Is there a soul?




Of course the soul exist, else we won't be able to experience anything
No. It is the brain that allows us to experience.

But there is only one soul, one consciousness. what you believe you are (your self) are only a bundle of perception.
No. You are your brain. There is nothing else.

A software is only meaningful because of consciousness
The analogy is that consciousness is the software.

Without consciousness there is no software, only electrical pathway in a computer.
There is only electrical pathway in the computer. It is the sequence (program) that makes it do what it does.

In exactly the same way that the brain is comprised of neural networks but it is their patterns (consciousness) that enables the brain (you) to do what you do.

I don't understand the question. There is only physical. There is no alternative.

Cris, remember the hard problem, you did not solve it yet.
It is irrelevant here. No one has yet shown there is any alternative possibility to physical matter.

how can an unconscious matter giver rise to consciousness ?
Because as I just said there is no alternative.

It magically arise from a complex organziation, that is what you believe?
As opposed to your assertion that it simply magically exists. That is your belief. You have significantly less foundation for that assertion than I have for mine.

so how come you can show me neural networks but still not show me an idea?
Your question was "and the physical cause of an idea is what exactly?"

I've answered it.

How would a collection of metal pieces enable a person to travel at 65mph on a Freeway.

Complexity always arises from simplicity.

If the syntax is wrong though the meaning does not occur.
You did not explain how here, that was the question.


No. It is the brain that allows us to experience.

No. You are your brain. There is nothing else.
Brain is a perception, don't you agree?
we perceive it as gray composed of neurons and atoms if we look more deeply
You have to agree with that while you cannot be sure that brain is what makes your experience. You have to justify it.

In fact, it is evident that your perceptions if caused by matter can only be caused due to not only brain, but brain + body + environment.
so your perceptions are the result of the whole world. => only one soul => the physical world

So no, even in your materialistic account, you make a mistake, you are not brain, you are the world.

The analogy is that consciousness is the software.
You did not get my point, software has no meaning without consciousness, it is a software because your consciousness can use/comprehend it as a software.
otherwise computer program are just electrical pathways.

There is only electrical pathway in the computer. It is the sequence (program) that makes it do what it does.
the sequence is only intelligible by consciousness.
the program itself is also only electrical pathways.
In exactly the same way that the brain is comprised of neural networks but it is their patterns (consciousness) that enables the brain (you) to do what you do.
brain is only neural networks connection, ok, so the software you want to give it as a result of the interaction taking place is only given by consciousness.
Without consciousness you would no be able to make sense of a software running
=> no consciousness , no software in the brain,
so no consciousness according to you.
so finally your argument does not stand if you say that consciousness is the software because it necessitate at first the existence of consciousness to perceive it as a software
It is irrelevant here. No one has yet shown there is any alternative possibility to physical matter.
There is of course an alternative but you do not seem to even listen to it:
=> There is only consciousness. your existence is only a perception

of course I don't mention all other alternative: interactive dualism, ephiphenomenal dualism, monad (Leibniz), ... the list is long.

Personnaly I think these one, even if better than a physical monism does not stand for several reason. We can discuss that somewhere else.
But what is sure is that there are alternative, open your eyes.

Because as I just said there is no alternative.
no alternative, is it your only argument ?
As opposed to your assertion that it simply magically exists. That is your belief. You have significantly less foundation for that assertion than I have for mine.
No it does not magically exist contrary to your assertion that consciousness arise from the brain. please explain me how it does. If it is not magical, you should be able to do it, at least show a direction.

My explanation is not a magical explanation:
something we cannot deny is the existence of consciousness, I think you agreed: cogito ergo sum
then we have perceptions because it is the property of consciousness to have them, you can check yourself with your own perception. Perception are indeed always accompanied by consciousness.

Nothing magical here, just what we experience every time

What are your foundations? I think you forgot to mention them :p
I have understood that consciousness is an emergent property of neural network complexity. But it produces interpretations via senses by the human psyche. Some scientists go as far as saying it creates by observing one of n number of possibilities. I still don't completely understand the wave notation of f = 1/l (where l is lambda). The highest amplitude is the most likely event (which includes observation) and it does not exist in any mind until it is created by perception.

I am the universe experiencing itself as a conscious being. My perception is that my past exists, but my future does not. And thus hope must be foresaken in order for me to have hope.

You did not explain how here, that was the question.
The question concerned syntax > symantics. I have answered it.

