Is there a time?

Universe, Btw chief. and Really, we are only speculating how old even earth is, and for all we know we could be the most advanced race to exis yet, there is no proof that there is any race to even visit us yet, there is life out there, there is no proof of sentient life however. and really, with just a little common sense, you realize that picture... why the heck would it have a picture? thats a very complicated picture, i'll give you that but the GPS idea sounds about right...
This is not a question of alien existence but rather the question if this crop circle is a hoax or not, and i for one believe it is.
heyya all :)

i would just like to point out something that occured to me while reading your posts on this thread.

you have stated that you do not believe in beings of some sort
that are more advanced than us and that they are not here on earth.
and you hint, if you were to assume, even if they were in existance.

so you then say you believe that the crop circle is a hoax!
a hoax crop circle can only exist if you believe there are real ones!

what type of crop circle do you believe is NOT the hoax one?

i am most curiouse!
(maybe there are sites that are setup to give miss-information)
# point of reference to assume one has accurately percieved/interpeted/translated the percieved code as a binary code, maybe it is a pure language in image conversion to data translation?
(just to through a weird-o thought into it)
the possibilities could be endless to some point of view!

grove on all :)
Yes there are hoax ones :( thats pretty messed up to me. Mocking the real ones... sigh
Look to the stars , moon, and sun and compare it to the crop circles and see how the design is made from them and other "unkown" designs and you'll find which ones are real.
But you cant actually do that unless your at a one of the sites...
saw this on the national geographic channel :D
heyya all

i would just like to point out something that occured to me while reading your posts on this thread.

you have stated that you do not believe in beings of some sort
that are more advanced than us and that they are not here on earth.
and you hint, if you were to assume, even if they were in existance.
I never said there isnt a possibilty that they would be more advanced than us, i never said i didnt think they existed, however, you must look at it this way, what if we are the advanced ones? we very well could be.
You know we arnt? how is that, do you have actual proof i can touch feel.. and... AND EVEN TASTE?! Especially that last one, Speaking of taste im hungry. bye bye
Originally posted by Chris63
Hey JoojooSpaceape, who is lying? Me? Why do you say "It never said conduit closing" Let see every other web site describing Crabwood crop-circle - and what they say? Mostly COnduit CLOSING [bell sound] text you can find so please don't jump into conclusion so quick.

Someone on this forum compare the period of existence of our civilisation to 1 mm on 1 km scale of univerce existence. That means that we are very very fresh beings here. If you talking about other beings who are "fresher" than we they are really not interesting at all - they even can't create any electromagnetic fields so how you can acknowledge about their existence? But what can you tell about the rase 10 cm long? (on history scale) what technology they can use? - What if this is totaly 4-5 dimentional technology? where they are now - you even can't see them when they lying in your bed.


Im going to ignore the poor grammar this time. But really if you have these sites please link them
heyya all :)

you speak of material desire controlling your actions like a victim
to commit murder of sorts!
(off to murder a box of chocolates :D )
a little bit scary but i think you are playing!
try something more funny next time that more people will understand and be able to LOL @

groove on all :)
heyya Chris63 :)

we (earth) are just breaking 7th by 6th techno.

but i suspect the slap in the face may cause a few red faces :D

you gotta LOL :D

groove on
Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
Im going to ignore the poor grammar this time. But really if you have these sites please link them

OK Please take a small lesson how to find a certain information in the WEB:
1. Open google site (
2. Type: "Crabwood" in the editorial place
3. Click on each link which are showed on the screen
4. When the new window is opened, please use Edidion/Find function
5. Type "beware" in editorial place then klick OK

Link1: - negative
Link2 - negative
Link3 - positive
Link4 - positive
Link5 - positive
I have no willigness to search further - maybe you will have?

so your are convinced that your lack thereof of evidence is good enough ? you realize if you told your "findings" to any group of real scientists , or even any real media (washington post etc.) that you would be laughed at and ridiculed? Im not saying this couldnt be a message from aliens, but, you need more grounds to base this on, and i really doubt there is enough evidence to collect to say this is real
heyya all :)
yo... JoojooSpaceape

here's a funny thought for ya on those lines of beliefe...
how many people do the actual experiment
how many people just take other peoples word for it to believe they have performed the experiment in the exact terms to gain the range of results that most are gleaned from.

tried to find some way to put that into a JOKE BUT ITS TOO LATE AND IM NOT FEELING VERY HUMEROUSE
damn that caps lock button!
see how lazzy i am not going back and typing the same thing but in lower caps instead of upper or large caps it very very lazzy of me realy when you imagine how long it would realy take i wonder if i should even turn the computer on when im this tierd but ohh well
maybe if i get enough effort together i might go back and edit it later :D

groove on all :)
back to topic:)
broken gifts and false promises
of deceptive intentsions.
yes yes but why not in other order

notice one of the realy important things it says is where it (they)
use the word beware instead of FEAR.
what clever people they sound like

the truth of the matter is as much in the truth we hold ourselfs to while proving lies!

and yet
its not like its hard to find someone who is lying but to find someone to say they are happy to be lied to
well theres a challenge of an unsightly thing
hang on
it would be after dark for those answers :D

groove on all :)
Why would someone lie, so other people would believe something is not a hoax, even though they are only furthering the fact it is a hoax, these people probably do it just so they dont look like giant asses
crop circles

ok some are hoaxes imho,
however there are some which plants have some unusual physical abnormalities,like if they were exposed to microvaves radiation,so who made those?see this;
the only people who believe there is no difference between
the labelled "real" and "hoax" crop circles have absolutely

it's that simple!
and would often use the excuse of lazzyness to profes knoledge where there is actualy none!

groove on all :)
preapre ourselves for pain eh? i dunno but even if tis is true it doesnt appear ot be referring to this current war against iraq, there is still time, but i doubt enough. now, I have interviewed 50 people, random people at hte local mall, 49 of them said this picture was a hoax , 1 of them was indecisive Majority rules =P
heyya all :)


were you offering free guns and ammo aswell?
or starting a terrorist organisation?

your concept of statistics is truely illogical

next time ask them who the last 2 presidents of the U$A were and then make a psychological judgement!

the results will either scare you or deepen your illogical reinforcement.

how many could read and write to school leaving standard?

groove on all :)