Is this institutionalized child abuse by religion?

Don't worry about it Knowledge, Dywy just trolling you for sport, and is not trying to contribute to this thread. I'd put him on ignore but he amuses me.

I raised 3 kids and I did a good job.

-None of them were raised religiously, yet had the freedom to choose any without judgement.
-None of my kids was ever spanked or hit or yelled at even, it is amazing how effective very short time-outs and speaking with your kids can be.
-My kids just got love from us and we didn't guide their moves.
-When they were younger we let them climb in parks without fear (it is surprising how many mom's are afraid to let their kids climb a monkey bar set). Our philosophy was we'd rather them trip or fall in a park under our supervision than when they are out on their own. They fell lots, got hurt lots, and learned to not trip over their feet.
-We used positive thinking on them. When my daughter was about 5 she could read upside down and backwards faster than many people could forwards, although it was not true I told her this meant she would always be good in English and would also be a good writer when she wanted to. She always excelled at English.
-When my oldest son had a paper route I told him I was proud of how hard he works at his age and told him He was a better kid than I was at his age. He strives to be successful like us, and we just support his dreams.
-Imagination is more important than knowledge
-always let them know when the exceed your expectations; and they will do so often.

It is sad that some kids face militant upbringings, or are forced to learn abusive traits. Let's face it some kids are born to be rednecks.

I think it is all good as long as a child has a mentor and some love.
Don't worry about it Knowledge, Dywy just trolling you for sport, and is not trying to contribute to this thread. I'd put him on ignore but he amuses me.

I raised 3 kids and I did a good job.

-None of them were raised religiously, yet had the freedom to choose any without judgement.
-None of my kids was ever spanked or hit or yelled at even, it is amazing how effective very short time-outs and speaking with your kids can be.
-My kids just got love from us and we didn't guide their moves.
-When they were younger we let them climb in parks without fear (it is surprising how many mom's are afraid to let their kids climb a monkey bar set). Our philosophy was we'd rather them trip or fall in a park under our supervision than when they are out on their own. They fell lots, got hurt lots, and learned to not trip over their feet.
-We used positive thinking on them. When my daughter was about 5 she could read upside down and backwards faster than many people could forwards, although it was not true I told her this meant she would always be good in English and would also be a good writer when she wanted to. She always excelled at English.
-When my oldest son had a paper route I told him I was proud of how hard he works at his age and told him He was a better kid than I was at his age. He strives to be successful like us, and we just support his dreams.
-Imagination is more important than knowledge
-always let them know when the exceed your expectations; and they will do so often.

It is sad that some kids face militant upbringings, or are forced to learn abusive traits. Let's face it some kids are born to be rednecks.

I think it is all good as long as a child has a mentor and some love.

Im a redneck, quit being a bigot. And yes, my son will learn to shoot a rifle.
Laughing because you think I cant raise my future children? The trick is not force them to not rebel. The trick is to be understanding, but put your foot down when necessary. Im not God, so I wont try and raise my children in my image, I just hope I can be the role model they need so they don't turn to Jersey Shore.

Quite the double speak there pal.

"I wont try and raise my children in my image,"

Followed by--

" I just hope I can be the role model"

Means you want them in your immage.

Quite the double speak there pal.

"I wont try and raise my children in my image,"

Followed by--

" I just hope I can be the role model"

Means you want them in your immage.


No. I will raise them, and I hope im a good role model so they model them selves after me.
Exactly. In your immage.

Thank God you are young. You have time to learn what you are saying.


Dude. I know exactly what I am saying. I will be the best man I can be so my son looks to me, and not his fatherless friends. I will teach my son everything about the world and watch him apply. Of course, I don't know everything, and that a lot of parenting skills are learned on the fly, but I will be fine. I will not force any image on my child.

I can say I know exactly how to NOT raise a child by experience.