Is this a religion already?

Dr Lou Natic

Unnecessary Surgeon
Registered Senior Member
I think I have developed my own spiritual beliefs, sort of. It might already be a whole group of peoples beliefs but I went about developing them in what, I feel, to be the right way in that I didn't blindly follow a book or existing group and accept what they say as truth but rather thought about it myself and came to my own conclusions.
I think there is what people like to refer to as a "god" and that "god" is the planet earth itself. It is the god of everything on it. It is our creator and I respect and love it. To me, "hell" would be dieing and having your body sent out into space, but maybe not as I'll explain later. What if a sense of spiritual well being is achieved when one dies and becomes one with the planet(it makes me think that perhaps the space chimp missions were the hugest injustice of all time, shit now I kinda hope i'm wrong:( but again, perhaps not and I'll explain later). Perhaps rocks are already feeling that state of spiritual well being. I myself am going to try my hardest to have my corpse sent out to sea when I die, I can't think of a better place to be than in the soul of the ocean(meaning the oceanic foodchain, I get eaten by fish that get eaten by sharks that die and get eaten and so on, technically I would be in the ocean for the remainder of earth's life).
I think mummification might also be a questionable way to be and I'm not too sure about incineration either.
I've always kind of had spiritual feelings but I tried to ignore them because it made me think that I would be giving in to the religious nuts but I always did feel this most strongly when in nature and particularly the ocean.
I'm guessing I'm sounding as crazy to the hardcore atheists as christians do but I don't know, it just feels right to me(where have I heard that before?:rolleyes: )
In fact it feels SO right, it fills me with a sense of bliss I have never truely felt before(ok, this one time when I was on ecstasy.... aaahhh it was close but this is different).
I think each life filled planet is also a god, just not my god, but I still respect each one none the less. Is there something that created the planets? well yeah, the universe, thats their god and I respect it too. So when planet earth explodes maybe we will be one with the highest of gods, the universe(the space chimps know what I'm talking about;) )
Anyone else know what I'm talking about? If not, do you kind of see what I mean? Is this already a religion?

Note: I've been overly optimistic lately so maybe when I turn back into my normal grouchy self I'll think this is all crap and I will be able to slowly try and gain back what little respect I ever had;)
Doesn't anyone want to join my cult.. aaah I mean religion?
Well if you change your mind we will be meeting at a cave in a forest. We'll be serving gruel!:) E-mail me for a map.
Oh and make sure you wear white nike sneakers....
White nike sneakers!!?? i'm there, why i've got a pair on now!!!:D

Very interesting thought, earth being our indivdual god. But then would she have more of a say in our actions(deforsataion, nuclear testing, agriculture, extinction of animals)
Exactly, not only does she have a say in deforrestation etc but she is the one doing it. I have already mentioned this in the general philosophy thread. Every creature has a job to do, She made us(humans) to destroy things. Why? To regenerate new life when we are gone. Kind of like a forestfire or the pruning of the leaves on a tree. There is already evidence of this, although my heart despises the whaling industry, now that it has pretty much ended it has given whales the potential to become more abundant than ever before, the amount of plankton in the ocean has skyrocketted to an enormous amount. See what I'm saying?

In my mind, EVERYTHING makes sense, does that mean I'm right? No. But I personally like my theory alot. :cool:
Another thought:
I used to try and debunk people who believed in an afterlife by saying "what was it like before you were born? Exactly that is what it will be like when you're dead" but that train of thought is riddled with flaws. The difference is before we were born there was no us, we hadn't been created yet, when we die we are still here. Nothing can escape the planet unless it is purposelly rocketted off into space.
I believe when we die we become one with the earth and scientifically speaking, we do. When the earth explodes, it becomes one with the universe, therefore WE become one with the universe.
My religion is fairly logical when you think about it.

