is there free will in christianity

Funny stuff! :p

Actually, before the discovery of vaccines, most people born didnt have the opportunity of making religious choices...they simply died before their first birthday.
Very radical views, Christianity adepts are wrong about their interpretations, but they are the reason the Bible has survived this long.
Instead of trying to convince people with logical statements, try to experience God by yourselfs, oh wait, you don´t have the guts to do so, so you require limited logic to be confortable with what you believe in.
The video presents straw man arguments and false analogies. Anyone with basic Biblical knowledge can readily discern that the arguments set forth in this youtube segment are as opaque as a Nazi lamp shade.

Nevertheless, the video may appeal to misinformed dupes looking for an exuse to arrive at the same conclusions as in the video. However, the speaker's effeminate voice may not appeal to many other than those of a similar persuasion.
Very radical views, Christianity adepts are wrong about their interpretations, but they are the reason the Bible has survived this long.
so did Quran,does it make its mythologies right?
Instead of trying to convince people with logical statements, try to experience God by yourselfs, oh wait, you don´t have the guts to do so, so you require limited logic to be confortable with what you believe in.
FYI I believe in me,
and we all live and survive using LOGIC only,

faith is beliving in something you know dont exist,otherwise god (ONE IDENTICAL GOD)would be known by everyone.
why isnt it
The video presents straw man arguments and false analogies.
what is false about it exactly,?
the basic argument is :worship me or Ill torture you forever,'
its kinda like saying to a woman submit to me bitch,or Ill cut your throat.
what choice do you have???...none!
what is false about it exactly,?
the basic argument is :worship me or Ill torture you forever,'
its kinda like saying to a woman submit to me bitch,or Ill cut your throat.
what choice do you have???...none!

What's false is that it's based on a severe distortion. The Bible clearly states over an over that we have a choice and urges people to make the right one.
What's false is that it's based on a severe distortion. The Bible clearly states over an over that we have a choice and urges people to make the right one.
you just dont get it ,do you?
god WILL(alegedly) torture you forever if you dont worship him,
WHAT choice do you have?
wheres the FREE WILL in that??
you are COERCED under a THREAT of punishment to do something.
you just dont get it ,do you?
god WILL(alegedly) torture you forever if you dont worship him,
WHAT choice do you have?
wheres the FREE WILL in that??
you are COERCED under a THREAT of punishment to do something.

Sure - it's you that just doesn't get it. You have the CHOICE to ignore that coercion and threat, and most people do ignore it. So what exactly is your point anyway?
Sure - it's you that just doesn't get it. You have the CHOICE to ignore that coercion and threat, and most people do ignore it. So what exactly is your point anyway?

Yes or No: Does God threated to torture you if you do not choose to worship Him?

Yes or No: Does God threated to torture you if you do not choose to worship Him?

It depends on what you mean by "worship."

God will send you to Hell for your sins - unless you accept the payment made for them on Calvary.

Is that considered "worship"? Think of it as a transaction.
But your answer is YES God does threaten to torture you if you do not accept the payment made on Calvary?

Nutter, that's called coercion. No one is making a free choice if they are threatened. A free choice must be one made without coercion.

Yes - eventually. So what? If you don't believe he exists then why care?

Wow, ok I still end up getting tortured don't I? your right michael some people just dont get it. but at the same time i do not think its possible to have a perfect free will in this world. after all what is free will. every choice has a particular set of effects/results that follow it. so you are still swayed to one particular choice because of the results.
what is false about it exactly,?
the basic argument is :worship me or Ill torture you forever,'
its kinda like saying to a woman submit to me bitch,or Ill cut your throat.
what choice do you have???...none!

None??? You just don't get reality do you. lol

The proof that you have choice is that you have chosen and millions have chosen to reject God.

This is so simple why can’t you see it?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
But your answer is YES God does threaten to torture you if you do not accept the payment made on Calvary?

Nutter, that's called coercion. No one is making a free choice if they are threatened. A free choice must be one made without coercion.


But you demostrate by your personal rejection of what Jesus did that you do have free will.

Can't you guys get it. Free will exists boys and girls no matter how loopy your logic is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Wow, ok I still end up getting tortured don't I? your right michael some people just dont get it. but at the same time i do not think its possible to have a perfect free will in this world. after all what is free will. every choice has a particular set of effects/results that follow it. so you are still swayed to one particular choice because of the results.

But you still have the free will to choose what to do in this world. There may be a penalty for driving over the speed limit but people still demonstrate their free will by constantly driving 10km over the speed limit.

Free will is guys, accept the fact.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
None??? You just don't get reality do you. lol

The proof that you have choice is that you have chosen and millions have chosen to reject God.

This is so simple why can’t you see it?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

So it really comes down to the believers choose God simply out of fear of going to hell, huh? Theres really no other reason to choose God, other than out of fear of going to hell. I'd take my chances in hell before I committed to such a 'benevolent' god.
Are you a parent, Adstar? If you had that kind of power, would you give your own child (children) that kind of choice if they stopped talking to you?
I'd never willingly send any of my kids (if I had any) to hell,even if they did ex-communicate me. Benevolent, merciful god, my ASS.
But your answer is YES God does threaten to torture you if you do not accept the payment made on Calvary?

Nutter, that's called coercion. No one is making a free choice if they are threatened. A free choice must be one made without coercion.


Watch it punk! Calling me a 'nutter' is uncalled for. I've treated your questions with dignity and answered them. Coercion has NO effect at all if you don't believe in the existence of the one doing it. And THAT'S precisely where your free choice comes in - right there! Is that so difficult to understand? By your twisted version of logic, Santa is guilty of coercion - but how can that be true if he doesn't even exist???????????????
But you demostrate by your personal rejection of what Jesus did that you do have free will.

Can't you guys get it. Free will exists boys and girls no matter how loopy your logic is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No - I reject the whole paradigm.

That wasn't the point. The video IMHO makes the assumption there is a God. Assuming there is a God and it will torture you then what choice do you have? I for one can say that it there really really were a real live God and I would burn in agony for eternity if I didn't worship it. I'd be do-n sum quick like worshiping. Even if I thought it was wrong or unfair, fear would force me to worship it.