Is this a religion already?

after thinkin about this for a while, dont u think ur theory is fairly simplistic... im not sayin its right or wrong cuz there is no way to prove or disprove it... just wonderin if the answer to all this crap is so simple....
My "afterlife" theory?
Yes its extremely simplistic, maybe too simplistic, so simplistic people didn't even expect it to be the truth.
I'm going to assume being one with the planet feels like nothing but only because there is no reason to assume it would feel like something. I still think(hope?) there is a little bit more than that.
We won't "feel" anything like we do now but perhaps there is no word in the english language to describe what the earth does instead of feeling. I think it must have some sort of sense of being and we will aquire that when we become one with it.
I know there is more to it than becoming one with earth because eventually earth will "die". Just like we are separate(in a sense) from the earth while we are alive I believe the planet is separate from the universe while it is alive. When it dies it will become one with this galaxy, do galaxies die? Any way you get the point in a way it is numeous stages of "life" I believe(hope?) we will go through. We will travel and swirl and blend with the universe. Where will it end? Obviously I don't know, that is far beyond anyone's knowledge.
I think there is a point to the universe in a way, I just think we don't know what it is and I don't think we were ever intended to know.
Perhaps we will find out in some strange non human way. I feel that when we eventually ARE the universe, we should have a fair idea of what WE are up to.

I'm sticking with these beliefs rather than the belief that we just happen to be on some rock in some universe that never should have existed.
You seem to believe in creation but not in creation. Did the earth create all other planets? The earth has no intelligence - it has life, yes - but it has no centre of cognition. Gaia theory believes that the cognition is dispersed among all life - but then you'll have to extend your religion to include the whole universe.

How do you explain how something nonpersonal and inconscious could create a something personal and conscious?
Originally posted by Jenyar
You seem to believe in creation but not in creation. Did the earth create all other planets? The earth has no intelligence - it has life, yes - but it has no centre of cognition. Gaia theory believes that the cognition is dispersed among all life - but then you'll have to extend your religion to include the whole universe.

How do you explain how something nonpersonal and inconscious could create a something personal and conscious?
You didn't read very much did you? Every planet is a god in itself, earth is OUR god and the universe is the god of the planets.
The earth has no centre of cognition? The earth created cognition and the concept of cognition and the word cognition. I think it works on a higher level.
I have already explained my religion includes the whole universe.
You believe in a god that created everything, I believe in a planet that created everything on it, unless you believe in alien intervention or magical gods this is a given.
It didn't directly create everything but it planted the seeds so to speak.
I know I don't know the answer to everything, but nothing I have said so far can efficiently be ridiculed, you only managed by changing what I said to suit ridicule, I don't know where you got "the earth created the universe" from.
But so far, only earth managed to "create" life, even though it's one of the smaller and younger planets? And what so you make of the moon - who could be considered a 'child of earth'?

Maybe the earth was able to spawn life, because it has been given that priviledge? You can't discount that possibility in the face of what we know about our solar system.
Originally posted by Jenyar
But so far, only earth managed to "create" life, even though it's one of the smaller and younger planets? And what so you make of the moon - who could be considered a 'child of earth'?
So far? Well out of the miniscule percentage of planets WE know about yeah :confused:
Who's to say "life" is what the universe revolves around? I'm fairly certain OUR life certainly wouldn't be a huge factor in the big scheme of things, again, I don't know what the universe is doing all this for, I'm just a measly human.
The moon a child of earth? No its hard to explain what the moon is when all we have is human language(child, mother, father, brother, buddy,etc.) I doubt its any of those things, I think if we humans wanted to explain we would need a much better vocabulary. Its making the tides and thus keeping the ocean from going stagnant, whatever thats worth.

