Is this the new Christ as he represents himself to be?

Do you see me believing in an invisible sky daddy that threatens everyone with eternal suffering and hellfire if you don't love, worship and obey him?

no, but i do see you behaving the same exact way some religious people do. their hate comes from their religion, and you just said that your hate comes from their religion. seems like you're buying in to me. :shrug:
My, there is so much hate here towards religion. I am a little sadened. People may disagree and some might not believe but is that a reason for hate?

Religion is something that is very personal. If someone believes, why attack them? In attacking the believer, are we somehow trying to validate our own anti religious beliefs?

Religion is hated because it can easily breed evil.

Religion has damaged me. I grew from it, but it is hard to not attempt to stop the hurting that religion does through ignorant (not all, but a lot of) theists.

I want the hurting done by many theists to end. To this day I have ties to friends who are trapped at my ex-church. They stay only because they are loyal to God. They stay and endure and share with me the troubles their spiritual leader is causing, but the leaders know not what they do. They are convicted that they are following God, but they are definitely known by the fruits of their labor. Everything they do they do it fervently in the name of God, but it hurts people more than it should. The pastor and his wife are very decent folks, and you can count on them to do good. But, the good they do is half the time coupled with hurt that they aren't aware of. No one stands up because they love the pastor, and I get that. I love him too, but as a person. If the church members stood up, he would be replaced, or worse the church would die. That is the grim reality they are faced with according to the district superindendant at the last pastoral review when I left. So they stay and take the hurt and church doesn't grow.

What about the terrorists who kill because of Jihad? I want that to end. We cannot have peace when religious beliefs vary so much and are at odds.

How many still die in the name of religion today? And there is no blameless religion, they all have dark pasts of liberal ideas that stemmed from scripture.

Religious people are just hatable because of the bad apples and their seed.
no, but i do see you behaving the same exact way some religious people do. their hate comes from their religion, and you just said that your hate comes from their religion. seems like you're buying in to me. :shrug:

Oh I see, you expect me to just lie down and take it up the patootie? You expect that I'm to just sit back and allow deluded Christians and other believers to intentionally offend me with their insane beliefs and hate speech?

Too funny, Lori. :bravo:
Oh I see, you expect me to just lie down and take it up the patootie? You expect that I'm to just sit back and allow deluded Christians and other believers to intentionally offend me with their insane beliefs and hate speech?

Too funny, Lori. :bravo:

so two wrongs make a right? you don't have to be offended Q. people choose to be offended.
Sorry Lori, I have yet to see you exhibit the capacity to think, so I'm assuming what you mean is, "Believe it - it's true."

i am challenging you to use your mind and contemplate something instead of your usual awaiting scientific studies and spewing hateful rhetoric. are you not up to the challenge?
Just to clarify, your beliefs are such that your god will send me to a lake of hellfire for an eternity.

THAT is spewing hateful rhetoric, Lori.

god doesn't send you anywhere. you go where you want to go. so let me ask you, would you like to spend an eternity with god, or without god?
If I had the capacity to be insane, I could easily fulfill your request. Sorry. :shrug:

you don't have to be insane to contemplate the notion of being offended. you're just copping out because you know i'm right.
you don't have to be insane to contemplate the notion of being offended.

No, but I would have to be insane to believe the things you believe, which would make me oblivious to being offensive.
No, I don't. Explain it.

well, if we're referring to the bible, it describes hell as a place that is void of god's spirit. so if you choose to want nothing to do with god, then that's the place to go.