Is winning moral?

Competition is not moral or immoral.

A competition could be.

A competetor could be.

But competition in and of itself, depends on the parameters that define the particular contest. Without those parameters, how can it be something to be judged?

Could defining those parameters always be immoral?

Let's see the argument.

Of course, give the relativity of morality - your argument can stand for no more than your opinion, or your impression of a common cultural practice.
Competition is not immoral or wrong. Competition is a part of human nature, and really, all animal's natures. It is what drives any species to excell and survive. It is what placed our species at the pinnacle of evolution.
He he, maybe surviving, excelling, and being at the pinnacle of evolution is immoral...

Just because everyone does it...
Hapsburg said:
It is what placed our species at the pinnacle of evolution.
Get a grip. You usually make sense - even if it is convoluted and emotional. Who told you humans were the peak of evolution? Evolution doesn't have pinnacles or peaks. We aren't as succesful as rats or cockroaches, and don't mention the bacteria.
Singularity- Dave sounds like God? Dare I ask what you mean? As far as I know he still runs this site, so it would only be polite to acquiesce to a simple request if I insist on using it.
Semon said:
Do you think so?
Some battles must be lost.

It depends on what you are fighting for.

To loose by effort may be just as immoral.

Some people like to give themselves complete rule over another one, *that* may be immoral, since we should swallow our pride in order for another person to grow. It isn't so much to give up if you haven't won, just wait until you think he has a match over you. We shouldn't fight with those smaller than ourselves (and if we do, not in a way that makes them smaller, but in a way that makes them grow), you pick your fights.
Wolf chases rabbit. Rabbit tries to evade wolf. Wolf catches, kills and eats rabbit. Rabbit loses and wolf wins. Damned wolfs are immoral. Rabbit should have caught, killed and eaten the the wolf.

But, what the hell. That's life. If you don't like it,
you're welcome to leave it.
Oxygen said:
Singularity- Dave sounds like God? Dare I ask what you mean? As far as I know he still runs this site, so it would only be polite to acquiesce to a simple request if I insist on using it.

Oh Dear Dave,

I pray U thee,

For U to givmee,

An Options to shoew my beauty,

by having a 80x80 Avatar please.

And I will make U happy,

as a woman can do to a man.
Ophiolite said:
Get a grip. You usually make sense - even if it is convoluted and emotional. Who told you humans were the peak of evolution? Evolution doesn't have pinnacles or peaks. We aren't as succesful as rats or cockroaches, and don't mention the bacteria.
True, but we have a higher sense of self than bacteria and roaches, and are more intelligent for our size than most other organisms that we know of.
Singularity No, no. You have to stick a dead black cat into a burlap sack and swing it over your head three times in a graveyard on a full moon at midnight. This will either give you a larger avatar or else will cure your warts if your name happens to be Tom Sawyer. :)
Oxygen said:
Singularity No, no. You have to stick a dead black cat into a burlap sack and swing it over your head three times in a graveyard on a full moon at midnight. This will either give you a larger avatar or else will cure your warts if your name happens to be Tom Sawyer. :)

Thanks for the advice Grandma.
Okay, I can no longer resist:

Who's your daddy?

Yeah pardon, but it's been bugging me all day. :p
Singularity said:
Who is Tom Sawyer
What're you, a mental failure? You have to be joking. Tom Sawyer is a very famous iconic character from Mark Twain's story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn".
Yeah, that pretty much says all we need to know about the name. "Singularity" must describe the number of brain cells.
Hapsburg said:
What're you, a mental failure? You have to be joking. Tom Sawyer is a very famous iconic character from Mark Twain's story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn".
I live on a deserted island.
Now I get it, U think I am tryin to make U work for me and all this time I thought
Tom Sawyer is some one in SciForums just like Dave.

U win I loose.