Brain is a perception, don't you agree?
The brain is a physical biological organ.

you cannot be sure that brain is what makes your experience. You have to justify it.
Countless clinical experiments and surgery from brain damaged patients confirm that experience deteriorates, altered, or is destroyed if parts of the brain are altered/damaged. This is direct affirmation that experience and hence consciousness is caused by the brain.

so your perceptions are the result of the whole world. => only one soul => the physical world
We all live in a long chain of dependencies on our environment. In this case, as part of the chain, consciousness is directly dependent on a functioning brain.

So no, even in your materialistic account, you make a mistake, you are not brain, you are the world.
Stupefying nonsense.

You did not get my point, software has no meaning without consciousness, it is a software because your consciousness can use/comprehend it as a software.
otherwise computer program are just electrical pathways.
You don’t have a point.

The analogy holds – software is to computer what consciousness is to the brain.

the sequence is only intelligible by consciousness.
No. The sequence is consciousness.

the program itself is also only electrical pathways.
Close enough. In the same way that consciousness is only neural networks.

brain is only neural networks connection, ok, so the software you want to give it as a result of the interaction taking place is only given by consciousness.
No. Consciousness is the patterns generated by the neural networks, just a like a program is the patterns of electrical pathways in a computer.

Without consciousness you would no be able to make sense of a software running
Consciousness is the software.

=> no consciousness , no software in the brain,
Consciousness is the software that enables that recognition.

so no consciousness according to you.
That’s your bizarre conclusion not mine.

so finally your argument does not stand if you say that consciousness is the software because it necessitate at first the existence of consciousness to perceive it as a software
No. That is what the software (consciousness) does.

There is of course an alternative but you do not seem to even listen to it:
There is only consciousness. your existence is only a perception
That’s not an alternative to physical matter. This is your fantasy that you cannot justify.

of course I don't mention all other alternative: interactive dualism, ephiphenomenal dualism, monad (Leibniz), ... the list is long.
These are not alternatives, but speculations and fantasies. Nothing beyond physical matter has been shown to exist. You have no demonstrable alternative.

Personnaly I think these one, even if better than a physical monism does not stand for several reason. We can discuss that somewhere else.
But what is sure is that there are alternative, open your eyes.
Nonsense, as I have already explained. We know of ONLY physical matter. You need to understand the difference between FACT and FANTASY.

no alternative, is it your only argument ?
It is the only argument. DEMONSTRATE something else if you think otherwise.

No it does not magically exist contrary to your assertion that consciousness arise from the brain.
If you cannot explain a cause for consciousness then your only option is a call to magic.

please explain me how it does. If it is not magical, you should be able to do it, at least show a direction.
Keep cutting into a brain until consciousness stops. That confirms that the brain causes consciousness. It’s been done many times, examples of comatose patients, etc.

My explanation is not a magical explanation:
something we cannot deny is the existence of consciousness, I think you agreed: cogito ergo sum
Unless you can point to a source then an assertion that it “just is” is different to magic how?

Nothing magical here, just what we experience every time
It is the cause of consciousness we are discussing not what it does.

What are your foundations? I think you forgot to mention them
Then pay attention, they are all listed above.


The question concerned syntax > symantics. I have answered it.
yes it was this question but your answer is the following:

How would a collection of metal pieces enable a person to travel at 65mph on a Freeway.

Complexity always arises from simplicity.

If the syntax is wrong though the meaning does not occur.

And there is no answer here. you only say here that if syntax is wrong, meaning doe snot occur.
It is not at all an explanation, it is a correlation.
the explanation could be semantic-> syntax
or semantic<->synatx
or again syntax + X -> semantic

Your explanation is like for what you say o fthe brain: it magically pop up from simplicity to complexity in a meaning.

quite easy jump :p

The brain is a physical biological organ.
Don't you agree that everything "physical" is perceptions?
or do you want to say that we do not perceive the brain?
brain is not a perception?
or do you just want to avoid to realize that indeed it is a perception, not a big deal anyway.

Countless clinical experiments and surgery from brain damaged patients confirm that experience deteriorates, altered, or is destroyed if parts of the brain are altered/damaged. This is direct affirmation that experience and hence consciousness is caused by the brain.

We all live in a long chain of dependencies on our environment. In this case, as part of the chain, consciousness is directly dependent on a functioning brain.

Stupefying nonsense.
Imagining you are watching an apple in a tree

if I alter teh tree (like you alter the brain in your description) your experience will change. Following what you conclude I ll quote you:
This is direct affirmation that experience and hence consciousness is caused by the
the environment (including brain of course)

So now, is not our experience connected to all the world?

You don’t have a point.

The analogy holds – software is to computer what consciousness is to the brain.

No. The sequence is consciousness.

Close enough. In the same way that consciousness is only neural networks.

