Is there a major religious comonent

Oh it's wrong that Europeans migrate to and "occupy" Palestine but -ND- living on the Native American's lands... now THAT'S different. It only took the genocide of a few hundred million Natives to give you your peace of America - I hope you enjoy it.

the difference has been explained to you. do not make it needed to have the difference explained again
That is history. It has been laid out the way it is now and no one can change it. What do you do when this happens in this time and age? You sit and watch people get slaughtered for the benefit of money and evil?
Israel is History. It's already here and a State.
Done and Done.

I wonder what Native Amercians living on reservations think about you living on their forefather's lands? I wonder if they think, OH, THAT'S History ....

You are. The conflict is purely political. religous justifications for action taking in the conflict don't mean it religious. look att he reasons their fighting they end being political the jewish settlers and their zionist supports want to steal land from the palestinians to create a paradise solely for jews and the palestinians just want to keep their land and have returned what was stolen: nothing religious about those reasons.

Then why did you just write Jew and not Israelis?

the difference has been explained to you. do not make it needed to have the difference explained again
Tell that to a poor Native American living on a reservation.

The Europeans conquered land, killed a lot of the natives, moved the rest onto reservations, governed it, called it a State, issued visas and in essence control who lives in it. The Natives are NEVER EVER going to get their forefather's land back - because it's "History". Over and Done as far as you are concerned. Just so long as you get your little peace of land to build your house on.

Sounds pretty much like Israel to me. It's a ting little puny shit hole peace of dirt 1:10000 times smaller than the massive amount of land the Native Americans lost. So, guess what? I can go get a visa and move there and live on some land. JUST like you live in America. I can buy my chunk of land and call it home. Now that the Natives live on reservations whose going to give a shit? Not you... you already live on occupied land.

The only difference is in your head. You're happy about living on occupied land. Hell, have you ever even visited a Reservation? Why do you care so much about what some religious whacked out European Jews are doing over in the Middle East when you have Native Americans whose forefather's land YOU live on? I mean, wtf?

Who care's about some tiny dirt hell hole in the ME? I care about Israel/Palestine as much as you care about Native Americans. It's all history right.
Israel is History. It's already here and a State.
Done and Done.

I wonder what Native Amercians living on reservations think about you living on their forefather's lands? I wonder if they think, OH, THAT'S History ....


Then why did you just write Jew and not Israelis?

Tell that to a poor Native American living on a reservation.

You are missing the point. This is the present we are talking about you fool. These people are fighting for their home right now as the natives did back then.
Then why did you just write Jew and not Israelis?
?? really you honestly have to ask that question. you know before running your mouth off about how its this or that perhaps you should at least try and gain some knowledge. I said jew because Israel was set up as a state solely for jews.

Tell that to a poor Native American living on a reservation.
that analogy isn't a good one. The natives are allowed to leave the reservations and buy land anywhere. the palestinians aren't.

The Europeans conquered land, killed a lot of the natives, moved the rest onto reservations, governed it, called it a State, issued visas and in essence control who lives in it. The Natives are NEVER EVER going to get their forefather's land back - because it's "History". Over and Done as far as you are concerned. Just so long as you get your little peace of land to build your house on.
No I consider it over and done with because they consider it over and done with.

Sounds pretty much like Israel to me. It's a ting little puny shit hole peace of dirt 1:10000 times smaller than the massive amount of land the Native Americans lost. So, guess what? I can go get a visa and move there and live on some land. JUST like you live in America. I can buy my chunk of land and call it home. Now that the Natives live on reservations whose going to give a shit? Not you... you already live on occupied land.
irrelevant comments. IT sounds the same to you because you refuse to do any research on the topic.

The only difference is in your head.
No the lack of difference is in your ignorance.
You're happy about living on occupied land.
No i am not. I would have much rather it been gained with out naked aggression.
Hell, have you ever even visited a Reservation?
No but than again that's hardly relevant. I know and understand the plight of the native americans and support efforts of restitution and compensation as well as efforts to deal with the discrepensies in life between them and others.
Why do you care so much about what some religious whacked out European Jews are doing over in the Middle East when you have Native Americans whose forefather's land YOU live on?
How about because that crime and mistake can still be fixed to the way it should be.
I mean, wtf?
yeah what the fuck. How can someone continue to repeat the same stupid argument again and again with no regard to anything factual or relevant yet you continue all the same.

