Islam and the Question of Violence*

I agree with the posters here who said it's hypocritical to criticise Islam and not Christianity for practically the same thing.

And yes, I would, have and do criticise the violence in the Bible And there is no "practically" about it. It is wrong to murder anyone because of their sexual preferences and I do condemn it. But homosexuals are not condemned to death in the 21st century civilised world. If I am wrong give me an example. What more can I say? Islamic law on the other hand still, to this day, has the death penalty for homsexual practices as they do for adultery.
Homosexuality: Islamic Law "Stone to Death"
You stated that Christians hadn’t killed anyone in your and your parents lifetime, and I took issue with that assertion because many homosexuals have died at the hands of Christians here in the US and around the world during that time period.

Not under the law they haven't. You are lying. Show me a single case where a homosexual has been sentenced to death under the law in the U.S.A. FOR BEING HOMOSEXUAL! And those that do MURDER anyone simply because of their sexual persuasion are committing the CRIME of murder and are brought to justice and dealt with by the law. Islamic law condemns homosexuals to death.

Your clutching at straws and pissing in the wind. I keep saying it. In the civilised 21st century, it is a criminal offence to murder anyone for being homsexual and is punishable under the law. Islamic law condemns homosexuals to death.
islam and homosexuals - death is the solution

Not under the law they haven't. You are lying. Show me a single case where a homosexual has been sentenced to death under the law in the U.S.A. FOR BEING HOMOSEXUAL! And those that do MURDER anyone simply because of their sexual persuasion are committing the CRIME of murder and are brought to justice and dealt with by the law. Islamic law condemns homosexuals to death.
Tell that to the friends and relatives of the deceased homosexuals. It doesn’t matter if murder by Christians is sanctioned by the state, because the victims are still dead. It’s illegal to lynch people, but that didn’t stop Christians over the last century from doing that either.

According to the Tuskegee Institute, 4,743 people were lynched between 1882 and 1968, including 3,446 African Americans and 1,297 whites. More than 73 percent of lynchings in the post-Civil War period occurred in the Southern states.

Your clutching at straws and pissing in the wind. I keep saying it. In the civilised 21st century, it is a criminal offence to murder anyone for being homsexual and is punishable under the law. Islamic law condemns homosexuals to death.
islam and homosexuals - death is the solution
If you bothered to read my posts you’d notice that I’ve already acknowledged that.
Yes, it’s a crime in most civilized countries to kill homosexuals, but many Christians still feel biblically justified in doing so. If our country had been founded as a Christian theocracy, practicing homosexuality may have been a capital offense here as well. If you want to condemn the actions of irrational theocracies, be my guest, but don’t do so by excusing the actions of other religious groups.
I understand that various religions endorse numerous irrational viewpoints, and punishment of homosexuality is among them, and I condemn any individual or group for advocating or carrying out such action.
Everybody I know is aware that there are Muslim governments that are intolerant of homosexuality. Now tell me something else I already know.
Making a point of attempting to evade moderation is, quite simply, not smart.
Or is it that you get off on threatening gay people and simply hide behind Muslims?

What anyone does behind the curtains of their own home is nothing to do with me , fine with me and none of my damn business.. But it seems, muslims do have a problem with homosexuality no matter where it is practiced.

hide behind Muslims?
It is hardly possible to "hide behind" the fact that Islamic law still has the punishment of death for homosexuals. There are hundreds of Islamic sources, that promote the death sentance for homsexuality. And just let me remind you: I didn't bring the subject of the and homsexuality into this thread. It was in response to a comment above. see post 20
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But you sure do have a hard on for it.
No. I have just been responding to those that " do have a hard on for it". Islam seems to have a "hard on" for killing gays. They think it right, justified, and humane and see it as " putting them out of their misery".
That's what intolerance can lead to.
I couldn't agree more . And seeing it was you who brought "intolerance" into the mix; I can tell you, Islam is the most intolerant of all religions. It spouts that "there is no compulsion in Islam" on the one hand, then calls for the death of Apostates and all pagans, Jews, Christians " until all religion is for Allah", on the other. And there are lovely intolerant instructions from Allah such as;
Quran 51 - You, who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.
Since some religions are intolerant towards homosexuals, and intolerance can lead to persecution and violence of these people, do you recommend that we ban these religions? You’ve made clear your view of the problem, what then is your solution?
Since some religions are intolerant towards homosexuals, and intolerance can lead to persecution and violence of these people, do you recommend that we ban these religions? You’ve made clear your view of the problem, what then is your solution?
It's a fair point, and as far as Islam is concerned it has to make the changes, and bring itself into the 21st century. But Islam has a big problem. It cannot be reformed. According to muslims, the Quran is the last, final and unalterable & perfect word of Allah( god), so why alter it? Or why does it need altering?. So it couldn't be reformed without conflict particularly amongst muslims themselves. And to suggest "banning" any religion is a dead duck, because even if religion/s were banned, it would only drive them underground and there is the fact we in the West of course have the right of "religious freedom".

