of your troubles.

You say that my life means absolutely shit. Lets examine your shitty position for a second. I agree with you that my life means shit to you and that's correct, but it means the whole world to me. And if my life doesn't mean shit and if you believe in equal rights for all, then we are all have equally shitty lives, and if the globe is made of little insignifact shitty lives, then we must be living on this massive body of shit. You see....for the whole to be great, every little part have to be good, and the bad parts in the whole have no bearing on the good parts. You and the school of UBL looks at life from a deadly diluted prespective. I worry about the likes of you when I hear things like, "we view ourselves from a global prespective". You guys think yourselves prophets....sersiously you do....and that's sad as hell. You are playing god and disecting this earth as your whim and handing out justice as if you have any of it. Of course I know that you are just babelling around and don't even understand what you are talking about, but still... How can you examine yourself closely, while you deny yourself a closer more individual look at your life. How can you help yourself and your family while you are distracted and overburdened by a globe of problems that is beyond your reach.

God didn't create us as concrete mass, he created us as light individual gems that can act on it's free will and are born with a self burden that must be taken care of, we are created as males and females to get to know each other and do right for ourselves first before we can deal with others, and when we return to god, we return solo to give solo accounts.

Osama Bin Laden is a victim of human ignorance and ultimate laziness. It's easy to be distracted from one's own self and deal with others in the name of helping. He thinks he is a prophet with powers to move the universe, while he have no power to enlighten and improve his ownself. All he have to remember is that Prophet Muhammed couldn't have done anything, if it wasn't for god command to choose him and literally break his chest to extract all the self loads that weighed him down as an individual. God removed the prophet own load to allow the prophet to deliver to others. That's the difference between a regular human and a prophet. A prophet doesn't act for himself, but we all act and are accountable for ourselves.

[94.1] Have We not expanded for you your breast,
[94.2] And taken off from you your burden,
[94.3] Which pressed heavily upon your back,
[94.4] And exalted for you your esteem?
[94.5] Surely with difficulty is ease.
[94.6] With difficulty is surely ease.
[94.7] So when you are free, nominate.
[94.8] And make your Lord your exclusive object.

Ghassan, humans are created with their own esteem and self to handle. Prophet Muhammed before he was chosen to be a prophpet was just like us dealing with his own trouble and never daring to kill anybody in the name of a larger cause than him. Dealing with oneself is a huge burden in it's own. God doesn't relief that burden except for prophets, because they are sent not for themselves but for others. UBL is not a prophet, he should not escape the back breaking burden of dealing with the self for the easy route of fake playing prophet. UBL have no excuse, you have no excuse, noone have an excuse for ignoring themselves or highly diluting themselves by viewing themselves from a global prospective.

PS. Thank you for demonstrating my point and using the word sis with ultimate disrespect and in vain when addressing me. I'm so glad that I was able to show you how unmeant and unsincere are words like that when used incorrectly. Don't be fooled to think that those people you meet in the mosque or on the internet are actually brothers. They are not....You are just pacified to think they are and that's is clouding your judgement.
I didn't feel any need to answer your post above, we seems to be setteled and in agreement that we disagree, but this quote in specific is very disturbing and is the root cause of your troubles.

Dont you think it is a little bit sad to dismiss a post no need to reply on yet make an exception and reply regardless ?

You say that my life means absolutely shit. Lets examine your shitty position for a second. I agree with you that my life means shit to you and that's correct, but it means the whole world to me. And if my life doesn't mean shit and if you believe in equal rights for all, then we are all have equally shitty lives, and if the globe is made of little insignifact shitty lives, then we must be living on this massive body of shit.

You see....for the whole to be great, every little part have to be good, and the bad parts in the whole have no bearing on the good parts.

These pseudo-math rhetorics are beyond pathetic have you ever even heard of relativity or not ?

You do not only mean shit to me , you mean far less shit even to the entire world as a whole since that consists of 6 Billion peoples not just you and your friends . Or are you saying that somehow your value is to be regarded more than that of any other person ?

You and the school of UBL looks at life from a deadly diluted prespective. I worry about the likes of you when I hear things like, "we view ourselves from a global prespective". You guys think yourselves prophets....sersiously you do....and that's sad as hell. You are playing god and disecting this earth as your whim and handing out justice as if you have any of it.

