Is there a devil per say??


Registered Senior Member
Acroding to the logic there (xev) must be another force that exists.

To balance the nature. Or one would over rule the other , Then one would dominate the rest,and be slaves to the domminater.
correct me if i'm worng....... That does not work in harmony with how the world
Why do you assume that just because something (god) exists that its opposite (the devil) must also exist?
I'd just like to say I think it's 'Per se'. And it looks like you didn't finish your sentence Joemamaa.

If there was only God, then we wouldn't know anything else, but that is not to say the counterpart is equal to 'God'.
:bugeye: maybe our world is the oposite of god!?! seeing as we are pretty much his polor oposite when it comes to all things good..:bugeye:
I'm leaning to the opinion that there is a devil but I dont think he is the bogeyman a lot of people make him out to be.
One could argue that the devil was a part of god. Same with everything else.
Yeah clockwood, but through my genious thinking, that places me above all the rest of you, I have had flashes into my soul; fashes that have shown me how it is only because of the existence of pure goodness that pure evil exists. If there were not one, then there would not be the other. This is probably how existence came about; maybe it was through anger (the big bang) that existence was demanded; pure goodness agreed to make the world to see which would come out on top; evil or good. This is also what is written in the Bible (I think) and yet again the Bible is shown to be correct!

I do not accept this Bible version wholly; It may not have been goodness that created the world, but what is true is that the world is a place between good and evil (so existence was a necessity with the existence of evil) so I am inclined to beleive that life is some kind of a test (as Buddhists beleive) which is why we have free will (we can choose to love God) and after we either go to Heaven and Hell, or we are then ranked within the world, as some kind of animal or another. I am inclined to disagree with the latter thought because there is a growing number of people in the world, and it doesn't make sense to have this is this were going to be the case; then again ,species' are growing too! When Christ returns he will overcome all evil through the grace of God, and the devil will be put to rest, and there will be only goodness thereafter.
Originally posted by Mucker
If there was only God, then we wouldn't know anything else, but that is not to say the counterpart is equal to 'God'.

Here is a perspective that deems the devil unnecessary:
God exists, and the universe exists--that is all. The universe was not created by God, but as an equal counterpart to God. If God is entirely pure, that is why the universe we know is flawed--that is why we cannot see God. If the universe we know is the antithesis of God, then the devil cannot exist as his counterpart because the devil is a creation within our existence and not on the echelon of God.
God, Gods, devils, demons, spirits, angels and a host of others are simply words created to put abstract substance to the unexplainable. These words have no real meaning.
Not only is the devil real but he is a farmer to boot! Why do you think he has that pitchfork? It is because he has some serious bales of hay to pitch down in hell.
Assuming that there is a God, which there almost inevitably is not, it would not need a counterpart.

Said God could be balanced in itself.
If god created everything technically didn't he create the devil.....or did some angel realize how contridicting and propostorous this whole religion shinding was and did what he wanted to and was happy evermore.

*tisk tisk tisk*.....these angels can be such hedonistic bastards
I think humans are devils in the flesh . Just look around most good people are also evil' NOT all but most.
there's this one time

a guy i knew told me his adventures during his acid trip.
Can a person contact the devil through this medium?
When you can warp your mind and enter the otherside?

*on a side note, i wonder too about that deal on fasting and stuff, bringing you closer to god, that food is part of earthly devices to keep you ground* ...and heavenly bodies are those with lack of gluttony and excess, you get it.

to continue, the persons experience was startling,
he had called out to the devil to show up and lo and behold,
there in a black suit, handsome as any mortal man could be, soulless eyes (the guy really gave a good description)
came striding up to him, leaving a trail of small fires behind him.
the next day, him and his friend woke up and thought it was all a dream. On the floor was evidence of burnt footsteps.

ok, you think, the guy is bullshitting me. but he was dead serious! would you go as far as experimenting drugs to try and find out? Would you, like those great philosophers and inventors, scientists, writers, go as far as your own small earthly world?

Jung told about his experience, the first one who had ever visited the universe out of his body. So, what about the devils on earth?

And Buddha, you say, wow, the guy fasted for days, what kind of out of body experience did he go through, or that famous one about the temptation from the sea? Drugs can also do that, take away the ability to eat and further accelerate your mind to full gear, smack dead on to meet the devil.

i'm too chicken to experiment that stuff anyway but i'm not going to deny it may or may not exist.
I thought a lot of people thought that devils or a devil was the remnants of the previous religion in the area, that had been exterminated/ driven away, its god surviving as a nasty anti-god who was against their god.
But i think in the bible there are very few mentions of the devil at all, and not very much on the actual condition of hell, or pugatory or any of the other shibboleths of the RC church.