Is this hereditary?

traits can be hereditary, but this doesn't mean that there is a straightforward relationship between the genetic component in question and the phenotypic result.

That is not how the development of organs, tissues, structures work.

Genes operate in a environment where there is a lot of crosstalk between lateral regulatory pathways. These modify the action of an individual gene. The result of the crosstalk can be anything from no influence whatsoever, a modulated result damping the effect, a modulated result increasing the effect, and anything in between.

This lateral cross talk and combinatorial control is dependent on the genetic background.
traits can be hereditary, but this doesn't mean that there is a straightforward relationship between the genetic component in question and the phenotypic result.

That is not how the development of organs, tissues, structures work.

Genes operate in a environment where there is a lot of crosstalk between lateral regulatory pathways. These modify the action of an individual gene. The result of the crosstalk can be anything from no influence whatsoever, a modulated result damping the effect, a modulated result increasing the effect, and anything in between.

This lateral cross talk and combinatorial control is dependent on the genetic background.

Does it mean all can't acquire?
traits can be hereditary, but this doesn't mean that there is a straightforward relationship between the genetic component in question and the phenotypic result.

That is not how the development of organs, tissues, structures work.

Genes operate in a environment where there is a lot of crosstalk between lateral regulatory pathways. These modify the action of an individual gene. The result of the crosstalk can be anything from no influence whatsoever, a modulated result damping the effect, a modulated result increasing the effect, and anything in between.

This lateral cross talk and combinatorial control is dependent on the genetic background.

Sorry trying again.

Is it predisposition?
Moms never seeing their children naked past puberty is one of the strangest things about modern life.

I'm not sure it's working out too well, that aspect. It's like we're imitating the weird side of rich people's lives of the past.

Well, religion has made a good job making people be embarrased of their bodies, like there´s something wrong with it.
See, this is totally unfair because my sister has HUGE boobs and mine are only average... damn genetics :mad: Does anyone have a paper or reference for breast size genetics? I'd love to understand exactly how I got the short end of the stick here... All I get when I google it is breast -cancer- genetics... close but not quite!

According to my Mom, I have my father's mother's boobs. :bugeye: Not only in size but positioning on my chest. I never knew there were low set and high set boobs. Now I notice all the time.