Maybe the earth was able to spawn life, because it has been given that priviledge? You can't discount that possibility in the face of what we know about our solar system.
Maybe, but do I think any human in history has any idea who or what gave earth this privaledge? Absolutely not, just as I don't think any human in history has been a spokesman for the universe(jesus), I think if that happened said human would have been far more knowledgeable, had far more to say than "be kind to eachother" and wouldn't have tried to impress people with little magic tricks.
We humans know nothing, that is what my theory is saying, what we think of as "important" undoubtedly isn't, the problem with most religions is they're very human-centric which indicates they were thought up BY HUMANS.
We now know the universe doesn't revolve around earth so we know that earth is but a small player in the feild but we still feel WE have some huge role to play, which I think is silly and is merely the human ego in action, the human ego earth gave us to distract us while going through with our real job. The job we have been doing for thousands of years thats glaringly obvious but again the distractions are what made this job possible, earths smart.
The job is DESTROYING THINGS! Destroy stuff and wipe yourselves out as quickly as possible, that is the "instructions" encoded into us by mother earth.
There is SO much evidence for this, we are flagrantly destroying the earth(as we know it), thats obvious, I'll go ahead and presume we agree on that, also, we are setting orselves up to die VERY young(evolutionarily speaking), the average lifespan for a species is 50 million years, we haven't even been around for half a million and I doubt we will even reach that relatively pathetic goal, this indicates to me that we are a "procedure" activated by earth.
Why does earth want us to destroy things you ask? (I explained this earlier, but I'll save you time and I enjoy talking about it anyway ;) ) To rejuvinate life when we are gone, its simple, earth has "pruned the leaves" before, the ice age, the death of the dinosaurs, probably more, this time she used a very creative and interesting pair of scissors... humans!
When we are gone the earth will be changed again and a new very different plethera of life will emerge.
See how much sense this makes?
Too much to be ignored if you ask me, all the things we hold dear are distractions so the plan can go forth as planned ie,Love, religion, society, technology, morals.
The way we care alot for our fellow man, it leads to intense over-population, and thus clears out the planet. We try to fight disease, feed the hungry, stop wars, what does this lead to? MORE PEOPLE, and that means MORE destruction.
You might say
"then how come there are wars? If thats the plan why don't we all love each other and hate everything else?"
well we need SOME regulation, it could get out of hand too quickly, thats why their's aids too. Its very complex, there just has to be a balance even for us, the creatures specifically designed to disrupt the balance.
You might notice destruction has slowed down, it has in many ways, I find this odd, why did we change? Its strange, people in general seem to care more about the planet and animals lately. Once upon a time no one cared about animals, there has been a noticable change in the last 50 years.
We could be winding to a close. Keep in mind, earth doesn't want us to kill everything or then no life could evolve when we died, it simply wanted us to cull everything's numbers and we've done a fairly good job already, our mission is almost complete.
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I just thought of something, perhaps jesus WAS a spokesman for the universe, but all he did was perpetuate the plan and get it into full swing. Think about it, his "be kind to each other" message got the ball rolling, it set us up to become over-populated, it set a cornerstone for society and gave the "morals" that indirectly destroyed the eco-system. Don't think I'm saying he's a bad guy, he was doing his job just like we have been. Perhaps the recent "lack of faith" is what has slowed down the destruction plan and given birth to conservationalism. So maybe the bible isn't "garbage" like the atheists believe but merely a conspiracy of sorts set up by our cheeky mother earth.

This is weird, everyday I recieve more indications that greatly help my theory.
Well, the moon is a chunk of earth, did you know that?

Anyway, Jesus told people not to become a slave of their natural impulses, as it is in direct opposition to God's will.

Tell me, if we are so insignificant, why are we able to think up so much significance? Why aren't we just animals who graze and fulfil our purpose or non-purpose quietly? If destruction comes natural to us, why is "good" considered exactly the opposite? You might explain it with balance, and that we are meant to keep or restore it, but to what end? Everything ends in death. If the earth is a god, it is the god of death, and you are right when you say that destruction is what is wants and expect, and we are too insignificant to change it. We can't stop the orbits of the planets.

