Is Time Travel Real?

Can humans travel through time as described below?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
When I say time travel, I mean traveling into the distant future or the distant past.
And I mean for humans, not just subatomic particles.
I doubt this is something that science will ever accomplish, mainly because the past and and future aren't something that is perserved, so we have no way to revisit them.
I'm just pondering your overall question, the main problem is that anyone that posts their "Belief" isn't actually posting an accurate response, afterall the only people that could answer such a "Yes" or "No" question would be those working in such a field and the likelihood is that if they were to have the ability to answer "Yes" they are more likely to actually not answer at all.

Lets just put it that if it is possible there would have to be a lot of rules and regulations to follow, otherwise such chrononauts could be mischievious and potentially damaging.

A politician has hidden some dirty linen well, and a chrononaut finds it to display to the world, that politician obviously isn't going to like the idea of time travel.

A cult group decides that their religion is the righteous one and goes about manipulating "the past" to become what they deem it is. When people find out that their "God" is actually some manipulated Cultist neurallinguistic programming chapter on how to manipulate numbers of innocents will people embrace that their "God" is bogus, or start sharpening the pitchforks?

If matter can be sent back in time, whats to stop a mad bomber trying to blow up someone, considering their bombing campaign would be anonymously made from "a" future.

All of the above examples would cause a very strict control over any chronological operation, which is explains why Hawking's suggested that it wasn't possible because of the lack of Time Travelling Tourists could be a little inadequate as definitive proof.

The main problem currently is that people that say time travel is possible who don't work in such a field are using a belief as judgement and those that say it's impossible, again without being in the field are doing the same too.

I'd suggest it's an open debate until someone actually closes the case.
I am sure time travel is possible, in some weird way. But I highly doubt humans will amount to it. But then again, that's what they said about the lightbulb
Outside of successfully accomplishing travel across interstellar space within such an acceptable degree of time as to make the undertaking actually viable in the first place - you'd be singularly hard-pressed to demonstrate the reality of successfully travelling through time to any third party individual external to the act itself as being a demonstrable fact, period.

Should we in practice crack on a pace, learn how to do the Star Trek thing for real - in so doing we crack the act of time travel. It doesn't make a shits worth of difference to "History" though and singularly can't be proven or in practice disproven by a technological culture which doesn't, as yet, possess the slightest technological means to accomplish it themselves.

In other words, if you want an honestly realistic answer: flip a coin.
Traveling into the future, I think so...but not the past.

I don't know exactly how but it has to do with traveling at a fast speed greater than light (something like that...). If you did that, then time would go by faster for you but you wouldn't age with it. If you went two days traveling at the speed of light, you would actually be going months or years in real time.

I forgot how it works, though. Can someone elaborate on that?

Of course, it will take a very long time to figure out how to travel faster then light, if we even can. But I think it's possible.
The problem with the "Prove to me that time travel is possible" is even if someone can't prove it, it still can not be ruled out.

The reason it can't be ruled out?....

"Prove to me that time travel is impossible".

I'm sure I've stated before that some theorists (in this particular instance Einstein) created not just a theory but went about attempting to disprove what they concluded possible as a way to strengthen their findings further, as if they couldn't disprove the only logical assumption is that there initial conclusion was accurate in the first place.

Currently the only "proof" that it's impossible is because nobody has of yet done a "show and tell", which as I attempted to point out doesn't actually prove anything because you have to consider "security" issues raised if such an occurance is possible.
Prove to me that time travel is possible.

Prove to us you're not getting any younger and in that way you'll have answered your own question.

Everything travels through time. Time Travel, in the specific sense that lixluke is enquiring about it, is fundamentally simply about doing something to alter ones normal passage through time in relation to everything else.

Even if you do no such thing, you're still fundamentally travelling through the fourth dimension weather your particularly keen on the notion or not.

Everything is.
The main problem with time travel is that, were one to travel back in time, one would have to shift the entire universe simulteneously back in time with oneself, lest one's local area be all that is effected, and therefore a tremendous area of space to be "out of sync" with the rest.

