Islam is Not the Source of Terrorism, But its Solution



During the last two decades in particular, the concept of "Islamic terror" has been often discussed. In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks on targets in New York and Washington which caused the death of thousands of innocent civilians, this concept has once again returned to the top of the international agenda.

As Muslims, we completely condemn these attacks and offer our condolences to the American people
..., the main disagreement is not between the West and Islam. Contrary to the general opinion, it is between the religios people of the West and of the Muslim world on the one hand, and the people opposing religion (like materialists and atheists.) on the other. [ibid]
Kill the infidels? :confused:

In history, some ignorant people (for instance, Crusaders) failed to understand this fact and caused conflicts between these two great religions. To prevent the repetition of this scenario, true Christians and Muslims need to come together and co-operate. [ibid]
But, apparently, not the Jews. :(


Speaking of ignorant people, what is your view on dhimmitude.
Any human being with more than 2 brain cells can realize that Islam itself isn't at fault for's thoise certain douche bag followers that use it as a vehcile for their own hate agendas. Oh well i guess they will get their 72 virgins when they go to heaven...oh wait..that's not even in Islam was made up ...hehehe they are screwed.;)
As Muslims, we completely condemn these attacks and offer our condolences to the American people.


Sure you do.... :rolleyes:

Your were videotaped all over the world "DANCING IN THE STREETS"

How stupid do you think the American people are.
How stupid are you, mister "proud syrian".

Do you see our armies at your doorstep, and think we're coming to tell you you've won the lottery.....:D

You just keep telling everyone how you comdemn the very things you do and don't teach your children the very hatred you teach them.

We believe you, .....keep telling yourself that.;)
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Your were videotaped all over the world "DANCING IN THE STREETS"
It was determined that the video of this was actually from an earlier event.
It was determined that the video of this was actually from an earlier event.
Oh really, by whom...?
They were cheering in the streets in every major Muslim city in the world and even in some cities that aren't.
Paris, London....They were intervued saying (on Tape) that America had "asked for it by thier preferential treatment of the Jews"
Don't be absurd Persol, you are better than this.
I know your an antagonist but don't contradict the obvoius.
Wheres the fun in that...?
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Oh really, by whom...?
The fact that they showed the video almost immediately after the event, and the video was taken in the daylight. It was dark in the middle east. The channel that showed the video (CNN I think) later apologized.
I know your an antagonist
You do realize that you accused Proud Syrian of teaching his kids hate, right?
holy crap dude (in reply to the visitor), no-one deserves to be smited by any army, and america would be more at fault for killing or invading islamic country's than you are in assuming all of islam hates america and was glad to see september 11 happen (why are you even boasting about "your" army being at their boarders?). i haven't seen any smoking gun that america said iraq had, and the handling of the situation afterwards has been pretty dismal. people have done bad things in the name of america and they weren't accepted by the american people- why do you think it's any different for the middle-east?
All I wanna say is : Syrian : stop putting matters as you see them fit your own advantage , u know as well as I do what the position of the Ummah is on the matters .

Muslims should stop making excuses for acts they do not commit .

Its not maintaining the current situation that we are after , we want justice and equality .

So please , if u are true to your people :
STOP SUCKING IMPERIALIST DICK in the name of the muslims .
That is exactly what the regimes have done all these years , and it needs to stop .


get over it

UBL='hero' yeah right..

any fool knows that ubl's dream is a pure islamic nation....he got it in afghanistan and boy what a nation that is.......

let me ask u one thing---islam forbids drinking alcohol and having sex.....why is it then that most moslems including ubl takes scores of wives and fathers football teams of children,at the same time moslem nations cultivate hectares of opium fields with absolute disregard to the teachings ...of the religion.

it is said in the koran that Paradise welcomes a hero with 'rivers of wine and honey,with the services of seventy two virgins at their come Shariat law breaks down in heaven???????????

negatively skewed is all i have to say..........


any fool knows that ubl's dream is a pure islamic nation

few people consider UBL a hero because of his religious beliefs .
Its more his foreign policy that attracks the oppressed .

let me ask u one thing---islam forbids drinking alcohol and having sex.....why is it then that most moslems including ubl takes scores of wives and fathers football teams of children,at the same time moslem nations cultivate hectares of opium fields with absolute disregard to the teachings ...of the religion.

U shouldnt worry about what Islam forbids (Islam forbids sex ??? lmao , then we all gone die out soon)
Also , opium doesnt make
Also , making opium doesnt mean u are using opium .
why am I arguing islam with you here ?

it is said in the koran that Paradise welcomes a hero with 'rivers of wine and honey,with the services of seventy two virgins at their come Shariat law breaks down in heaven???????????

I wouldnt know , and I dont agree with your interpretation (I dont even know if that is what it says) .
Again , why religion ? Who cares about religion ? Why is FARC killing people ? Why are the rebels in Africa fighting ? Not everyhting is about religion , religion is just ur sorry excuse to make people forget about the real problems . If the muslims wouldnt have the Qu'ran they still would be just as opressed .
Ofcourse peoples beliefs made their actions over the last 1300 years , but Islam had little to do with colonization of Arabia by the West , with exploitation of oil by the West , and of creatinga fascist state that crated Palestinian diaspora and killed many .
Thats not Islam baby , thats reality .

