Is this Life or an Afterlife more Important?

Provita said:
FINNALY! A FELLOW PASTAFARIAN!!! Arg to you, and may his Noodley Appendage bless you in the name of the Noodle, the Sauce, and the Holy Meatballs. RAmen.

I think Lawdog is a closet Pastafarian. Now excuse me, I'm off to the cinema to watch Pirates Of The Caribbean for the twentieth time, just so that the Flying Spaghetti Monster may bless me with his noodly appendage.

I only asked because it seems odd to me that God waited these oh so many billion years to plop me on this Earth for only what seems like a few minutes then send me off somewhere to spend eternity after I'm dead.
I totally agree. It makes absolutely no sense. Why even bother with the physical existence at all? If real life all exists in some ethereal supernatural spirit plain then why not start there and do all this testing or whatever there?

Another view is that those who pass the test do not survive on as spiritual beings but come back to life and takeover the Earth in an Eden like environment. The bible seems to support that. I.e. we are physical and can become immortally physical.

.. then if a God exists He doesn't give a shit if you have cancer, mental deficiencies or serious maladies of any kind because that isn't important. I have to believe those people praying for cures are wasting their time.
Yup I agree.

So for a God, my turning out the way He wants it, my life and soul, is more important. The only reason must be that God needs to see if we do as we're told. Is this a game? or do God's have selfish motives like seeing their manufactured product live up to expectations? Who does He have to impress?
Ah but that was the outlook of those unenlightened primitives several thousand years ago who only saw brutal authoritarianism as the method of government and simply assumed a god would be the same way. Pretty naïve really.

If no afterlife then who gives a shit about God.
Yes, why bother with Earthly life when eternity awaits? Makes no sense, other than god wants to give us the opportunity to visit his half-brother; Beelzebubble.

But, why?
PsychoticEpisode said:
You don't have to be religious to believe in an afterlife. Depending on your own beliefs which of either life or afterlife would you consider more important?

Since I am not a believer in afterlife I'm realistic enough to deduce that my time in the universe, although merely a blip chronologically, is more important. If I thought I would live on forever in an afterlife then this life doesn't carry any real signifigance. Why worry about it if I'm going to live forever anyways. It's almost relegating life to nuisance status. .

I guess you can always worry about where you will be if you can overs\come the anxiety of whether you will be or not

PsychoticEpisode said:
An average lifespan is around 70 years (approx). The universe is a least 15 billion years old and seemingly going on forever. Again, how important is my little hiccup in time? .

So why do people place so much emphasis on insignificant temporay things then?

PsychoticEpisode said:
However my life timeslot would be very important if I believed in an afterlife and my status there was dependent upon how my Earth time is judged by a supernatural being. Does that make your physical existence more important than an afterlife? It seems that it does. If that is the case then life on Earth is equally more important than afterlife no matter what position you take..

This life determine sthe next life - everyone acts in this world according to where they perceive benefit - you have to examine whetehr that benfit is long term or short term

PsychoticEpisode said:
But then living for an eternity would seem to be vastly more important than this life especially if you want to be with your deity. I'm not encouraging everyone to go jump off a bridge but if it's the afterlife your waiting for then why wait?.

Well usually you don't attain eternity by jumping off a bridge but by cultivating attachment to god, which tends to require a bit more thought than jumping off a bridge ...

PsychoticEpisode said:
And how important is this life if I can behave badly, have my deity judge me undesirable, send me to an eternal hell, and then if I follow the script for forgiveness I'd go to heaven anyway? In this scenario I find life absolutely meaningless.

The point is that tis life is given to us by higher authorities and according to how we appreciate this life, in otherwords use this life for the unique things that it offers - that determines the next - for instance if a human wants to be strong and powerful they can get the body of an elephant - they don't have to work out at the gym - if a person wants to have lots of sex they can get the body of a pigeon which can have sex hundreds of times a day - everything has its proper application according to time and place - but if you are always labouring under the impression that the time is now and the place is right here there is probably a good chance that you are not using this life properly
thanks light again you've cheered my day up, your are the supreme comedian.
say something else, go on your so funny.
lightgigantic said:
if a person wants to have lots of sex they can get the body of a pigeon which can have sex hundreds of times a day - everything has its proper application according to time and place - but if you are always labouring under the impression that the time is now and the place is right here there is probably a good chance that you are not using this life properly

You'd think the sky would be dark with pigeons.
PsychoticEpisode said:
You don't have to be religious to believe in an afterlife. Depending on your own beliefs which of either life or afterlife would you consider more important?
this life is obviously all we have,since theres no evidence for any afterlife ,so its the most important.
anyone who dont think so could easily prove me wrong,
all they have to do is go talk to some dead corpses and ask them whats it like out there :D
some believe that people have soul,spirit so if someone dies why couldnt we comunicate with those dead peoples souls?
b/c theres no souls no spirits.
case closed!