I agree that what is not logical about it is the idea of spiritual well being when we are dead, but like I said I don't think anything can escape the earth and I don't know, I can just imagine that is what would happen. Maybe the light sense of well being I am feeling lately came after throwing just enough fingernails into the ocean and dirt to get a taste:p
I'd greatly appreciate feedback from both atheists and religious types alike.
You can swear at me if you like:)
I'd greatly appreciate feedback from both atheists and religious types alike. You can swear at me if you like

Well, in that case :D

I totally understand where you're coming from, I sometimes think the same way, and I do think of the Earth as a living being or spirit (which then makes me feel totally guilty in EVERYTHING I do), but I odn't know if its the same feeling as believing in a god. It may sound hte same, but to me, I don't know if it feels the same. But, if you think about, the Earth does have her own life span. I mean when the sun dies (in what 5 billion years or so?0 then so does she.
There's some science for my theory right there. They are merely touching on a small part of my beliefs but it certainly makes me even more convinced that I'm right.
There is evidence that indicates the earth is in control of itself, thats a start in proving me right.
Although, I'm afraid that might be as far as science will be able to go on this subject, how can you prove that earth is alive if all we know of "alive" is what is on earth? It seems like it would be difficult. I think it is a completely different form of life. Plants, animals and planets, see what I mean? See how different plants are than animals? We agree they are both alive, I think the planet is a far different form than both of them but it is still alive in a way we don't understand.
I don't think all planets are alive, only ones with working ecosystems.
I don't know much, no-one does, but I know what I feel here.
Earth rocks!
Lou Natic

there is a major diff in believing that the earth is a living being and that it a version of god... so if ur trynna talk about the former, Gaia theory (da link) does put it in a nutshell.. but the latter is quite a topic for discussion considerin the prevalent beliefs of the qualities of god and existence... well, if u just wanted to know if the earth was a superorganism, u've got some scientific backing...
Re: Lou Natic

Originally posted by sycoindian
there is a major diff in believing that the earth is a living being and that it a version of god
Maybe I shouldn't have used the word god, what exactly does the word "god" mean?
I believe the earth is the creator of everything on it, thats a given. I think it might be in more control than we give it credit for. Not the kind of "control" we attribute to ourselves but a more strategic sort of control. It "planted the seeds" for life and thus took a gamble on its own self, but at the same time I think its not as "worried" about itself as some of us can't help being. This is all so extremely hard to explain and like I said none of this could ever be fully proved or disproved by science but the evidence earth is a "superorganism" certainly helps my theory even if only a little bit.

PS: weird. I was in my friends car last night and he was playing some Wu-tang CD, and one of them said "praise to tha motha earth and tha planets!!" , could my religion be wu-slim?:bugeye: :p
are you saying that the planet has some sorta intelligence of its own? i know that natural systems have a way of regulating the life support systems, but there is a tolerance level for that too... human behaviour is compared to how viruses behave.. it is quite a striking similarity.. our immune system tries to ward off any viruses, bacteria, outside harmful agents that might jeopardize the natural health of the body... you could also say that about the planet.. humans are a form of virus to the well being of the planet.. therefore the planet reacts by inflicting disease on humans.. for example ebola.. it would be a way for the planet to destroy the virus (humans)... its a loose argument, but you could definitely say that natural disasters could be the earth's immune system... it would still be hard to prove that the planet has intelligence and not just cause and effect... but it definitely is an interesting concept...

p.s. wu-tang songs have the philosophy of the centuries embedded in their songs... they should be demi gods.. ;)
Originally posted by sycoindian
it would still be hard to prove that the planet has intelligence and not just cause and effect
Probably impossible to prove or disprove.
I don't know, I've been believing "cause and effect" for a while now and it could just be me wanting a change, or maybe I'm just seeking comfort like all the other religions, maybe I just want to stop having these redundant atheism VS religion arguments.
Its funny, I look around this religion forum and my theory in no way conflicts with the general statements of either atheists or christians. It conflicts with what they believe but neither science nor the bible disproves my theory. The bible could easily be interpretted to work in harmony with my theory and evolution is an obvious big part of it.
Hmmm, I'd really like to see what some christians think about this,
jenyar? truthseeker?
What is your problem with this? If I were right, would the afterlife be too easy to get into for your liking? :p

PS: sycoindian, I always knew wu-tang had a sense of humor but I never noticed this stuff before,
I'm liking it :cool: :m:
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Another thought:
I used to try and debunk people who believed in an afterlife by saying "what was it like before you were born? Exactly that is what it will be like when you're dead" but that train of thought is riddled with flaws. The difference is before we were born there was no us, we hadn't been created yet were already there before you were born. You have been around partly as an egg for a very long time and partly as a sperm for a shorter amount of time before you were even concieved.

and technically the information that makes you has been around for a very long time, except that when you were conceived all this genetic information was gathered in on little cell.