Great question. But this is a question that does require a thread all of its own.
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I thought the patient was sure to die of trench mouth.
Absolutely no reason for that. And I did say this great question does deserve a thread all of its own.

I say convert them to the other side.

Do you? And with "religious freedom" at stake, how are you going to protect all the those "converted" apostates with a death sentence hanging over them? And to what "other side" do you intend to "convert" them to ? And how will you go about "converting them"with "religious freedom" at stake ?

So your solution is reform.
I have said, THE solution can only come from Islam itself. And I have also explained to you the muslim dilemma.
here in case you missed it>>

"It cannot be reformed. According to muslims, the Quran is the last, final and unalterable & perfect word of Allah( god), so why alter it? Or why does it need altering"? Or if it is perfect, it doesn't need to be altered. <<<<<This is what muslims are up against, and I feel sorry for them.

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Absolutely no reason for that. And I did say this great question does deserve a thread all of its own.
You could've just gotten to the point pages ago and spared us all the alarmist spam.
Do you? And with "religious freedom" at stake, how are you going to protect all the those "converted" apostates with a death sentence hanging over them? And how will you go about "converting them"with "religious freedom" at stake ?
Essentially any reform involves conversion of ideals, which is what will happen one way or another.

And to what "other side" do you intend to "convert" them to ?
I guess you missed the link in the previous post.

Bombs away.

The "halitosis bomb" and "gay bomb" are informal names for two theoretical, non-existent, non-lethal psychochemical weapons that a United States Air Force research laboratory speculated about producing; the theories involve discharging female sex pheromones over enemy forces in order to make them sexually attracted to each other.

If you're not keen on bombing them into submission, how about we initiate a Zionist movement for homosexual Muslims, and we give these oppressed people their own homeland, say about 8,000 sq mi in Montana.

You could've just gotten to the point pages ago and spared us all the alarmist spam.
Essentially any reform involves conversion of ideals, which is what will happen one way or another.

Keeping in mind some else brough homsexuality into the mix, I wasn't being alarmist. I was staying facts. .

You have then asked me what "my solution" to the problem is.

here >
You’ve made clear your view of the problem, what then is your solution?
I have taken that to mean the problem of Islam and not just muslim homosexuality. I have responded. "The change needs to come from Islam itself," how many more times?

I guess you missed the link in the previous post.

Nope, I didn't miss it. The change needs to come from Islam itself, how many more times do I have to say that to you?

Your the one suggesting "bombing" them into changing. Not me.
Essentially any reform involves conversion of ideals, which is what will happen one way or another.

I asked you " And with "religious freedom" at stake, how are you going to protect all the those "converted" apostates with a death sentence hanging over them? And how will you go about "converting them"with "religious freedom" at stake"And to what "other side" do you intend to "convert" them to ?

Saying "it will happen one way or another" doesn't go anywhere near to answering HOW you will protect these "converts", or HOW you go about "converting" them and to WHAT you will be "converting" them to?

The quran is the unalterable and perfect word of Allah . What can't you understand about that FACT!?
Nope, I didn't miss it. The change needs to come from Islam itself, how many more times do I have to say that to you?
Or homosexual Muslims need to escape their oppressive conditions by receiving a free plane ticket to their new homeland in Montana. Just think of it, a homosexual Muslim state in the middle of North America.

Or homosexual Muslims need to escape their oppressive conditions.
The option to escape their ISLAMIC oppressive conditions could work in the short term. But this is what happenes when a homsexual muslim wed in the western world :
Married gay Muslim gets acid attack threats

"Mr Choudhury added: “Even if I walk down the streets, I have people spitting on me and calling me pig, all the nasty stuff"