Who care's about some tiny dirt hell hole in the ME?
I do. just like I care wehere ever some one is being abused.
I care about Israel/Palestine as much as you care about Native Americans.
But I care about the native americans unlike you who justs says its all history(even though the people it happen to in the pals case are still alive)
It's all history right.
No it isn't their are flesh and blood suffering they are not history.
You are missing the point. This is the present we are talking about you fool. These people are fighting for their home right now as the natives did back then.
You don't think that there are some Native Americans fighting for land and rights??? Well there certainly are.

Knowing this are you going to remain a hypocrite or move out of their land?

You see, I just think it's ironic. You, a displaced indigenous person, think it's OK to live on the land that Europeans took from other displaced indigenous people? :shrug:

And that's really the point. Just as you don't care that TODAY in the MODERN ERA there are Natives Americans still fighting for land and rights, most people don't care about Palestinians still fighting for land and rights.

In the past decade 3-5 million... MILLION North Koreans died from disease and starvation. How many posts do we see about them? Maybe one once in a blue moon? MILLIONS of Africans have died and are dieing due to civil wars - yet, not too many posts about them are there? Oh, they come and go, but not like the Great Israeli/Palestinian Debate.


Why are we spending so much energy talking about some shit hole peace of land that people have been dieing for, for over 5000 years? One that's so small you could drive through it and not even noticed you had. It's so small as to be compared with a speck of nothing. Yet there's zillions of square miles of land that could be used all around Israel. I mean ZILLIONS. While most of that Israeli shit hold is dust and dirt.

Why then? Religion. Only religion can bring out such single minded intensely focused stupidity - whether we know it or not. Why do I keep pounding the same questions? To see if I can pound through the wall of religious stupidity. So far no luck :eek:

Lastly, RE: Native Americans, you don't find it even the tiniest bit hypocritical? I asked a Muslim once and you know what he said to me? Allah gave the whole earth to us Muslims to bring Islam to everyone. Yup, just like the Jews. No different. Always an good reason why it OK. It's History or It's something or It's something else.

How many more years before the Palestinians are "History"? It's been 3 generations and almost half a century. How long? 2015? 2025? When exactly can we call it History?

There will never be peace over that shit hole plot of land until people are no longer religious. Which is to say NEVER.....
You don't think that there are some Native Americans fighting for land and rights??? Well there certainly are.

Knowing this are you going to remain a hypocrite or move out of their land?

You see, I just think it's ironic. You, a displaced indigenous person, think it's OK to live on the land that Europeans took from other displaced indigenous people? :shrug:

And that's really the point. Just as you don't care that TODAY in the MODERN ERA there are Natives Americans still fighting for land and rights, most people don't care about Palestinians still fighting for land and rights.

You are not even arguing for the sakes of what is right. You are arguing for the sake of proving I am hypocrite and a liar.

They got paid and there was deals. Those lands were bought.
You are not even arguing for the sakes of what is right. You are arguing for the sake of proving I am hypocrite and a liar.

They got paid and there was deals. Those lands were bought.

Geez, you sure don't know much about the history of your "adopted" country, do you? Read some history about the American settlers versus the Native Americans, you'll be quite surprised if the above is your present ideas.

And I agree with Michael're a fuckin' hypocrite! And yes, it does matter with regards to this thread.

Baron Max
American Indians get treated pretty good in the u.s. probably better than anyone else does.

Now? Or when they were being systematically rounded up and put into fenced off reservations?

When you get the chance, check out some history of the USA from the 1600s through about 1950 or so.

Pretty good? Relative to what?

Baron Max

In the past decade 3-5 million... MILLION North Koreans died from disease and starvation. How many posts do we see about them? Maybe one once in a blue moon? MILLIONS of Africans have died and are dieing due to civil wars - yet, not too many posts about them are there? Oh, they come and go, but not like the Great Israeli/Palestinian Debate.
and your mistaking conversation here for sonversation in general. and the afreican civil wars and the conflict in palestine are related. both were caused by the arrogance of colonial powers.

