Is the Black Sea a leftover from Noah's Biblical Flood?

What I was really trying to say/suggest, was that the Noah story in Genesis wasn't that special and could be found in many of the mythologies of the Near East, even before the jewish authors wrote the Genesis myths.

I think proving or disproving the effectiveness of oral tradition in ancient times would be exceedingly difficult as we only have current or recent cultures with which to make ethnographic study or conduct ethnoarchaeology. There's just too little to survive in the archaeological record.
So just how much of the Old Testament alone is spiritually/intellectually edible SW? That is since you have determined the book of Genesis is mythical.
§outh§tar said:
So just how much of the Old Testament alone is spiritually/intellectually edible SW? That is since you have determined the book of Genesis is mythical.
That strikes me as a rather inane question.
SkinWalker said:
I think proving or disproving the effectiveness of oral tradition in ancient times would be exceedingly difficult as we only have current or recent cultures with which to make ethnographic study or conduct ethnoarchaeology. There's just too little to survive in the archaeological record.
Then your reference to Harwood was simply window dressing? It would be "exceedingly difficult" to disprove the proposition that ancient peoples travelled by Unicorn, but I suspect that the burden of proof should be on the other side. Likewise, I have yet to see (and you have yet to offer) anything suggesting the capacity of oral tradition to sustained remnants of folklore over millennia of diaspora, and I know of no reason to presume such a capacity - with or without the aid of "spatial mnemonics".

By the way, I found Aksu somewhat interesting, although I don't claim to understand it all.
The Black Sea flood occured 7500 years ago,many of earth's volcanoes erupted one after the other,according to scientists some of the largest eruptions ever occured at this time.The eruptions had a great deal todo with the atmosphere and caused global changes around the world.There is evidence of a ice dam near the Pripet marshes in Russia where a huge lake may have held enough water to fill the Black Sea.
The Black Sea was flooded with fresh water from melting ice and rain water flowing from the north in 5 large rivers filled the Black Sea.If the Sea water had rushed into the Black Sea there would be huge amounts of silt near the entrance of the Black Sea.But the build up of silt is on the other side , the water spilled into the Agean Sea bringing silt.
The fresh water shells in the Black Sea are dated at 7500 years and then went extinct replaced slowly by salt water mollusks.
The Flood of the Black Sea caused the largest human migration in history,as the area that was flooded was one of the most fertile places on earth .