Is there legal recourse against the government for victims of experimentation?

In my experience, schizophrenics often percieve that their delusions are not an aspect of their own brains. We do have to hemispheres that can think independently. They often paranoid, and think there is some foreign agent responsible for their symptoms. My own friend postulated about tiny black chips and searched for these in his TV set.

Mr. Hamtastic,
I don't think your plan would work. If you rule out one thing, your brain will invent another. Since this feeling is so common with the mentally ill, I think it's safe to say there is really no sinister agent responsible. Take some medication and stay on it.
That's just it, I do take meds. They don't particularly help, except I'm not running through the woods naked screaming at squirrels. Before meds? I was where I am now. It's curious how they keep upping my doe of lithium, an increase in salt could affect one's conductivity.
That's why I think I need to find someone who is willing to remove my eyeballs and check the eyesockets. No local doctor or opthalmologist is open to the idea.

Perhaps I should try to figure out how to get some voltage into my eyesocket. Does anyone know if you can carve out a stable hole in the flesh where the eyelid stops and not eyelid starts? The recess you can put your finger in when your eye is closed, even push the eye down a bit.

I have read over some of your posts in a different thread. I am not a mental health professional however I do have experiences with persons suffering from schizophrenia. One of my best friends for the last decade has struggled with treatment and changing drugs and dosages to maintain a 'normal' life.

The above post highlights a typical episode when the drugs are not working correctly. Even if you do find a doctor who will zap your eyesockets, if it doesnt work, you will convince yourself that it was something the doctor did wrong.

Even if you do find a doctor who will cut out your eyeballs and examine them and the flesh remaining attached to your head, if they find nothing, you will convince yourself that it was something the doctor did wrong or the government agents influenced his report, or some other self reinforcing delusion that will allow you to keep pursuing this outside influence on your brain.

The medications used to mask the symptoms of schizophrenia can become useless at later points in life. This happened to my friend and she was hospitalized. She is on completely different drugs now and the side effects are different than her original medication regime.

My suggestion to you is to not nod your head and say you feel better when the doctors ask how your doing. It took my friend around 2 years to get her dosage balanced when she had to do a complete drug changeover, and the first 6 months of that changeover were complete hell for her and her family.

The brain is a very complicated organ with many aspects a complete mystery. I dont know if you have any contact with insulin dependent diabetics, but they too struggle with changing dosages and ridged self monitoring. There are similarities with their (diabetics) personal struggle and the struggles someone with brain function disorders must deal with.
milkweed-but how can this be paranoia? I'm not "scared" about it. I want to participate in the experimentation more actively if anything. I'm taking my meds as prescribed, my swings have settled down<ref: bipolar>. Everything is so.... clear right now. It all fits together so well. When I am hearing things, I can feel the transmitter being adjusted to better attune to different lobes of my brain. You can't just explain that sort of thing away.
milkweed-but how can this be paranoia? I'm not "scared" about it. I want to participate in the experimentation more actively if anything. I'm taking my meds as prescribed, my swings have settled down<ref: bipolar>. Everything is so.... clear right now. It all fits together so well. When I am hearing things, I can feel the transmitter being adjusted to better attune to different lobes of my brain. You can't just explain that sort of thing away.

I did not use the term paranoia. However, from wiki:

"Other common paranoid delusions include the belief that the person has an imaginary disease or parasitic infection (delusional parasitosis); that the person is on a special quest or has been chosen by God; that the person has had thoughts inserted or removed from conscious thought; or that the person's actions are being controlled by an external force.

Therefore, in common usage, the term paranoid addresses a range of mental conditions, assumed by the use of the term to be of psychiatric origin, in which the subject is seen to generalise or project fears and anxieties onto the external world, particularly in the form of organised behaviour focused on them."

I wont address bi-polar conditions, I havent enough experience with it beyond knowing the condition exists in some individuals I have met over the years, but they were casual contacts and not close personal friends.

A person can have multiple conditions that affect an organ. Hearts for example can be affected by both High blood pressure (or low blood pressure) and clogged arteries. Both conditions need treatment to avoid a heart attack (psychotic episode).

You want to be treated for this implant because it removes the condition from being internal, to that external force which is in control of what is going on in your brain. The delusion of grandure is related to you implying you are one of the 1% of people diagnosed with a mental condition who really suffers from the external force making you that way (which is an even smaller number than one percent when you factor in around 1% of the population has been diagnosed with your condition). See, you know that some people have an internal mental condition, but its not you. Your special. Now your .001% of the population.

I am not trying to attack you with this, just going over the term paranoia and then showing where I have seen examples in your posts. The friend I spoke of earlier wants to know any signs of the medication not working so she can be pro-active.

If your medication is working for the bi-polar aspect of your condition, hey thats great. But there is still this particular aspect (the implants/eyeballs/nasal thing) that is a concern to be aware of. An outsider reading your suggestions would either think your making this up for whatever. Or you have an untreated/unresponsive condition that needs attention also.
I appreciate your concern, milkweed, I do. I have to be careful with the Drs, because they are federally funded. I don't want my care taken away from me for raising this alarm. Maybe I should try to contact a semi-friendly national government besides my own, like France or Switzerland. Maybe Russia would be interested enough to try to gain information about the US's progress. I really hate going against my nation though, makes me feel like a traitor.
Mr. Hamtastic
when i saw this thread i thought you were having a manic episode but your other writing doesnt bare that out. So my proffessional opinion is YOU PULLING EVERYONES LEG:p
Asguard-nope no leg pulling, buddy. I wish I were. I'm a little bit afraid of going to foreign governments, because if my own government did this to me, what would they do to me?
ham relax, its highly unlikly anyone has inserted anything into you, you have been watching to many x-file eposodes
Have no fear Mr. Hamtastic. You aren't important enough for the gov to actually care about except to tax.
Have no fear Mr. Hamtastic. You aren't important enough for the gov to actually care about except to tax.

Excellent point. And it brings up something worth noting.

Sadly, I've known more than one individual that suffered from the same paranoia and delusional thought. And besides their mental illness, they all had something else in common, also. Every single one of them would be considered average or below average in terms of being of any interest to any group - government or otherwise. None of them had money, power or position - nothing worth being expiremented on or controlled. In common terms, they all fit the concept of being a "nobody."

If the government or some other subversive group WAS attempting to control individuals, they most certainy would choose some that had some degree of influence so that they (the group) could manipulate that influence to serve their subversive purposes.

But these "affected" people never quite seem to understand that - primarily due to their diminished mental abilities. In fact, many seem to believe that nonsense because it's the ONLY thing that gives them any degree of self-importance.
But these "affected" people never quite seem to understand that - primarily due to their diminished mental abilities.
I'm not so sure about that.
Some paranoids are quite bright.

In fact, many seem to believe that nonsense because it's the ONLY thing that gives them any degree of self-importance.
That I'd go along with.
If you feel like you are nobody, this makes you a somebody.
I'm not so sure about that.
Some paranoids are quite bright.

No, not just paranoid - but delusional as well. Therein lies the difference.

That I'd go along with.
If you feel like you are nobody, this makes you a somebody.

Exactly - and they are compelled to never give up that thought because that would make them a nobody again.
read only thats a little harsh, mental illness can strike anyone (not to mention the organic causes of paranoid delusions). Its not the persons fault they have it