Since when is my look at life comparable to that of UBL ? UBL works from his own perspective not from mine , that our results in political positions are close in some instances , in compare to that of other political figures , does not mean that I am a follower of UBL or hold the same perspective of life as he does .

Im probably more "liberal" than you are who whines about how gays are evil and how jews and christians blablablablabalablaba

I am playing God ? Im sorry miss "I vote Democrat every 4 years" , but you with your democratic practices from your imperial power position have played God over this planet more than even could have if I would have practiced maxium power within my possibilities .

Just because you have some puppet ape that oohs and aahs in speeches in your representation does not make you any less responsible for the actions committed with YOUR democratic power with YOUR economic position .

Of course I know that you are just babelling around and don't even understand what you are talking about, but still...

Little miss religious trauma speaks of understanding

Please ........

How can you examine yourself closely, while you deny yourself a closer more individual look at your life.

Not applying it on a global political level means denying it to yourself in your logic ?

How can you help yourself and your family while you are distracted and overburdened by a globe of problems that is beyond your reach.

Perhaps my family is in a location where the problems of this globe become very evident . But I think you and I come from very different places .

Regardles of that , how can I not ? How does helping close ones regardless of their location , disturb pushing toward a political global shift ?

he created us as light individual gems that can act on it's free will and are born with a self burden that must be taken care of, we are created as males and females to get to know each other and do right for ourselves first before we can deal with others, and when we return to god, we return solo to give solo accounts.

And you are happy with their results ? No you dont care about their results because their results dont affect your personal little world because you have been lucky enough to come out on top rather than on bottom .

You are a very selfish person and you dont even know about it , even worse you use your religion to defend your selfishness ? Sad

Osama Bin Laden is a victim of human ignorance and ultimate laziness.

Lazy ? He leads political movements and he has fought wars himself , you go and VOTE or PAY TAX ...... who you're claling lazy ?

All he have to remember is that Prophet Muhammed couldn't have done anything, if it wasn't for god command to choose him and literally break his chest to extract all the self loads that weighed him down as an individual. God removed the prophet own load to allow the prophet to deliver to others. That's the difference between a regular human and a prophet.

Fine , but why then is there governing ? You cna sell me this tale in anarchy , but there is not . There is order and rule of the strongest , Im sorry but thats a difference between a human and a demon .

Saying nothing can be done but in the meanwhile doing absolutely everything ...

A prophet doesn't act for himself, but we all act and are accountable for ourselves.

Fine but that implies anarchy , there is not such peoples do act for others and they do it from the EGOIST perspective that you are propagating . That is the entire problem of your thinking , you cannot go passed yourself . Fine , but when you cannot go passed yourself do not interfere with others , not directly nor indirectly through massive globalized structures of economy and politics , instead of acting like nothing is going on and you arent part of anything .

Prophet Muhammed before he was chosen to be a prophpet was just like us dealing with his own trouble and never daring to kill anybody in the name of a larger cause than him.

Then deal with your own problems leave globalized society where YOUR money and YOUR power enforces death and destructions upon peoples .

Just because you dont pull the trigger doesnt mean you arent part of the problem .

So before you bullshit me about how only Muhammad could do for greater good because he was a Prophet and no one can do it after him , then STOP DOING IT .

UBL is not a prophet, he should not escape the back breaking burden of dealing with the self for the easy route of fake playing prophet. UBL have no excuse, you have no excuse, noone have an excuse for ignoring themselves or highly diluting themselves by viewing themselves from a global prospective.

Please just because you cannot see beyond yourself doesnt mean that I cannot see within myself , and this shit coming from you is beyond pathetic , you know very well your place when it comes to self-awareness and consciousness .

Thank you for demonstrating my point and using the word sis with ultimate disrespect and in vain when addressing me.

I havent used it in direspect nor vain :rolleyes:

I'm so glad that I was able to show you how unmeant and unsincere are words like that when used incorrectly.

I haven seen unsincerity in random taken words coming from you than such a "special" word like sis and my usage of it .

Don't be fooled to think that those people you meet in the mosque or on the internet are actually brothers.

You continue to be fooled by your own illusions of me

Sad ........ once again

They are not....You are just pacified to think they are and that's is clouding your judgement.

So after we assumed existance of some peoples you imagine , you tell me what my relationship should be regarding brotherhood .

Well thank you very much for your advice .

It is highly appreciated for its value
