Is there really a difference between pornography and prostitution ?

Is there a difference between pornography and prostitution?

  • Total voters
Tiassa -

Challenger78 -

Brothels are illegal in the UK and in brothels operating outside of the law there are no regular, monitored STIs checks WHATSOEVER. JDawg's point is not irrelevant - yours is.
There are many similarities between pornography and prostitution, but you're ignoring the important differences.
Prostitution is dangerous: many prostitutes are severely assaulted and even killed each year by sexually perverted and violent customers. Pornography is between two porn professionals who are very much on the same level as eachother.

yes your right, however, massage parlours offer certain services and for the most part the police leave them alone, there must be 50/55 massage parlours in Blackpool alone, and they operate without any problem from the police and so they should
yes your right, however, massage parlours offer certain services and for the most part the police leave them alone, there must be 50/55 massage parlours in Blackpool alone, and they operate without any problem from the police and so they should

That doesn't make them legal, neither does it mean they are checked out regularly (if at all).

Ah, So they're professionals.. So whats with all these amateur films that we keep hearing about ?

If they're not paid professionals then it's just a sex tape. Besides, with no money involved, where's the link with prostitution?
Ofcourse they are different, they are simular yes but simular is not exact. Therefore we give them 2 different names, why do you think we don't call pornstars prostitutes? because we use a different word to describe a different action in the english language.

an apple is simular to a pear but they are not the same.

Tiassa said:
Only one of those differences is relevant. After all, prostitutes in legal brothels are routinely tested, too. The only substantial difference between the two industries is that your money pays the producer (analogously a pimp) to have the porn star (analogously the prostitute) have sex with someone else; the prostitute is paid to have sex with you.

I'll concede that legal brothels have their ladies tested, but that is where the similarities end. To compare a producer to a pimp is ridiculous. First, all the parties involved in the sex in a porno are paid...whereas in prostitution, only the prostitute is paid. And in that case, the prostitute is being paid to sexually satisfy the John (or Jane), whereas in a pornography, nobody is paying for sexual gratification. Yes, in the end, the consumer pays to watch, but that is irrelevant.

Beyond this, the essentials of the job are the same; from the prostitute or porn star's point of view, it generally doesn't matter who they are having sex with.

Sure it does. Female pornstars are the stars of the show in pornography, and can pick and choose as they please; and if you know anything about the industry, they exercise this right quite often; there are some female actresses that will only work with black men, while there are others who refuse to work with a man who is over a certain size. Some women refuse to work with men altogether, and stick to the girl-girl portion of the industry--which, by the way, rakes in a ton of money.

The comparison doesn't fit.

Also, you have an interesting argument pattern. Thesis, support, contradiction, support, conclusion. Most people, I admit, routinely leave out the part where they contradict their thesis.

You have an interesting pattern as well. Well, it's less of a pattern as much as it is just a general lack of knowledge in any subject you decide to dive headlong into. I've never seen someone so pathetically out of touch in all subjects. At least the religious kooks know something about their own faith usually.

It depends on how similar you intend to describe them. They are, essentially, the same.

Again, no they are not. If you want to use that kind of logic, then me having sex with my girlfriend is essentially the same, considering that I had to court her with dinners and dates and movies. I essentially paid for the right to have sex with her, but it was more of a lay-a-way than a direct purchase...according to your logic, anyway, which we all know isn't really logic at all.

In the end, though, they are both fucking for money.

True, but that's as close as the comparisons get.
I would argue that they are more or less the same, the main difference being due to the law prostitution has gone underground (or kerbside in most cases) making it more sleazy in people's eyes.

You will find little issues on the streets of Amsterdam between the two, it's a choice of watching people have sex or joining in yourself. Note that the prostitute still has the choice whether or not to engage with a particular client, just as the sex performer does. In fact some sex shows offer audience participation, which surely blurs the line further.
I would argue that they are more or less the same, the main difference being due to the law prostitution has gone underground (or kerbside in most cases) making it more sleazy in people's eyes.

You will find little issues on the streets of Amsterdam between the two, it's a choice of watching people have sex or joining in yourself. Note that the prostitute still has the choice whether or not to engage with a particular client, just as the sex performer does. In fact some sex shows offer audience participation, which surely blurs the line further.

