Is there a time?


Registered Senior Member
Have you ever meet with the message:
Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.Much PAIN But Still time.BELIEVE.There is GOOD out there.We oppose DECEPTION.COnduit CLOSING\

The text (probablby some of you have met it before) ic uncoded message lost on amasing crop-circle in Crabwood last year (

How do you think: Do we have still a time or not?

Taking into consideration the war which is growing on our eyes the message become not actual - we have no time and we have to prepare for pain.



The Ravens Are Not What They Seem
Take a little time to sober up, and then try posting this again.
Intricate crop circles can be created by downloading patterns into a computer and following the signals from a hand-held GPS on a riding lawnmower.

Seen it done and it looks amazing from the sky.
One farmer recently did the USA with the outline of all 50 states. It was perfect.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Intricate crop circles can be created by downloading patterns into a computer and following the signals from a hand-held GPS on a riding lawnmower.

Seen it done and it looks amazing from the sky.
One farmer recently did the USA with the outline of all 50 states. It was perfect.

Ok, but please tell me how accurate are hand-held GPS? 10m or 5m? OK let it be 2m accuracy - do you understand? 2m up or down , left or right. now please see on the picture showed any sophisticated crop-circle (especially the pictures made on the ground and showed details) and realise how big accuracy should be required to make them - up to 30cm - not more. So you idea failed - think again.

research the concept of intent.

and plant internal molecular re-alignment with no adverse affects

keep grooving :)
Im assuming you dont speak english as your native language? and if you do you really need some work on it. Anyhow Just my two cents, If it was a message, in a crop circle, why would it say conduit closing? When we write on paper we dont say "Sentence Ending"
but we do to a large extent in face to face or phone or radio
rodger dodger wilcoe out
bye bye
see ya
you hang-up first

so why would "they" asume we were intelegent enough to know when the information 'to be considered' would stop?

groove on :)
Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
Im assuming you dont speak english as your native language? and if you do you really need some work on it. Anyhow Just my two cents, If it was a message, in a crop circle, why would it say conduit closing? When we write on paper we dont say "Sentence Ending"

How I love these searching of any (even small one ) doubt or mistake in some large and complex idea to find a negation for the whole idea even this small defect has nothing common with the esence of the idea.
This is a main reason of discussion on the subject UFO have been held for such a long time without any significant conclusions - a fear of the meaning of the real answers and their consequences forces such approach like your one: to find any defect and left question without answer.
Answering your doubts - maybe they had such a fantasy. But the rest of the message remains very clear for us isn't it? So what is really your opinion on the message?

Some days ago i realized that the group of persons which we can associate with "bearers of FALSE gifts" are nothing else like politicians. It's common in community awareness that politician's proffesion is based on lie. I can't see other group which match better to this.

Thank you for your remarks about my English. In the past I wrote a post in word first and then sent to the forum. I was resulting that my post were more englishlike than present - I will try harder.

Chris / Ivankruk
Lets see... where to start. When I first found this this particular crop circle I thought it was very interesting. BUT, when I saw it, that BELIEVE part wasnt there, it was a nonsensical word. Perhaps you did your own translation?

My link to the circle

It seems to me that an alien race would not create a "CD" using simple ascii codes. Too many things point to hoax.

I am not saying that these things are made by aliens.
In fact I firmly believe that they are ALL hoaxes.
I have seen documentaries about them.

On a few the people demonstrated how and did one of their own for the camera.
(Yes, VERY accurate ones)

One of the groups of artists claimed to be the originators of it.

Originally posted by AntonK
It seems to me that an alien race would not create a "CD" using simple ascii codes. Too many things point to hoax.

Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
Im assuming you dont speak english as your native language? and if you do you really need some work on it. Anyhow Just my two cents, If it was a message, in a crop circle, why would it say conduit closing? When we write on paper we dont say "Sentence Ending"

But one could make valid arguments for these two things, which are (I would imagine) exactly what the artists had in mind to begin with to seed these thoughts...

It was ASCII encoded...
That has been used for about 40 years now.

It didn't actually SAY "conduit closing" it had the code for Bell sound 0x07, which was used to signal the end of a teletype transmission about 40 years ago.

