Is voting a moral duty?


Registered Senior Member
You should vote, so that your voice is heard in government and so that the government represents the interests of people like you. However, in the U.S. among 200 million other voters, our votes really don't mean squat.
I don't want to vote, its my choice...I don't want to be involved in politics, for me this is freedom.
You should vote, so that your voice is heard in government and so that the government represents the interests of people like you. However, in the U.S. among 200 million other voters, our votes really don't mean squat.
Yep. I refuse to vote until they get rid of that stupid ass electoral college, and actually stop relying on a scant few states(IA, NY, FL) for a candidate to win to win the whole thing.
Our voices are but mere whispers compared to the lobbyists that work for

large companies which influence the politicians with a great big

I believe 100% in my government, I just have no belief or faith in the jackasses that are running it right now.

Then you should definitely vote.

I don't here in Canada, becasue i'd honestly rather see the whole shitworks go down in flames. I will be the first one to try and rebuild.
Well, there will always be swing vote states. But really. Who cares? My vote doesn't matter in a country with 200 million voters. With so many voters, how could it be any other way? Imagine voting in China or India with over a billion other voters.
My vote doesn't matter in a country with 200 million voters.

It appears this way at first glance, yes.

But when a hundred million voters or more think the way you do - then this makes all the difference.
What control do I have over the minds of other voters? If I go to the polls, so will they through my telepathy?
What control do I have over the minds of other voters? If I go to the polls, so will they through my telepathy?

No, silly.

I am pointing out the combined effect of many people thinking that their vote doesn't really count.
It can amount to enormous differences.
I like how we have the option to vote. I vote, and the great majority of people I know who dont vote are so uniformed about the issues that I am glad they dont vote. I also believe however, that if you bitch about your government but do nothing about it you just need to shut the hell up.
But is voting really doing anything about it? Such a anemic endeavor is hardly worthy of being considered "doing something" about it.