There are also, of course, the various paradoxes.
Time travel has been proven with realtivity i.e. 0.0001(or what ever it is) travel into the future has been experimentally accomplished. So I guess time travel is real, but whether we will ever be able to travel into the past or significantly into the future is mere hypothesis, so overall in answer to your question and your implications I glean from it, I would say -no!
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Um, when was this proven? Or do you mean "travel in the future" as in not experiencing the same rate of time owing to speed?
So time travel is as real as God?

There are many different views and texts in regards to what a "God" is.

Like I tried to put forwards about the reasons for security "If" time travel is possible, if a nutty cult group created a "God" in the past, then time travel would be real because their fictitious god is.

Admittedly it's a "Chicken or the Egg" paradox, If the basis of religion was due to such meddling. It actually creates some interesting varients of religious mythology if you apply a remote viewing method where an observation party in the future isn't just observing but interacting with an individual in the past. Not of course physically manifesting themselves there but using holographic project etc.

All the above is just a "flight of fantasy" since it has no physical proof of existance, however the same can't be applied to "time travel" considering there are experiments that can be done to prove or disprove the possibilities.

For instance my personal favourite science-fiction (only for lack of work in the area currently) for "proving the grandfather paradox" is to define one occurance in history as being the point to aim for. For instance for years people have always argued "What crashed near Roswell?".

My hypothesis is that it would be a "Carriage" containing an "Alien looking mannequin" or two, and the word "Freedom" written in Navajo written on it's side plus a few smaller articles which are for calliberation. You have to imagine that any interaction with the past involving future technologies or information could potentially jeapordise those people that would have worked on such a project, for instance it might of even caused wars. So the hypothesis suggests for anonymity that such a sharade would have to take place to "cover it up".

The main point here however is IF this was the case and for years there has been secrecy surrounding it, that "repeating" such a project (Be a repeat, or not repeating being one of the overall goals) should actually allow declassification of material on the incident, considering it's actually part of a larger on going international project.

(The imagination can be a fun thing in small doses, although I feel obligued to comment that for those that wouldn't give this "delusion" any creditability)
I'm just pondering your overall question, the main problem is that anyone that posts their "Belief" isn't actually posting an accurate response, afterall the only people that could answer such a "Yes" or "No" question would be those working in such a field and the likelihood is that if they were to have the ability to answer "Yes" they are more likely to actually not answer at all.

Lets just put it that if it is possible there would have to be a lot of rules and regulations to follow, otherwise such chrononauts could be mischievious and potentially damaging.

A politician has hidden some dirty linen well, and a chrononaut finds it to display to the world, that politician obviously isn't going to like the idea of time travel.

A cult group decides that their religion is the righteous one and goes about manipulating "the past" to become what they deem it is. When people find out that their "God" is actually some manipulated Cultist neurallinguistic programming chapter on how to manipulate numbers of innocents will people embrace that their "God" is bogus, or start sharpening the pitchforks?

If matter can be sent back in time, whats to stop a mad bomber trying to blow up someone, considering their bombing campaign would be anonymously made from "a" future.

All of the above examples would cause a very strict control over any chronological operation, which is explains why Hawking's suggested that it wasn't possible because of the lack of Time Travelling Tourists could be a little inadequate as definitive proof.

The main problem currently is that people that say time travel is possible who don't work in such a field are using a belief as judgement and those that say it's impossible, again without being in the field are doing the same too.

I'd suggest it's an open debate until someone actually closes the case.
Nice examples.
Sad to break it to you, but you do not have to work in any field to know something for a fact. It is either real or it isn't.

That is not a case of time travel. That is a matter of the effect of speed on slowing atomic movement, which in turn is based on relativistic reference frames.
I think time travel is possible. There is a theory that time past, present(of course) and future is all happening at the same time. I think we can learn more about it if more people were to believe in it.

That is not a case of time travel..
Of course it is! The travelling plane returns to it's starting point 0.0001(very aprox, to keep things simple) seconds into the future.
That is a matter of the effect of speed on slowing atomic movement, .

LOL! No it is not, The effect of speed does not slow down atomic movement! nothing is physically slowed down in it's own reference frame. It is merely slowed down from the refence frame of a stationary observer.
Learn relativity in the least bit properly before spouting crap!
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