No. Consciousness is the patterns generated by the neural networks, just a like a program is the patterns of electrical pathways in a computer.

Consciousness is the software.

Consciousness is the software that enables that recognition.

That’s your bizarre conclusion not mine.

No. That is what the software (consciousness) does.
Hmm consciousness is a software.
But how could you makes sense of a software without consciousness in the first place knowing that what happen physically in the computer is only electrical pathway?

Saying that no it is caused by the brain without saying how, it is not at all an explanation. Is that your foundation? :p

Also, take note of the following from Searle:
On the standard textbook definition of computation,

1. For any object there is some description of that object such that under that description the object is a digital computer.
2. For any program there is some sufficiently complex object such that there is some description of the object under which it is implementing the program. Thus for example the wall behind my back is right now implementing the Wordstar program, because there is some pattern of molecule movements which is isomorphic with the formal structure of Wordstar. But if the wall is implementing Wordstar then if it is a big enough wall it is implementing any program, including any program implemented in the brain.

This indicate that software are not physical pathway alone, they are a relation between us and the computer. Because of our particular body we enter in relation with computer that we do not with a wall.
So software is not present in the computer as such but in the whole world perceived.

so if the content consciousness is caused by something it is this content itself. (self evident indeed except that the word cause here is no more appropriate)

That’s not an alternative to physical matter. This is your fantasy that you cannot justify.
I justified it:
cogito ergo sum
everything else are perceptions
These are not alternatives, but speculations and fantasies. Nothing beyond physical matter has been shown to exist. You have no demonstrable alternative.
No physical matter have been proved to exist, only perceptions.
consciousness is not a fantasy. are you not conscious?
Nonsense, as I have already explained. We know of ONLY physical matter. You need to understand the difference between FACT and FANTASY.
No, we do not know about physical matter, we have theories that predict but first of all they are changing everytime and currently the description of matter we have is not a description but a theorical framwork that give us prediction thro0ugh probabilities alone.

physical matter is an unjustified assumption
(justified only by induction, which is not a logical justification)

It is the only argument. DEMONSTRATE something else if you think otherwise.
cogito ergo sum
If you cannot explain a cause for consciousness then your only option is a call to magic.
no magic here,
would you say in your framewwork taht matter popped up by magic?

Keep cutting into a brain until consciousness stops. That confirms that the brain causes consciousness. It’s been done many times, examples of comatose patients, etc.
correlations alone.
no consciousness => no brain
why the reverse?

also we cannot know that there is consciousnes or not, we only know taht the body does not respond. Do not jump on conclusion without justifying.

Please read again Harnad. maybe you will understand more the hard problem.

Unless you can point to a source then an assertion that it “just is” is different to magic how?
would you say in your framewwork taht matter popped up by magic?
if something exist for sure (consciousness) why need to say that it come by magic,
It is always there, was always there, will be always there, no need of magic
It is the cause of consciousness we are discussing not what it does.
Yes, but what I wanted to say is because every time we perceive, we need consciousness: cogito ergo sum,

Then pay attention, they are all listed above.
If I understand, what you call foundation are very weak :

software is to computer what consciousness is to the brain.

The sequence is consciousness.

consciousness is only neural networks.

Consciousness is the patterns generated by the neural networks, just a like a program is the patterns of electrical pathways in a computer.

Consciousness is the software.

Consciousness is the software that enables that recognition.

You are not explaning anything

Your question was "and the physical cause of an idea is what exactly?"

I've answered it.

no you haven't
for instance if a mother crocodile is keeping her eggs in her mouth you can't show how the idea that she is having is different from when she uses the same mouth to snap the bone of a buffalo in terms of neural passageways.
clearly all you are talking about are your ideas of ideas

no you haven't
for instance if a mother crocodile is keeping her eggs in her mouth you can't show how the idea that she is having is different from when she uses the same mouth to snap the bone of a buffalo in terms of neural passageways.
clearly all you are talking about are your ideas of ideas
We observe the brain is primarily physical neural networks, we know ideas can be formed, we do not yet have the skills to understand how complex neural networks do their job. We do not know of any other possible cause of ideas, and have no reason to suspect anything else other than neural nets.
for instance if a mother crocodile is keeping her eggs in her mouth you can't show how the idea that she is having is different from when she uses the same mouth to snap the bone of a buffalo in terms of neural passageways.
clearly all you are talking about are your ideas of ideas
I'm sure if you put the crocodile in one of those brain-scanning thingummies, it would show clear differences in brain activity between the two situations you describe. The motor-functions relating to the mouth would likely be the only similar activity.

would you say in your framewwork taht matter popped up by magic?
if something exist for sure (consciousness) why need to say that it come by magic,
It is always there, was always there, will be always there, no need of magic
We observe that complexity arises from combinations of simpler components. Physicists have been splitting matter into smaller and smaller components for a long time with the outlook that fundamental strings may be the basic fabric of the universe.