If a live sex show has audience participation, then it isn't pornography--it's prostitution. I really have a hard time seeing these similarities other than the fact that sex and money are involved. Again, nobody will take me up on the notion that following Tiassa's "logic", then prostitution and pornography are no different than my relationship with my girlfriend.
Notes Around

JDawg said:

Again, no they are not.

I'll repeat my point again, so we're clear:

• Beyond this, the essentials of the job are the same; from the prostitute or porn star's point of view, it generally doesn't matter who they are having sex with.

• It depends on how similar you intend to describe them. They are, essentially, the same.

• In the end, though, they are both fucking for money.​

Now, you have omitted none of this in what you quoted, but I want you to focus on the first two. A certain word appears, albeit in different forms, in both. The similarity is essential. The word essential is defined, in this context, "of, relating to, or constituting". Synonyms include fundamental, vital, and cardinal. The jobs are fundamentally the same. The vital similarity is that they both fuck for money. The cardinal aspect (e.g., without which the practice disappears) is the idea of sexual acts in exchange for money.

You even concede the point:

True, but that's as close as the comparisons get.

That's all the comparison needs to accommodate the word essentially.

If you want to use that kind of logic, then me having sex with my girlfriend is essentially the same, considering that I had to court her with dinners and dates and movies. I essentially paid for the right to have sex with her, but it was more of a lay-a-way than a direct purchase...according to your logic, anyway, which we all know isn't really logic at all.

By that reasoning, the only purpose of courting is to buy sex. As such, the idea of getting to know someone, of deciding whether or not you wish to engage in sexual relations or build a lasting relationship are irrelevant. If that's the case, and the only reason for taking a potential partner for dinner and a movie is to buy sexual favors, then yes, it is essentially the same thing.

Ask your girlfriend what your pre-sexual dating was for. Tell her you thought you were buying sex and let us know what she says.

• • •​

Orleander said:

Do you have to have some kind of license to make a movie?

No, not really. If you want to sell the movie, you might choose to get a business license, but I don't think it's strictly necessary if, say, you and your husband decide to make a movie and sell a few DVDs at a garage sale. Depending on the scale of the operation, a business license will eventually become necessary.

• • •​

EmptyForceOfChi said:

an apple is simular to a pear but they are not the same.

Or, perhaps, we might say that a Granny Smith and a Jonagold are both apples, but they're not the same thing.

The pear would be the geeky-looking waiter who stands behind the cash register and appears to masturbate while watching you fuck your partner on the buffet table, although we never see his penis in any sense that proves it's his.

In the film, that is. In real life, we'd probably call that a health hazard. One of several.
the essentials of the job are the same; from the prostitute or porn star's point of view, it generally doesn't matter who they are having sex with.

I think you are over simplifying. In particular I've never seen porn stars self report as prostitutes or prostitutes self report as porn stars. Granted my sampling is small but both groups have a presence on the web. You could ask them directly.

they are both fucking for money.
Lot's of people fuck for money, surrogote mothers, sperm donars, debutantes, etc. That doesn't mean they are all prostitutes.

[Mea Culpa - error with drawn]You are still ignoreing every one and everything else involved. A hit man and a doctor both cut people for money. Are doctors hit men?

[I'm glad everything else here meets with your substantive agreement.]
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Little help, please?

Also you are focusing just on the woman ....

Would you do me a favor, please, and support this point? I just went back and searched my two prior posts in this discussion, and apparently I'm still missing it. Help me out, please.
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I think you are over simplifying. In particular I've never seen porn stars self report as prostitutes or prostitutes self report as porn stars. Granted my sampling is small but both groups have a presence on the web. You could ask them directly.

Lot's of people fuck for money, surrogote mothers, sperm donars, debutantes, etc. That doesn't mean they are all prostitutes.

Also you are focusing just on the woman (which is a bit sexist since men are also prostitutes, porn stars and fuck for the money) while ignoreing every one and everything else involved. A hit man and a doctor both cut people for money. Are doctors hit men?

I thought a prostitute was someone who had sex in exchange for something else of value. It doesn't have to be money. If I had sex with someone just so that he would pay all of my bills or wash my windows I'd be prostituting myself, wouldn't I? I think you have a very narrow view of what a prostitute is, and surragate mothers and sperm donors don't fuck for money. What they do doesn't involving fucking at all.
I thought a prostitute was someone who had sex in exchange for something else of value. It doesn't have to be money.