Why are we spending so much energy talking about some shit hole peace of land that people have been dieing for, for over 5000 years? One that's so small you could drive through it and not even noticed you had. It's so small as to be compared with a speck of nothing. Yet there's zillions of square miles of land that could be used all around Israel. I mean ZILLIONS. While most of that Israeli shit hold is dust and dirt.
what's a zillion and do you have any idea how expensive it is to reclaim the desert?

Why then? Religion. Only religion can bring out such single minded intensely focused stupidity - whether we know it or not. Why do I keep pounding the same questions? To see if I can pound through the wall of religious stupidity. So far no luck :eek:
the only focused stupidity here is yours their is nothing religious about the conflict in palestine. You keep pounding because your to dense to deal with the real issues because those are complex and difficult its so much easier to blame something you hate religion.

Lastly, RE: Native Americans, you don't find it even the tiniest bit hypocritical?
No for reasons that have been given to you that you seem unable to cope with intellectually.

How many more years before the Palestinians are "History"? It's been 3 generations and almost half a century. How long? 2015? 2025? When exactly can we call it History?
when the palestinians accept that what was done to them was right and they have no recourse to regain what was stolen in other words never.

There will never be peace over that shit hole plot of land until people are no longer religious. Which is to say NEVER.....
untrue we could deal with the actual issues which you have a pathological need to ignore to go on your crusade against religion. Israel fuffilling it legal duties of letting the palestinians return to their land or compensating the owns that wish to resettle will end the conflict.
You are not even arguing for the sakes of what is right. You are arguing for the sake of proving I am hypocrite and a liar.

They got paid and there was deals. Those lands were bought.

Not really. with the difference in viewqs of land ownership their was a serious diconnect
You are not even arguing for the sakes of what is right. You are arguing for the sake of proving I am hypocrite and a liar.

They got paid and there was deals. Those lands were bought.
Actually I don't remember saying anything about you lying. I am saying that you living in America is hypocritical. You do know that some Palestinians have been compensated for their lands with money. Some land was bought outright.

I wonder: After Israel was created, were the Jewish Arabs treated any differently than the Muslim Arabs? Or did the Europeans treat all Arabs as the same?
when the palestinians accept that what was done to them was right and they have no recourse to regain what was stolen in other words never.
Oh, this is rich. Even though there are Native Americans who haven't "accepted" what's was done to them - you don't care (even though you live on their forefather's stolen land) you for some unknown reason chalk their struggle up as "History". Yet, way the fr*ck over in some tiny little puny small insignificant stripe of dirt, where many Palestinians have indeed given up and moved on or moved away - from some unknown reason THEY will NEVER give in???

I still have to wonder why you don't care about the people whose stolen land you LIVE ON and you do care about some other people whose land you've probably never seen, never visited and other than posting on here, aren't really going to do anything about.

Why not instead focus your energies at helping Native American's regain some of their land? I mean, you're living on it - why don't you start by giving your house and land to them? I mean, this IS what you're asking third generation Israelis to do ... OK then, LEAD BY EXAMPLE. I'm sure this will at least make the News - so I'm waiting, shouldn't take more than a couple weeks. If not, well, don't ask someone else to do something you are not willing to do.

Many Jews moved to Israel for the sole reason of religion.
It reminds me a person whose complaining about "Westernization" with a big mac in one hand, internet connected iPhone in the other, dripping honey BBQ flavored sauce on to their Levi bluejeans while leaning over for a drink of Coke. What's that called?

OH yeah ... hypocrite!

The religious element to this conflict over land is so great as to basically be insurmountable. My prediction: Israeli Jews will return all this land "back" to Palestinian Muslims on the exact same day the Muslims return the Dome of the Rock back to the Jews to rebuild their Temple Mount, oh and the Greeks will get Constantinople returned to them as well, the Ainu given Japan, the indigenous Taiwanese will have their islands back from the Han Chinese, while the Han are giving that back they'll return Tibet too, Australians' Aboriginal will get their land back and so will the Maori, the Fijian Indians will return to India leaving the islands to the indigenous Fijians, everyone over in SriLanka will have one great big party and martians will float from alpha Centari farting cheese cake puffs etc.... hell, now that I think about it, it seems there are all sorts of pointless land conflicts to argue about, I wonder again, why The Great Israel/Palestinian Debate is always at the center and forefront of them all? Oh yeah - Religion.