Like I said If UBL would hold back his religious views his support would TRIPPLE .

Its amuzing to see how ignorant defintions are created by what side people are on .
Allahs proclaims:


If you mean he should be split lengthwise like a crusty roll and stuffed with meats and cheese, then I would tend to agree.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
As Muslims, we completely condemn these attacks and offer our condolences to the American people.


Sure you do.... :rolleyes:

Your were videotaped all over the world "DANCING IN THE STREETS"

How stupid do you think the American people are.
How stupid are you, mister "proud syrian".

Do you see our armies at your doorstep, and think we're coming to tell you you've won the lottery.....:D

You just keep telling everyone how you comdemn the very things you do and don't teach your children the very hatred you teach them.

We believe you, .....keep telling yourself that.;)

Generalization is the tool of the fools.
just because a few of them were celebrating, doesnt mean their evil. i mean the catholic chuch killed a bunch of indians, doesnt mean all christians were evil back then.
just because a few of them were celebrating, doesnt mean their evil. i mean the catholic chuch killed a bunch of indians, doesnt mean all christians were evil back then.

Indeed . People are not evil , people are ignorant . They just go with the flow , Ive never claimed that the Arabs supporting terrorism do so because of rational/theoretical motives (although please see the difference within the factor of opression , something that decides the major opinions that everybody follows) , they support it 100% emotionally .

That doesnt mean that there are rational reasopns to support such , it just means they werent motivated by those rational reasons .

I dont blame them , people are ignorant .

Generalization is the tool of the fools.

1)Irellevant generalization only is
2)for the point the generalization doesnt matter . Although it wasnt quite like all arabs were dancing , most arabs DO support .
Now more than ever . Weither you do or dont , thats another questions . As a Syrian Im sure you know the bullshit you're saying , Im sure u simply want to keep the good name up .
I dont care for the name of the Ummah in the eyes of the enemy morally speaking . Perhaps at a tactic it would work , but we're past that . There's no tactic after destroying Bagdad .

And if its because you are ashamed , then step back and dont make excuses for others . We are not ashamed , and I am not ashamed .

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Originally posted by Persol
The fact that they showed the video almost immediately after the event, and the video was taken in the daylight. It was dark in the middle east. The channel that showed the video (CNN I think) later apologized. weighs in on the controversy and affirms that the tape of dancing Muslims was indeed filmed on 11 September 2001.
i know the bombings were done by a select few that did not have the consent of, or have any public support, the dancing in the streets may have been a knee jerk reaction without realising the full gravity of the situation (which i think it was, as america have done some bad things before to other countries while having never been hit on their own soil), so i think it is fair enough and a show of character that proud syrian can apologise for an event that was not by any means his or any of his peoples cause. if some people from my country bombed another country for their own whacked idealsims i would be profusely sorry to that country, not because i caused it but because of the pain inflicted. besides, allahs_mathematics, to have been silent after the face of jubilation shown in the streets (whether it happened or not) would be more a show of acceptance than anything else. in this world everyone should be senstive to everyone else's plight, otherwise it will be a world which will eventually sccumb to war.
If anybody supports 9-11 its the Palestinians , hell they even supported Saddam , they already support Hamas and Islamic Jihad , and even Arafats mainstreams Fatah has a section for "terrorism" .

Those wish to ignore the problem can ignore whatever they want , I knwo whats the deal . Syrian just defends his "excuse me for being a muslim" theory , I dont and neither should another muslim .

according to some poll 65% of the Arab-Amerikans felt embaressed that WTC was done by Arabs .

perhaps thats what y'all are confusing . Il have to break it to ya , Arabia's somewhere else........

U better confront the facts and wonder why inGods name somany people support a fundamentally-religious political man INSPITE of his fundamentally-religious politics .
really-- the solution to all our problems, yeah right

why dont all u guys take a peek at thisQuran 9:5
"Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

Quran 47:4
When you meet the unbelievers in the Jihad strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take ransom from them, until War shall lay down her burdens.

Quran 73:12
We have in store for the unbelievers heavy fetters and a blazing fire, choking food and harrowing torment: on the day when the earth shall quiver with all its mountains, and the mountains crumble into heaps of shifting sand.

Quran 22:19-22:23
Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Sclading water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed rods of iron. Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: 'Taste the torment of the Conflagration!'

so this is where the solution lies, does it? well i sure think there are gonna be a lot more problems than solutions from this this came from...................................
Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics

A hero??? A cult hero..
Hero for what? For alienating people's mind into hate and war while the real muslims starve, go uneducated, ect. He's feeding on human misery and because he is miserable he likes the company of misery. UBL won't exit in a healthy environment, he's food for the demons and devil, and god has made a special place in hell for his likes, those that use the name of god to corrupt the earth....his spot is so low in hell, that his poor self won't even have time to cool back before it's burned. I'm a muslim woman that doesn't want to wear a hijab, likes to be equated to men in all areas, and don't want to be told to mimic ancient arabia desert living styles in the name of being a muslim...what the hell can UBL do for me????For a start, does UBL have any understanding of engineering, medecine, economics, education, ect....Or do I have to join the ignorance of pre-Islam and denounce science and understanding to belong to his ancient arabia cult...