My God doesn't allow me to be insignificant. He created me and others around me and permitted us to change each other's lives - whether the earth has a say in it or not. And He is not the God of death, but of life. Not just an invisible lifeforce, but the same life I have now, one that will continue long after death has gone.

Heb.11:3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

Do you have faith in you explanation? Will you stand by it if you were challenged under threat of death?

God said He would bring a new heaven and a new earth.
Give me a big enough lever and I'll move the earth? I can't see how speculating about a possible future is different from speculating about a possible past... only one of them can change the present.
Originally posted by Jenyar
Well, the moon is a chunk of earth, did you know that?
No I didn't, thanks :)

Anyway, Jesus told people not to become a slave of their natural impulses, as it is in direct opposition to God's will.
Was not jesus' main message to be kind to your fellow man? Judge ye lest not ye be judged? Thou shalt help other dudes?... something like that...

Tell me, if we are so insignificant, why are we able to think up so much significance? Why aren't we just animals who graze and fulfil our purpose or non-purpose quietly? If destruction comes natural to us, why is "good" considered exactly the opposite?
Like I said, this "significance" we are thinking up is a matter of opinion, in reality it, like nearly everything else we do, is a distraction. If we didn't have this great ego we would be living in harmony with the eco-system(maybe animals grazing, who knows?) and we wouldn't be serving our purpose. Our ego(accompanied with our "intelligence") makes us strive to make life better for ourselves, we think we are a being outside of nature, we think we are special, this starts a progression that makes us happier but in turn destroys nature. All this is obvious.
Is "good" considered the opposite of destruction? I've never heard that, as far as I knew "good" was treating other PEOPLE like you yourself would like to be treated, and no one wants to be killed(a few exceptions). There is nothing in the bible that warns us about progression, no where does it say "knock down too many tree's and thou will get stungeth in the buttocks" "over fishingeth will in turn hurteth everything in my kingdom, so don't doeth it", does it ever speak against killing animals? maybe it does, correct me if wrong.
The fact remains that the bible generally preaches keeping people alive, being kind to people, putting people on a pedestal regardless of who they are, helping injured people, curing the sick etc etc etc, all things that inevitably lead to overpopulation and in turn spreading across the earth.

You might explain it with balance, and that we are meant to keep or restore it, but to what end? Everything ends in death. If the earth is a god, it is the god of death, and you are right when you say that destruction is what is wants and expect, and we are too insignificant to change it. We can't stop the orbits of the planets
Whether earth is god or what you believe is god, we both still live on the same planet, the same things are happening around us, I guess your god wants and expects destruction too huh?
Anyway you are misinterpretting, it wanted US to destroy and clear its land and kill its other inhabitants(which you can't deny we are doing) because when we as a species are gone(100 000 years or less) there will be the chance for rejuvination, change. You must know the procedure of "back burning" or whatever? Basically people make a controllable fire that burns down parts of forests and allows for new life to begin. Nature does this too with lightning activated forest fires. We as a species are similar to these fires, but we will affect the whole planet and change the whole face of it.
It is only your human morals telling you this is a "bad" thing, or "earth sounds bad", it is just the way of the universe and I'm sure it isn't as big of a deal as you think.
I believe you got imbedded with these morals to distract you from noticing the state of the planet. You've never really cared about the environment have you? All you really care about is you going to heaven and what you need to do to get into heaven. Thank you, you are proving my point. Religion IS a distraction, if we didn't have all these distractions we'd say "hey! If we keep going like this our species won't have a future!" , we don't care about our species, we care about ourselves in the here and now, and the ones that do care about the future only care about the future of themselves and the future of their own personal loved ones. This is what makes us what we are, we are the only animal not living in harmony with the planet, we are "burning it down", we are a procedure, I don't know whats so hard to understand about this.