A quick peruse of various dictionaries gives a definite bias for money. But it really is a vague notion. I think the clear implication is that a hooker, call girl, or streetwalker is what is meant in which case money is the preferred tender, but some definitely barter for drugs.

I think any definition which can’t distinguish a call girl from a debutant is flawed.

Just as an aside both bonobos and penguins trade sex for items of value, prostitution in your sense of the word.

I'd be prostituting myself, wouldn't I?
I would say only figuratively.

I personally know at least one surrogate mother who certainly did fuck to get it in there, and I can’t imagine that is unheard of in cases where the mother isn’t producing viable eggs or doesn’t care for invasive or “unnatural procedures.”
That doesn't make them legal, neither does it mean they are checked out regularly (if at all).

If they're not paid professionals then it's just a sex tape. Besides, with no money involved, where's the link with prostitution?

actually i know that the women/men who work in blackpool are checked regulary for std's/adis and so on, i know that for a fact
actually i know that the women/men who work in blackpool are checked regulary for std's/adis and so on, i know that for a fact

Well, yeah, but how long from possible infection until it shows up in the tests?

Or are you thinking that a prostitute has only one sex partner, then runs to the clinic to be tested before fuckin' another customer?

Baron Max
Well, yeah, but how long from possible infection until it shows up in the tests?

Or are you thinking that a prostitute has only one sex partner, then runs to the clinic to be tested before fuckin' another customer?

Baron Max

no they ahve to work for about 3 months between tests and they are also told to use protection if they dont (the girls i know of) are told to go and work elsewhere

and the infection period differs from one infection to anouther
from the prostitute or porn star's point of view, it generally doesn't matter who they are having sex with.

You keep repeating that, but there is no basis for the claim on the pornstar's side of it.

They are, essentially, the same.

If that's the case, so is your relationship to your significant other.

In the end, though, they are both fucking for money.

So doctors and dentists have essentially the same job? Football players and baseball players do essentially the same thing? Barbers and manicurists? Breeders and trainers?

Now, you have omitted none of this in what you quoted, but I want you to focus on the first two. A certain word appears, albeit in different forms, in both. The similarity is essential. The word essential is defined, in this context, "of, relating to, or constituting". Synonyms include fundamental, vital, and cardinal. The jobs are fundamentally the same. The vital similarity is that they both fuck for money. The cardinal aspect (e.g., without which the practice disappears) is the idea of sexual acts in exchange for money.

The question of this thread was not "are there similarities", but "Is there really a difference". And as I've already said, yes, there are similarities. But similar does not mean the same. Nor does it mean they are "essentially" the same. Again, doctors and dentists both treat physicals ailments, so are their jobs "essentially" the same? Of course not. There are fundamental differences between these jobs, just as there are fundamental (read: essential) differences between prostitution and pornography)

By that reasoning, the only purpose of courting is to buy sex. As such, the idea of getting to know someone, of deciding whether or not you wish to engage in sexual relations or build a lasting relationship are irrelevant. If that's the case, and the only reason for taking a potential partner for dinner and a movie is to buy sexual favors, then yes, it is essentially the same thing.

But what you have been saying up until now is that there is no difference between prostitution and pornography. You even showed how, in your opinion, every player in each scenario was analogous.

Ask your girlfriend what your pre-sexual dating was for. Tell her you thought you were buying sex and let us know what she says.

I'm attractive. There is no pre-sexual dating.
I'm attractive. There is no pre-sexual dating.

You have sex with people before you even date them? I'm not sure how that speaks for the judgment of either party.

I think to both pornstars and prostitutes, sex is a profession. They do it for material profit not personal fulfillment.
OMG this made me LOL

Sell a few homemade porno's of you and your husband at a GARAGE SALE, on your DRIVEWAY? LOL

3/4 of the customers at the Garage Sale are Indian and will give you 25 cents for it. Then they go back to Orleanders house after watching half of it and demand their 25cents back because it wasn't worth it.


Just out of interest why are Indians mentioned here?

Just out of interest why are Indians mentioned here?


Why? because we have a garage sale every yr and they come in droves. Then they offer you 25 cents for everything. So when I read his post, I could just picture it.