We also observe that matter/energy is never created or destroyed but can be changed into variations of itself. I.e. there is never any net loss or gain.

All of that suggests that matter/energy in some form has always existed. The fabric of matter then becomes the building blocks for everything else that follows.

Consciousness is incredibly complex.

Your assertion is that something incredibly complex simply exists.

You have no foundation or basis for that assertion.

We observe the brain is primarily physical neural networks, we know ideas can be formed, we do not yet have the skills to understand how complex neural networks do their job. We do not know of any other possible cause of ideas, and have no reason to suspect anything else other than neural nets.
IOW you are working backwards from a hypothesis that is not (empirically)validated - hence "idea .... and as a further point, this has obvious implications for a staunch empiricist
I'm sure if you put the crocodile in one of those brain-scanning thingummies, it would show clear differences in brain activity between the two situations you describe. The motor-functions relating to the mouth would likely be the only similar activity.
you're sure?
sorry but I am one of those super rational empirical types and if nots peer reviewed its just crackpottery

We observe that complexity arises from combinations of simpler components. Physicists have been splitting matter into smaller and smaller components for a long time with the outlook that fundamental strings may be the basic fabric of the universe.
you make a common mistake here,
Quantum physics teach us that indeed we cannot know reality because of our perceptual aparatus (scientific measurement devices, sense)

Scientific theories are mathematical tools only.

String theories confirm this fact with their many form.

also history teach us that we are always decomposing in something smaller, why would it stop?

We also observe that matter/energy is never created or destroyed but can be changed into variations of itself. I.e. there is never any net loss or gain.
in fatc it is not an observation but what permits to do calculation. a law that is necessary for doing science.
I would add that it is a logical law.

All of that suggests that matter/energy in some form has always existed. The fabric of matter then becomes the building blocks for everything else that follows.
consciousness allways existed and because the matter you are talking is the perception of consciousness it follows that matter/energy allways existed.
Consciousness is incredibly complex.
complexity is a perception, you have no way to say that consciousness is complex, only your brain is complex!
Your assertion is that something incredibly complex simply exists.
cogito ergo sum prove the existence of consciousness,
your brain could be a dream
You have no foundation or basis for that assertion.

matter as unconscious has no justification:
unconsciousness is not an experience we can have, consciousness is always there.

Cris, your mistake is on the UNJUSTIFIED belief in the existence of an unconscious matter that would give rise (UNJUSTIFIED) to consciousness

Please give me two logical argument to justify this two assumption.
if you do not provide them, you cannot anymore say that what you are saying is true without falling in what you like to say to other: a belief in fantasy
you're sure?
sorry but I am one of those super rational empirical types and if nots peer reviewed its just crackpottery
No, you're merely the type that refuses to accept more rational explanations as even possible and prefer to go with the God theory instead to explain everything.
Hey ho, and all that.
Each to their own.
lg, ronan,

1. We are aware that we have consciousness.

2. We have a brain with some 200 billion neurons and trillions of synaptic connections between them that combined provide processing power equivalent to some 20,000 high end computers operating as a massively parallel multi-processing system. This is an astonishing amount of processing power that we are only just beginning to comprehend.

3. We have no single scrap of evidence that suggests anything other than matter exists.

It seems perfectly credible to suggest that (2) is the overwhelming most likely cause of (1).

That is the sum of my argument.
lg, ronan,

1. We are aware that we have consciousness.
2. We have a brain with some 200 billion neurons and trillions of synaptic connections between them that combined provide processing power equivalent to some 20,000 high end computers operating as a massively parallel multi-processing system. This is an astonishing amount of processing power that we are only just beginning to comprehend.
I have also played around on some pretty amazing computers before too

3. We have no single scrap of evidence that suggests anything other than matter exists.
once again, evidence rests upon qualification
if you want to say that the only thing able to be qualified is matter, you beg the question

It seems perfectly credible to suggest that (2) is the overwhelming most likely cause of (1).

That is the sum of my argument.
obviously there are serious problems with point 3
No, you're merely the type that refuses to accept more rational explanations as even possible and prefer to go with the God theory instead to explain everything.
Hey ho, and all that.
Each to their own.
looks like you are confusing schools
rationalism is central to philosophy just as empiricism is central to hard science

you've given a zillion arguments against rationalism and now suddenly you rely on it to lend credibility to your empiricism

what is this crackpottery?