is there free will in christianity

I, of course, didn't ask to be born. And based on my current position, I will be spending the remainder of eternity in hell, according to the theist. I can't really help that I've gravitated towards atheism...I assume I am just more reasonable than others and seek a more stable and satisfying truth than the porous "answers" of the bible. This preference was built into me, allegedly by a Creator. Now, I ask, if God knew what choices I would make when he placed me in the world, how would he be any less responsible for me going to hell than I would be?

The bottom line, theists, is that your God creates some people just to send them to hell. You have two options, (1) forget the benevolent God thing, and just accept him as manipulative, masochistic, and maniacal, or (2) use this as one of many contradictory principles that emerge from trying to make the concept of God function to wake the fuck up (the latter being the obviously more reasonable choice, as how I'm sure none of you would want to believe in a God so merciless).
I, of course, didn't ask to be born. And based on my current position, I will be spending the remainder of eternity in hell, according to the theist. I can't really help that I've gravitated towards atheism...I assume I am just more reasonable than others and seek a more stable and satisfying truth than the porous "answers" of the bible. This preference was built into me, allegedly by a Creator. Now, I ask, if God knew what choices I would make when he placed me in the world, how would he be any less responsible for me going to hell than I would be?

The bottom line, theists, is that your God creates some people just to send them to hell. You have two options, (1) forget the benevolent God thing, and just accept him as manipulative, masochistic, and maniacal, or (2) use this as one of many contradictory principles that emerge from trying to make the concept of God function to wake the fuck up (the latter being the obviously more reasonable choice, as how I'm sure none of you would want to believe in a God so merciless).