Therefore one might argue that you were more here before you were born than you possibly will be here after you die. Or to a same degree.
Hmmm I guess your right :( gee now I'm all depressed again.... thanks ... I guess :(

But wait! :)
Perhaps the fact that we can't remember before being born is WHY life is a gift, as cold as it sounds maybe aborted fetus' don't get this "afterlife" I speak of because they never became a fully developed living organism.
I'm shady with all this and in the end it is just ideas i'm throwing out there.
Do you believe you have a soul?
I'm not sure if I do either but it is hard to deny a strange spiritual feeling I have in myself. I don't think I've always had this soul I just developed it recently in the last year or two, or maybe I've always had it and just never noticed before, I don't know.
I don't think it is anything supernatural, just another "physical"(I think everything is physical whether we can physically determine it or not) part of me and because of this, like everything else, I don't think it can leave earth or disappear. My body might shut down but nothing inside it is going anywhere. To think otherwise is to believe in mystical magical forces.
This spirit of mine will be mixed into the soil along with my body and that is where this "one with the earth" I speak of comes from.
Again, this could all be wishfull thinking but it makes sense to me.
Perhaps the fact that we can't remember before being born is WHY life is a gift, as cold as it sounds maybe aborted fetus' don't get this "afterlife" I speak of because they never became a fully developed living organism.

most religions as far as i can rememba advocate that a soul is embedded in a fetus during conception... so an aborted fetus would have a soul which would go to the next world directly...

Do you believe you have a soul?

ermm... that's one twisted concept... i honestly donno...

Again, this could all be wishfull thinking but it makes sense to me.

well.. the interestin thing you mentioned that might contradict wat most religions say is that your soul will be buried with you in the ground... that totally derides the purpose of havin a soul... a soul is supp to go to the other worlds and leave the material body it was inhabiting.. that is what i believe the religions say.. i could be wrong about the interpretations..

how could you possibly analyze a feeling to be spiritual? i donno.. if you tell someone that you're developin feelings of love for some person, it can be understood by the other person bcuz we all experience that to an extent.. a spiritual feeling cud be a deluded version of a multitude of feelings or emotions... it could very well be something that isn't labelled and can be labelled as spiritual cuz its unusual..i donno... it sounds like someone is trynna make contact with the mothership...
Well of course my "religion" might contradict other religions. Like I said I've developed the beliefs by myself without letting any of that stuff persuade me in any way.
I shouldn't have used the word soul. Like god it is just a word. What I mean with the fetus and all that is I think you die with what you got. A fetus isn't going to develop anything just because its dead.
I don't think I believe in a "soul" either. I believe in what I know I've got and everything that I am is going to rot into the earth. What more could I want? Seriously.
I won't be conscious but who cares. I don't think I would want to be conscious, how boring, whats so great about conscious anyway? I will be alive in the way the earth is because I will be a part of the earth. What does that feel like? Probably nothing, who knows? Have you ever spoken to someone who has rotted into the earth and asked them what its like?
Whether its nothing or something, either way is good, its not like nothing hurts. And whether I "realise" it or not I will be a part of planet earth and I like that.
I like earth.
To me "sacreligious" is attributing earth's awesomeness to some fictional character. If I'm right(I can't see how I'm not) the religious people will go to the same place as me, but they have built themselves up for some magical place and have lived their lives restricted to apease a fake god, so to them it will be a huge letdown... a "hell"
To me, to the animals, to the atheists it will be heaven, rest :cool:

The only way this is like a religion is I'm happy and content, I'm not depressed like the average atheist, I know where I'm going and I think its cool.

I feel like I explained what I mean a bit better in this post.
NOW what do you think?
I'm surprised no christians have come in saying "you're going to hell for believing in earth!:mad:" , that would make me laugh, don't you guys have anything to say?

Is there any flaw atheists can find?
that makes more sense Lou Natic... all i gotta say is.. go kiss the ground now... u nevah know when the mothership will call you back.. :D