Is there such a thing as an "Anti-Atheist?"

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the division comes from atheists attempting to make anyone who is religious look like an idiot. its a shame that you people cant have a congenial conversation with eachother because of this.

Some do and some don't and the same is true for Theists. Both Atheists and Theists have very different high-stakes values. As a general result, Theists perceive Atheists as literally attacking them with an intention to kill (goodbye identity and goodbye religious psychological satisfaction). Atheists perceive Theists as a source of irrationally destructive and retarding behavior.

This means that both Atheists and Theists harbor negative feeling towards each other and this naturally shows up in non-congenial conversaion.

but then again..its about "you are right, and i am wrong", isnt it?

Sometimes it is. Alot of times it's about "what is objectively true, and what is objectively false?"
Your point is not what the thread is trying to establish - which is: are there anti-atheists?
Obviously yes.
Skin, already established it. Devil objected to the threads intentions. I addressed a subset of Devil's objections.
Some do and some don't and the same is true for Theists. Both Atheists and Theists have very different high-stakes values. As a general result, Theists perceive Atheists as literally attacking them with an intention to kill (goodbye identity and goodbye religious psychological satisfaction). Atheists perceive Theists as a source of irrationally destructive and retarding behavior.

This means that both Atheists and Theists harbor negative feeling towards each other and this naturally shows up in non-congenial conversaion.

Sometimes it is. Alot of times it's about "what is objectively true, and what is objectively false?"

surely, crunchy can recognize that what you have posted above is not even close to being the case here? you strike me as much more intelligent than that!
This thread was started in June 2005, which makes it about a year and a half old.

Why was it resurrected?
surely, crunchy can recognize that what you have posted above is not even close to being the case here? you strike me as much more intelligent than that!

Just to be clear, I was not addressing the whole message in my response (i.e. the part about Skinwalker / Atheist mod's). I was explicitly addressing a piece of what you stated out of that context.

Take a look at this recemt thread:

How would describe the intention of the thread starter in response to the primary assertion of this thread? How would you describe the interaction between the Theists and Atheists in that thread?
this whole thread is some self righteous tripe. [blah, blah, blah]
edit: (watches skinwalker hand an infraction to me for calling him out on his ideology)

Sorry. No need. Attempting to make an ass of one's self is not against SciForums rules.

Had you examined the topic in its original context (its an old thread, as others have pointed out), you would have seen the threads of the day that made it relevant. Instead, you still seem to have your panties in a wad because your off-topic posts were deleted in another forum and you received an infraction for continuing off-topic. Moreover, you give the appearance that you're bitter that you got "passed over" for moderator position, even after all the "hard work" you did answering Stryder's questionnaire and passing out frivolous infractions to every tom-dick-and-harry that, in your mind, was violating your sense of forum rules.

Your response to me in this thread has nothing to do with your opinion on anti-atheism, but rather your desire to draw attention to yourself like a drama -queen. Congratulations. You have a minute or two of fame.

Now can the rest of us move on with our day?
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