Is winning moral?

Like everything, it depends on time and place. Nothing is ever good or evil by its own power, it first needs to be put in a situation. Is winning bad WHEN it makes people feel bad? Again, it depends on the circumstances.
Winning is not immoral. The method of victory is what can be subject to categories of moral vs immoral, and even those are subject to cultural mores.
Winning has nothing to do with morals whatsoever. All it is is doing better than someone else with respect to a predetermined set of rules and criteria. It's completely objective, and the "decision" to win has nothing to do with right and wrong.
what in the freaking world are you talking about are you asking that seriously?

there is no such thing. it depends. if it is being moral, i would assume?

winning what. wtf
For there to be a winner there must be a loser, in everything. [This can require some adept use of words to demonstrate for all case.] Losing is often seen as negative, as bad, as undesirable and consequently as unpleasant, demeaning. Is it right, through our act of winning, to force these unpleasant experiences on the losers?
Oxygen said:
Winning is not immoral. The method of victory is what can be subject to categories of moral vs immoral, and even those are subject to cultural mores.
How come U won getting a bigger Avatar, Thats not fair, Whats the secret Old Cow ?
the secret is that he is an old cow, so stop your whining
You know, I have no idea why my avatar is bigger than everyone else's except that I got mine when they were first available. Maybe Dave was using larger parameters for avatars at the time. It was just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. If Dave was to ask me to select a new avatar that would better fit the parameters he's using for newbies, I certainly would have no problem with it. I hardly consider the size of an avatar an adequate yardstick for measuring an individual's worth or potential.

Either that or Dave just likes me better. :p
Is winning moral?

You'll never get an answer form a logician, since everyone has their own conception of morality (including a minority who have nothing against murder: they're usually called "psychopaths" and no-one takes their views seriously) and there's no basis for considering anyone's view "better" than anyone else's.

I propose that any question of the type "Is xyz moral?" be automatically accompanied by a poll, since what's accepted as morally right or wrong is usually decided by the majority.

Flipping the human switch back on, I'd take a step back and ask "Is competition moral?" since competition automatically results in a winner and loser. Personally I don't like competition very much, except in circumstances where I'm sure I'll win and I don't like the people I'm competing with a lot...