Is the Koran as boring and repetitive to you as it is to me?

I once was a bit annoyed of the constant Russian orthodox church bells by my house (they had some festival) and I put loudspeaker by the window and played recitations from Quoran really loud.
Of course I didn't understand a word, but the overall feeling was suprisingly nice, especially when together with church bells - sort of like Jerusalem.

p.s. Repetition is an essential property of ritual.

uh, actually I like bells too. My grandma's house was in a Hindu community and there were frequent prayer meetings at night with manjeeras and bells; that's how I learned all the Hindu prayer songs. :p

I really really like the words, music, rhythm of Om Jai Jagdish Hare. Its an awesome prayer (aarti , actually)

The prayer
uh, actually I like bells too. My grandma's house was in a Hindu community and there were frequent prayer meetings at night with manjeeras and bells; that's how I learned all the Hindu prayer songs. :p

I really really like the words, music, rhythm of Om Jai Jagdish Hare. Its an awesome prayer (aarti , actually)

The prayer

Oh, I remember I heard this song once in an Indian movie staring Shahrukh
Khan! I thought its just another Indian song, apparently its a prayer!
Beautiful prayer! :cool: Thanx for the link, ja.

Btw, is the light the part of the ritual? There are so many lights in there,
from candles, torch, and even the wall are full of lamps...!
Oh, I remember I heard this song once in an Indian movie staring Shahrukh
Khan! I thought its just another Indian song, apparently its a prayer!
Beautiful prayer! :cool: Thanx for the link, ja.

Btw, is the light the part of the ritual? There are so many lights in there,
from candles, torch, and even the wall are full of lamps...!

Hinduism is all light and song. Lots of special effects and color!:p

This is a very famous arti, sung on almost every special occasion.

Heh, I like SRK too.
Hinduism is all light and song. Lots of special effects and color!:p

This is a very famous arti, sung on almost every special occasion.

Heh, I like SRK too.

I have created a shortcut into this song :cool:

Btw, I heard that SRK is hindu and wife is moslem, or SRK is moslem and his
wife is hindu. This is not common in my country. Is it common in India?
I mean, how the muslim/hindu community see it? Sorry if this has been
discussed in some other thread. Or maybe I heard it wrong.

But I like SRK too :cool: (I guess there shoud be "in love" smiley here)
I have created a shortcut into this song :cool:

Btw, I heard that SRK is hindu and wife is moslem, or SRK is moslem and his
wife is hindu. This is not common in my country. Is it common in India?
I mean, how the muslim/hindu community see it? Sorry if this has been
discussed in some other thread. Or maybe I heard it wrong.

But I like SRK too (I guess there shoud be "in love" smiley here)

He is Muslim and she is Hindu; its pretty common in movie stars.

Here is your smiley:

I think its also an issue of familiarity; we hear the Quran all the time, recited for prayers, so we are familiar with the cadences of the verses. To us, it is a familiar rhythm that we associate with peace and prayer. I suppose to someone who just reads it dryly in prose from one of the gazillion translations, it makes very little sense, especially when most of the people who read it have very little knowledge of Islam. This would also hold true for Muslims who are not educated in the religion, I think.

Sure, but the Bible is equally boring that way. And im sure the Torah too. I just dont think its of any importance wether they are boring or not, isnt it about the content ?
I think all of it can sound nice. Any of it can sound operatic and be just as enjoyable to listening to good opera even if you don't understand the language the opera is sung in.

The books are so boring. If rewritten into children tales they are a little better for children. The OT is one of the most boring book on the planet.
Sure, but the Bible is equally boring that way. And im sure the Torah too. I just dont think its of any importance wether they are boring or not, isnt it about the content ?

The content is as boring, to me, in all of the religious writings. They all have about the same thing going for them, dogma.

Dogma \Dog"ma\, n.; pl. E. Dogmas, L. Dogmata. [L. dogma,
Gr. ?, pl. ?, fr. ? to think, seem, appear; akin to L. decet
it is becoming. Cf. Decent.]
1. That which is held as an opinion; a tenet; a doctrine.

The obscure and loose dogmas of early antiquity. --

2. A formally stated and authoritatively settled doctrine; a
definite, established, and authoritative tenet.

3. A doctrinal notion asserted without regard to evidence or
truth; an arbitrary dictum.

Syn: tenet; opinion; proposition; doctrine.

Usage: -- Dogma, Tenet. A tenet is that which is
maintained as true with great firmness; as, the tenets
of our holy religion. A dogma is that which is laid
down with authority as indubitably true, especially a
religious doctrine; as, the dogmas of the church. A
tenet rests on its own intrinsic merits or demerits; a
dogma rests on authority regarded as competent to
decide and determine. Dogma has in our language
acquired, to some extent, a repulsive sense, from its
carrying with it the idea of undue authority or
assumption. This is more fully the case with its
derivatives dogmatical and dogmatism.
You probably read a translation. :)

sam, i know you are bias towards this (ofcourse) just because you happen to be a muslim. i own 2 qurans and the one i can read is written by Abdullah Yusufali, my muslim friends say its very good translation. i was given it at a mosque in east london, it has both english and arabic side by side and muslims use it here.

to be honest from a non bias perspective i honestly think it is boring and repeats itself alot. the whole thing hardly has any story compared to the old testament. i must admit that the bible is a better read. the quran has good parts, and so do the seperate scripts of mohammed. but its just true that the bible is more fun to read.

especially singing the quran, its just not as good. (except for remembering it)

sam, i know you are bias towards this (ofcourse) just because you happen to be a muslim. i own 2 qurans and the one i can read is written by Abdullah Yusufali, my muslim friends say its very good translation. i was given it at a mosque in east london, it has both english and arabic side by side and muslims use it here.

to be honest from a non bias perspective i honestly think it is boring and repeats itself alot. the whole thing hardly has any story compared to the old testament. i must admit that the bible is a better read. the quran has good parts, and so do the seperate scripts of mohammed. but its just true that the bible is more fun to read.

especially singing the quran, its just not as good. (except for remembering it)


The Quran (the recital, literally) is meant to be recited, it is not sung.:)
I find the Mahabharata/Bhagavad-Gita more interesting. Some cool war stories as well as spiritual teachings in there.

- N
All religious texts are repetitive. Repetition is also a technique often employed in folklore story telling and is also present in music composition. When we repeat, we create rhythm, emphasis, pattern, etc. A religious text is a piece of literature and its authors kept a certain style for conveying their stories to the readers, creating moods, and so on.