A dream is not a method of verification.Subject 2 goes to sleep, and dreams that there is a golf ball in the box. Thus, he concludes that X is true. His methof of verification is his dream.
It may be impossible for you to say, but it happens.It's impossible for me or anybody to say something like:
"Subject has arrived at a conclusion that X is true, but has not verified/determined whether or not X is true."
Why can't it be the case?The only way I would make such a statement is if I religiously believe that what I consider to be "verification" is what everybody, including the subject, considers to be verification. Of course, this cannot be the case.
Wrong again: the correct statement would be "Subject X has arrived at a conclusion without verifying it".Thus, the proper statement would be:
"Subject arrived at a conclusion that X is true, but has used a method of verification that I consider to be unacceptable."
Dreams &c are not methods of verification.