Is there free will in heaven / the spiritual world?


Valued Senior Member
Is there free will in heaven / the spiritual world?

Provide reasoning and/or evidence (scriptural or other) for or against.
Is there free will in heaven / the spiritual world?

Provide reasoning and/or evidence (scriptural or other) for or against.

God offers the same laughable free will in heaven as he does on earth.

Do things my way or burn forever.

I cannot provide any evidence what so ever to prove that there is a "heaven" or a "spiritual" world.
Was there free will for Satan?
If so, why was he banished for using it?
He was not even allowed to disagree with God's ideas according to the myth.


everyone's allowed to disagree, but disagreeing doesn't give you magical powers or some exemption to be able to escape consequences according to law. you should give that some thought yourself.
I'm in Heaven and my heart beats so that I can Hardy speak ( Plagiarized from a Ginger Rogers song ) There is no free will in earth or in heaven . I know about heaven cause I live the other side of Hell Gate ( which would Be "God's Country : Google that with Montana , I did not make that up )
Anyway the view is just fine up here so I wait patiently for the the rest of you to come join Me ( not in Montana , but the mind set of heaven , you can come to God's Country if you want , but we only allow visitors so make sure you pack light . Just joking , You can move were ever you want to . It is a free country
different environment obviously. different state of existence.

We're all in a different enviroment and state of existence now then before we were born, so how sure are you that you're not in heaven now if free will exists both "here" and in "heaven"? How would we know the difference between the two? Is it merely a matter of scenery?

And religious or not we all believe that we'll be in a different enviroment and state of existence when we die, so if free will exists in both, we exist in both and, I presume, god exists in both the only difference seems to be the landscape. Can't figure out how you'd be able to tell the difference to be honest. :shrug:
Observation of physics comes to mind. I mean, how do you know you're alive and on earth right now?
As much as there is here. Why wouldn't there be?

Here's the reply of another Christian (from another thread):

For example, Christianity promotes a heavenly reward, but only for those who believe its tenets and, of course, live accordingly. Aka, behavior control. In fact, life in heaven apparently lacks free will (ie, everyone cannot behavior other than in a Godly manner, and no one can sin there); however, free will exists in this world. If free will didn't exist in us here, there's be no need for behavior control. For example, a stone has no free will, so there's no need for controlling its behavior. Ultimately, as the Christian faith promotes it, God wants people to do the right thing (ie, behave in a Godly manner). I'm not preaching here, merely explaining behavior control à la Christianity, and it may be getting off topic.
Observation of physics comes to mind. I mean, how do you know you're alive and on earth right now?

Exactly. I know that I exist and that the enviroment I exist in exists because I can observe it, measure it and change it. I know, to a certain extent, it's laws and parameters. What is permissible and what is not.

What you're doing is standing in this enviroment and postulating the laws and parameters of another. One that is not observable or measureable and claiming to know what is permissible in it. You can not compare two things if you only have the data for one of them. Without the evidence it's just a guess.
I consider it an educated guess though because its not logical to me to presume that god or our existence would be unrelated this dimension vs the next. I see our existence and gods plan as purposeful, meaningful, and continuous... Comprehensive. Not disjointed and irrelevant.
I consider it an educated guess though because its not logical to me to presume that god or our existence would be unrelated this dimension vs the next. I see our existence and gods plan as purposeful, meaningful, and continuous... Comprehensive. Not disjointed and irrelevant.

Fair enough. It does beg the question though that if god's plan is comprehensive and that heaven should be related to this enviroment as a form of natural progression, what about regression? What was his plan and our existence like before this stage? If it's all encompassing it must be relevant.
Fair enough. It does beg the question though that if god's plan is comprehensive and that heaven should be related to this enviroment as a form of natural progression, what about regression? What was his plan and our existence like before this stage? If it's all encompassing it must be relevant.

Seems like humanity is evolving like generations of technology.
Seems like humanity is evolving like generations of technology.

I'm not really sure what to make of that. Seems like you're saying that god guides evolution. Which is a prime example of determinism, which is the opposite of free will. :confused:

What I was really asking though was if heaven is the next 'step' in the continous plan of god, what was his plan before the earth or all life existed? i.e. the previous step. Before life -> Life -> Afterlife. Or why for that matter is heaven the next one? 'Logically' there could be others before that 'stage' arrives and countless ones before this. The only 'evidence' we have for heaven being next is that people who have no evidence say so.

But if I'm guessing correctly re the evolution matter then I think I might have my answer and will leave it there.