Is there a physical explanation for pendulum phenomena

I am absolutely sure, that the Pendulum can be used for a time consuming channeling from the afterlife.
If that brings you peace of mind that's great, just don't expect the rest of us to agree with you.
In my post from Dez. 4, 2022 I wrote:
„The Pendulum show from the magician James Hazlerig was excellent!“
This was an acknowledgement for his work as magician.
Regarding the true pendulum effect it was just a fake refutation.
I am absolutely sure, that the Pendulum can be used for a time consuming channeling from the afterlife. Perhaps you may understand this by reading the booklet „Flying high in Spirit“ by Mikey Morgan, which was the result of the originally described Pendulum action.

That's like saying motorcycle stunts are a fake refutation of true motorcycle stunts (where the modifier "true" spuriously means invisible spirits being responsible for the performer's daredevil feats). I have no need of the latter opportunistic hypothesis, since the no-nonsense entertainers render such fabled agencies superfluous and unnecessary for accomplishing _X_.
Is there a physical explanation for pendulum phenomena?

It seems that the pendulum effect is an aspect of the universal constant of conservation of Energy

Energy Transformation for a Pendulum
The motion of a pendulum is a classic example of mechanical energy conservation. A pendulum consists of a mass (known as a bob) attached by a string to a pivot point. As the pendulum moves it sweeps out a circular arc, moving back and forth in a periodic fashion.
Neglecting air resistance (which would indeed be small for an aerodynamically shaped bob), there are only two forces acting upon the pendulum bob. One force is gravity. The force of gravity acts in a downward direction and does work upon the pendulum bob. However, gravity is an internal force (or conservative force) and thus does not serve to change the total amount of mechanical energy of the bob.
The other force acting upon the bob is the force of tension. Tension is an external force and if it did do work upon the pendulum bob it would indeed serve to change the total mechanical energy of the bob. However, the force of tension does not do work since it always acts in a direction perpendicular to the motion of the bob. At all points in the trajectory of the pendulum bob, the angle between the force of tension and its direction of motion is 90 degrees. Thus, the force of tension does not do work upon the bob.
Since there are no external forces doing work, the total mechanical energy of the pendulum bob is conserved. The conservation of mechanical energy is demonstrated in the animation below. Observe the KE and PE bars of the bar chart; their sum is a constant value.

Observe that the falling motion of the bob is accompanied by an increase in speed. As the bob loses height and PE, it gains speed and KE; yet the total of the two forms of mechanical energy is conserved.
And then also the universal constant of the mathematically guided tendency to find balance and symmetry.