Keep those 40 light years in mind, and go watch the movie "Contact" if you haven't yet.

Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, and do not die.
There are stars less than 40 light years away.
They could have gotten radio transmissions from us sent out in the 60's, and this would be how they know to respond.

But a valid logical argument, and probably the idea the hoaxters had in mind.
Originally posted by AntonK
Lets see... where to start. When I first found this this particular crop circle I thought it was very interesting. BUT, when I saw it, that BELIEVE part wasnt there, it was a nonsensical word. Perhaps you did your own translation?

My link to the circle

It seems to me that an alien race would not create a "CD" using simple ascii codes. Too many things point to hoax.


And again and again - "whole matter is very interesting, but when I have found a tiny defect -it suddenly turn into hoax" . The word "believe" comes from the www site, the link which I have put in the topic. By me the author's opinion on that site is like me more than on other sites. Read this and compare.

Why do you think they "would not create a CD using simple ascii codes? It's too simply or too difficult ? Maybe I'm not wrong when I describe the message as the message for humans. Tell me what the code should they use to be easy decoded by us and in paralel to be recognised by you as not hoax?

One_raven - please give me the link when such a group present their crop-circle (showing each stages of creation) - what can you tell me about possible GPS accuracy and tell me how they can locate each point of crop-circle to lay-down the gras. I'm very interested in. Simply give me logical arguments that it was made by humans.

Originally posted by Chris63
How I love these searching of any (even small one ) doubt or mistake in some large and complex idea to find a negation for the whole idea even this small defect has nothing common with the esence of the idea.
This is a main reason of discussion on the subject UFO have been held for such a long time without any significant conclusions - a fear of the meaning of the real answers and their consequences forces such approach like your one: to find any defect and left question without answer.
Answering your doubts - maybe they had such a fantasy. But the rest of the message remains very clear for us isn't it? So what is really your opinion on the message?

Some days ago i realized that the group of persons which we can associate with "bearers of FALSE gifts" are nothing else like politicians. It's common in community awareness that politician's proffesion is based on lie. I can't see other group which match better to this.

Thank you for your remarks about my English. In the past I wrote a post in word first and then sent to the forum. I was resulting that my post were more englishlike than present - I will try harder.

Chris / Ivankruk

What im getting at here chief, is most people, who can be considered 'respectable" (note that im not saying your not) can type english, i make typos too, but usually only when im tired, like now. But honestly, why would Aliens warn us? and why would they leave the message in some farm field? It doesnt make sense if they wanted to get a message out i think they would show themselves, i believe this is just another hoax
hmm before i hadnt even looked at the crop circle, But .. i mean come on.... if you have ANY common sense you gotta see this is a hoax, did you poke around the website? they are talking about hyperspace communications.. all kinds of stuff, this is all a hoax. how can you not see that?
Originally posted by Chris63
One_raven - please give me the link when such a group present their crop-circle (showing each stages of creation) - what can you tell me about possible GPS accuracy and tell me how they can locate each point of crop-circle to lay-down the gras. I'm very interested in. Simply give me logical arguments that it was made by humans.


I wish I kew one off-hand for you.
I was referring to documentaries I saw on television.

I will look for something for you, though.
How I love these searching of any (even small one ) doubt or mistake in some large and complex idea to find a negation for the whole idea even this small defect has nothing common with the esence of the idea


Sorry about that, I guess I'm guilty of this too. I busted in without going back and reading the threads before....I just saw an article with the picture of the USA from about 1000 ft and it was perfect....A farmer did it with a mower and a gps.

But I know what you mean about the negation thing...I have people doing that to me constantly.....don't haver a clue what your really talking about.

