Is there a devil per say??

ha ha, no the devil does not exist. It is like the boggie man to devoted Christians. It is all in one's head. a unnecessary delusion.
haha yourself.

We'll see about that, mister.

ok, devil or no devil, what's your take on the "other"side of the coin. you got no black and whites? yáll just greys?

christian or no christian, there's always a "devil"in every culture.

there's no proof, but there's no proof there isn't, now isn't there?

i'm not going to quote bible stuff even though i've read the book, but if for example, you weren't prone to disrespect "any"book, whether it be bible, book of the dead, koran, etc, then there's definitely a large amount of intelligent people out there writing some funky shit about some devil, huh?
It makes a good movie

What makes a good movie folks? A good vilain that we love to hate. How else can the hero overcome evil and get the girl.

Any actor would tell you that the evil adverserie makes the movie.
*begins speaking with a high-pitched British accent*

Oh, I see that many of you doubt my existence! Well, well, well, let's hope it stays that way!


*A reddish haze appears and a fiery aperture opens up, materializing from thin air.*

*Steps through*

*Portal closes . . . spiked tail gets caught.*

Oh Goodness! The agony, the agony! AAahhhh aaahha ahahha aGGGHAHH