Is there a soul?

Scientists can't find one as yet. Belivers in Christanity think there is one. So it depends on what you believe in or want to know as fact.
Plato simply asserted that there was a soul, however, if he was forced to show evidence for it, it might turn out something like this:

Do you believe that there exists something other than the physical?
We can simply observe the nature of thoughts and show that some do not originate in the physical.
For example, we impose catagories on physical objects that are artificial, and reasonable in nature. The number 2 is an example of this. We never see the number 2 in nature, simply things that fall under the catagory of 2.
If these non-physical thoughts do exist, where do they originate? Surely, the very fact that you are able to observe your own consciousness and physical body from another perspective denotes a soul.
Reason itself is the property of the soul and testifies to its existance

Anyway, thats just something I think Plato might say. Although he would probably fluf it up in a dialogue between Socrates and Crito or something.
It is counciousness/self awareness and it slowly develops as the kid grows. A person in coma hasn't got it, neither a dead person...That's what they call soul or spirit...
Yes...but its not 'cool'.

Loads of people dont want a soul.

The implications of having a soul might screw up their beloved cynicism.
of course there is a soul, and it's made of the same thing everything else is made of: energy/matter/spirit.

things aren't really made of anything... all particle properties, motions, and interactions are in a sense stroboscopic illusions produced by the way our own time frame or rate of consciousness meshes with the flickering reimbodiments of the subatomic world; yet the overall effect is orderly and lawful because it is an expression of the fundamental karmic law of harmony.