Is this institutionalized child abuse by religion?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Is this institutionalized child abuse by religion?

I see many theists teaching many strange things to their children. Like the notion that fantasy, miracles and magic are all real.

Theists showed at the I D trials that it is ok to try to lie and distort the truth to have Christian creationism taught in school. The Dino Museum is in this same class of lying.

Some of theists teachings reach even further in terms of abuse.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

Because of such abuses, I as a religionist and all other non literal people of spirituality are all clumped in with the above abusive groups. Insulting even you.

What are your thoughts in terms of the children’s mental health?

As a theist, do you want to be associated with what you have seen your fellow theists doing?

Is what I have shown child abuse or not?
As a theist, should you be doing something to aid the victims?
As a non-theist, should you be doing something to aid the victims?
Are we not all our brothers keeper and should we not all be acting in the defense of our children and grand children?

As a non-theist, should you be doing something to aid the victims?

I support public education which doesn't talk about this type of thing in America. Only with education will any real , positive changes ever happen.
I don't support the teaching of any religion, even religions like jainism which is as benign as religions get, in school. I do, however, support reading the bible as literature as it has had one of the biggest impacts on English literature. I also support the teaching of the history of religion without any bias, just stating the facts as we know them about the history of various religions(there's not enough time to cover them all, unfortunately). My overriding standpoint is that more knowledge is always better than less knowledge.
I don't support the teaching of any religion, even religions like jainism which is as benign as religions get, in school. I do, however, support reading the bible as literature as it has had one of the biggest impacts on English literature. I also support the teaching of the history of religion without any bias, just stating the facts as we know them about the history of various religions(there's not enough time to cover them all, unfortunately). My overriding standpoint is that more knowledge is always better than less knowledge.

Pretty much.
I support public education which doesn't talk about this type of thing in America. Only with education will any real , positive changes ever happen.

Yes. And I understand that it's people are not interested in paying for an educated general population.

That can likely be said for many countries.

I think a good step would be to not give religions the respect that they do not deserve.
They are a burden to the greater society.

... I do, however, support reading the bible as literature as it has had one of the biggest impacts on English literature.

wouldnt that be the Koran? there are ALOT more muslims than there are christans
I think we have less control over our children than we think, yea we may be able to force them to live with our views but more often than not children rebel some if not most of what the parents strive for.
I think we have less control over our children than we think, yea we may be able to force them to live with our views but more often than not children rebel some if not most of what the parents strive for.

See what im talking about?
I think we have less control over our children than we think, yea we may be able to force them to live with our views but more often than not children rebel some if not most of what the parents strive for.

Sure. To a small extent.
This following clip shows though, how over time, peer pressure takes over and tries to maintain the status quo.

If there was as much rebellion as you and Knowledge 91 hint at, that graph would not exist as religions would be too fragmented to be able to draw it.

Most follow their parents in religion and politics.
Cause daddy did and grand daddy did and great great---------.

Sure. To a small extent.
This following clip shows though, how over time, peer pressure takes over and tries to maintain the status quo.

If there was as much rebellion as you and Knowledge 91 hint at, that graph would not exist as religions would be too fragmented to be able to draw it.

Most follow their parents in religion and politics.
Cause daddy did and grand daddy did and great great---------.


What? My kids WILL NOT rebel against me. Period. My politics and religion is nothing like my parents.

So what?

Laughing because you think I cant raise my future children? The trick is not force them to not rebel. The trick is to be understanding, but put your foot down when necessary. Im not God, so I wont try and raise my children in my image, I just hope I can be the role model they need so they don't turn to Jersey Shore.
Laughing because you think I cant raise my future children?
Laughing because you're not the first (and won't be the last) to claim that. And find out you're wrong.

The trick is not force them to not rebel. The trick is to be understanding, but put your foot down when necessary.
Yep. You have no kids so far so of course you know what the trick is. And how to implement it perfectly in the real world. :rolleyes:
Laughing because you're not the first (and won't be the last) to claim that. And find out you're wrong.

Yep. You have no kids so far so of course you know what the trick is. And how to implement it perfectly in the real world. :rolleyes:

The trick is not to understand your children when they are 18, but before they are born. Think of a child as a blank canvas that can paint itself, all it needs is a little guidance.