Guess it's a lot easier to do than go back and dig in to reading pages of posts......I'm guilty too, but not intentionally this time.

heyya all :)

yo ... one_raven
there is a scientific difference between the hoax crop circles and the
"real Mc Coy"
you need to take a sample of the crop and look at the molecular difference between the hoax-ers and the real ones.
2 documentarys i have seen from the DE-bunkers...
one was english secret service old footage
one is (most likely glory hunting egocentric profesor from a university) using the students to construct a look alike.

so the 2 main dirrenences are ... molecular restructuring and no entre or exit signs.

gps nav in the public domain is not acurate enough to create the
intricate paterns and precise angles that are consistant with the real ones!

i also think it is possible for some humans of some type, to be creating them but the technology is maybe 10 years away from release, currently(my guess).

some people have speculated that if it is human/terran bound technology , then it could be feild trials for some type of weapon or population control device in testing stages for accuracey.

even though there is convincing film footage around of a few "genuine" looking ones created by what appears to the camera as "ball lightning" but unless you are there to take the crop sample its hard to just take someones word for it.

aside from ALL that i think the orriginal ones are fantastic artistic creations regardless of what they are meant to be read as.

groove on all :)
Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
What im getting at here chief, is most people, who can be considered 'respectable" (note that im not saying your not) can type english, i make typos too, but usually only when im tired, like now. But honestly, why would Aliens warn us? and why would they leave the message in some farm field? It doesnt make sense if they wanted to get a message out i think they would show themselves, i believe this is just another hoax

Who is considered respectable? Probably the guy who stay on scientific ground – I guess this is the reason for you to consider others as respectable. Am I right? So be so kind and (and self-honest) and play with me the game:
We have now 1803 year – what can we say about Newton’s mechanicals theory? Is it universal for whole universe? Of-course yes. How can we call the guy who declare that Newton’s theory is limited to some part of reality? – He is crazy (not respectable?). Now please jump ahead next 100 years and what was changed – some people appeared who can prove the limitation of Newton’s theory. Next 100 years please – quite large part of humans community knows that Newton’s theory is not universal. – Understand? So please stop to be so narrow minded and open your eyes little bit more wide. What is proved by science at present - maybe will not be in the future.
I don’t want to talk with you about hyperspace communications, but please answer me the question:
If crop-circles are hoaxes give me the technology how they were made?

You said that if they want to send a message, why they simply don’t give it to us personally?
Well, I’m wondering why such a serious discussion like here are held without a psychology point of view. If you apply modern psychology to this matter you could get clear answer – because we are (our personality) not prepared to the direct contact with them. And everything what we experiencing like blinking on the sky (sometimes they looks like just from lunapark) or crop-circles are aimed for such preparation. Why you don’t taking into consideration such thesis?

As a addition to above I tell you about crop-circle which I saw last year – see the picture – very simple, but you can see gray line indicated on the drawing - this was a ditch like in cross section A – The green line showed in cross section represent the level of grass in the ditch. Tell me how some boys (and/or girls) could lay down the grass is the ditch as presented on the drawing?

Thanks ripleofdeath for your help.

Chris/ Ivankruk
heyya Chris63
you are very welcome :)

i am always keen to help you hold the scientific mirror up for skeptics to view thier own predjudice to logical scientific evaluation :D

groove on :)
You changed the quote... It never said conduit closing. See if you want to tell people things, You cant lie.. Look about halfway down the page here before the colo coded version of the cd
Also, respectable is someone who has some method to the madness or reasoning behind it that isnt screwed up, Im pretty sure there is intelligent life somewhere else besides earth, But the point is , it is not necessarily more advanced than us , and im willing to be it is not capable of long interstellar travel, you realize we havnt even reached mars with a ship and already we have been at war so many times that with new weapons we could very well kill ourselves off before we even send a lander on pluto or any of the outer planets
Hey JoojooSpaceape, who is lying? Me? Why do you say "It never said conduit closing" Let see every other web site describing Crabwood crop-circle - and what they say? Mostly COnduit CLOSING [bell sound] text you can find so please don't jump into conclusion so quick.

Someone on this forum compare the period of existence of our civilisation to 1 mm on 1 km scale of univerce existence. That means that we are very very fresh beings here. If you talking about other beings who are "fresher" than we they are really not interesting at all - they even can't create any electromagnetic fields so how you can acknowledge about their existence? But what can you tell about the rase 10 cm long? (on history scale) what technology they can use? - What if this is totaly 4-5 dimentional technology? where they are now - you even can't see them when they lying in your bed.
