Is the earth expanding?

Is the earth expanding?
What do you think about it?

If you mean "is the Earth gaining mass over time", then yes. The Earth gains a tiny amount of mass every year as meteorites fall to the Earth. It's a very tiny amount.

If you mean this expanding Earth:, then no. I do not believe that is happening, and the burden of proof falls only anyone who does believe it to convince me.
I've been wondering, they say after every major earthquake that the orbit/rotation of the earth is changed ever so slightly.

How in the world is this possible? How can it put a force on itself?
I've been wondering, they say after every major earthquake that the orbit/rotation of the earth is changed ever so slightly.

How in the world is this possible? How can it put a force on itself?

It is very very slight and I assume the reason is that in an earth quake there is often an up thrust or down thrust of part of the crust, this changes the distribution of the mass of the earth and hence is rotational speed. In the same way that an ice skater changes her rotational speed by spreading or pulling in her arms.

I think it is amazing that it is detectable....:bugeye:
Is the earth expanding?

The Earth's mass is increasing slightly. The amount of stuff that is added to it (dust, meteors etc) exceeds the amount of stuff it loses (mainly hydrogen from dissociated water, blown away by the solar wind.)

The Earth's volume is _probably_ decreasing slightly. As the radioisotopes in the core cool down, the earth overall gets cooler, since it is constantly radiating heat away. This makes it shrink. However, it's a small effect overall.
It is very very slight and I assume the reason is that in an earth quake there is often an up thrust or down thrust of part of the crust, this changes the distribution of the mass of the earth and hence is rotational speed. In the same way that an ice skater changes her rotational speed by spreading or pulling in her arms.

I think it is amazing that it is detectable....:bugeye:

I doubt it is, I think its mostly mathmatical reasoning.

I still doubt it, the first rule of physics is that an object cant put a force on itself... well actually that's rule #2, rule#1 is that force->acceleration->motion.
It's not applying a force to itself, its changing the centre of gravity ever so slightly and a change in the rotational energy causing a lack of equilibrium. The figure skater analogy is perfect, if you had a spinning top, which could kick out, it would knock itself from it's stable position and fly across the table.
I have gone through a video with the title which I want to share with you people.Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growing.As the URL are not allowed so I cannot share the URL but the video is currently available on the youtube with the same title.Just search it and find what is the hidden reality.
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The Earth cannot be expanding, otherwise all earthquake zones would be divergent (spreading apart). But they aren't.
Is the earth expanding?
What do you think about it?

Yes it does growth (not expand). The current growth rate is about 2 cm radius/year (averaged over 3 millions years). And the rate has been increasing for the last 150 millions years according to the PhD thesis of James Maxlow, available on line at Curtin University.
And nobody as really a clue about the origin of all this matter required.
Interesting stuff.
2 cm/year X 150 million years = 3,000 km increase since 150 million years ago. Extrapolating backwards, the earth was the size of a pea about 600 million years ago. Amazing.

Please link to a source that gives the 2 cm per year figure.

Extrapolating backwards, the earth was the size of a pea about 600 million years ago. Amazing.

True. But taking my height over the first 15 years of my life and extrapolating forward, I would now be 14 feet tall. Extrapolations don't always make sense.
Most materials in nature will contract upon cooling and/or upon changing phase from gas to liquid and liquid to a solid. That being said, if the earth overall is cooling from the inside-out, then the earth is net contracting.

If the earth was expanding, that means the eartt's interior is heating up causes phases changes from solid to liquid and heating the solids and liquids.
If you want to see a joke of science, you can check out Maxlow's video's here:

He has 'hypothesized' that the early earth had captured 'pure energy' given off from an early sun (via solar-flare like activity), and that this pure energy is now 'condensing' from energy into matter (throwing in Einstein's mass/energy equivalency for good measure) in Earth's mantle, thereby increasing the earth's diameter, hence the 'expanding earth' idea he's selling (along with his books, etc.) What he doesn't explain is why the 'pure energy' he 'hypothesizes' chooses to form mantle-type atoms instead of, say, iron or nickel or other core atoms, or for that matter, Lead, Uranium, Hydrogen, Helium, or other atoms. It's pure hogwash, and I'm surprised he's even accepted anywhere for presentations. It calls into serious question how an accredited University could grant a PhD for such garbage.
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An interesting earth observation made by NASA is the core of the earth is spinning faster than the surface. The surface is being dragged along by the core, which is spinning faster than the surface. What is interesting is although the magnetic field of the earth will peridically reverse, the core spins the same way.

The question that appears is, where is this energy coming from.