My God doesn't allow me to be insignificant. He created me and others around me and permitted us to change each other's lives - whether the earth has a say in it or not. And He is not the God of death, but of life. Not just an invisible lifeforce, but the same life I have now, one that will continue long after death has gone.
Yep, you can change each others lives...... for the better of eachother.
The plan is working earth;)

Heb.11:3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
Do you have faith in you explanation? Will you stand by it if you were challenged under threat of death?

Absolutely, you are the one who has vilainised the concept of death, not me, to me death is transition just like it apparently is supposed to be for you.
Seems like I'm even MORE confident in my beliefs than you are.
You don't need to worry, my beliefs aren't trying to doom you to an eternity of pain like your beliefs are trying to do to me.
I'm not saying people are bad.
The whale's job is to eat plankton(the suppliers of 70% of the earths oxygen), regulate it, make sure plankton numbers dont explode and thus wipe themselves out, starving the whole planet of oxygen.
Once I would have argued the whales are far more important than us, but the planet made us as well, to her we are just as important as the whale and we are doing our job just as efficiently, our particular job requires much less time than the whale's and that is why we will wipe ourselves off the planet far quicker, no big deal.
You value your life so much more than the universe does for obvious reasons. If animals and plants didn't value their own lives there would be no such thing as defense and everything would die, everything will eventually die anyway but we have been given that desire to live by a higher power that wants us to play our part for the planet, when we die we become one with the planet and our priorities become the same, our children live on to carry on the mission of ... well ... "pruning the leaves" of the eco-system. The mission will be finished soon and the human species will be put to rest.
The universe doesn't "care" about you in the way you would hope, but it does care about your job and eventually you will, in a sense, be rewarded for it by becoming one with the universe itself when the earth explodes, and then you won't be asking so many questions.
:) Its a happy ending, don't worry and don't be mad at the earth, mother knows best;)
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Don't you see how the bible may very well be the amazing book you think it is, inspired by "god", but at the same time a trick?
A trick by "god" to help the human species become what it is today?
You can argue our sinful lives have strayed from the original teachings but isn't that to be expected?
I believe the bible engrained one very important message into man's head: People are special, humans are the most important of gods children.
This lead to man seeking comfort and leisure at any cost, to ignore environmental consequences because why should he care? He's going to heaven, a place which is not of this world. Thats the message, and thats the key, "the world doesn't matter because I , the devine human-being that I am, am going to a better place" and the way to get into this world is to help my fellow humans, which in turn will keep more people alive, more people who LOVE breeding which inevitably eventually means world domination, which leads to environmental destruction, which was our job all along.
That is me simplifying it, there is alot more to it and it all ties in so perfectly that I simply can't ignore it.
Given that we can neither create or destroy matter...only alter its form, you technicaly have always been and will always be.
That is scientificaly based and biblicly based {"there is nothing new under the sun"}. We are ALL connected and intertwinned both physically and non physically with all matter....Earth definatly.
Its not odd at all that you feel a conection with earth or any part of it and that feeling you have, my friend, is a window to what "spiritual" means. It comes from with in, it is not feel it, and it makes you question and wish to understand it...might i suggest you look that understanding from whence the desire came....WithIn.
“My barn having burned to the ground,
I can now see the moon.”
— Zen haiku
Dr Lou Natic said:
I think there is what people like to refer to as a "god" and that "god" is the planet earth itself. It is the god of everything on it

Dr Lou Natic said:
I think each life filled planet is also a god, just not my god, but I still respect each one none the less. Is there something that created the planets? well yeah, the universe, thats their god and I respect it too. So when planet earth explodes maybe we will be one with the highest of gods, the universe(the space chimps know what I'm talking about )
Anyone else know what I'm talking about? If not, do you kind of see what I mean? Is this already a religion?

Hmmmm.....I think I do know what you're talking about, let me see..... "A belief that God is in all nature" (quoting my oxford on this one, folks)........ YUP, sounds like PANTHEISM to me.

oh and ummm...

Dr Lou Natic said:
it makes me think that perhaps the space chimp missions were the hugest injustice of all time

I never want to hear that word again. Never.
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