Is the bible the word of god?

"blessed" glass blowers.
??? did the glass blowers know about - red glass panes in old cathedrals are made of gold? - BEFORE being blessed? or did the priest know and would only tell the glass blowers after the blessing?

Note rhetorical - I know most of the details

Happy to have kx000 give it a go through

The "Word of God" in theism is also known as "Lexicostatistics" in science. In the abstract that is.......:)
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Thank you.
That is what I was looking for.
I would like to think there is more passages like that one...sortta to firm up the proposition.

I suspect few could provide the answer you have given so may I say well done and again thank you.
You're welcome.

That's the same passage a good friend of mine (Jehovah's Witness) always quoted as "proof" that the bible was God's word.

I tried to explain circular reasoning to him - to no avail. But we were always able to discuss and agreed to disagree, and we still remained friends.
Well yes, yes thats it...yes I dont like talking about the many good things I will be doing with the income I dont like sounding too righteous. ...

I just found one of the original scriptures which was a first hand god inspiration..written by the guy that was inspired directly by god...its a treasure....and if you would like a copy and prepared to go to the trouble of drawing a new will to help me with getting a jet so I can do even more good work I could send you one copy with a certificate of authenticity...anyways you know that kill that neighbour who you find working on the sabath...the actual original inspiration says..."if you find your neighbour working on the sabath you should kill your best goat and prepare a bar be que and invite the hard working neighbour over for a meal and a beer when he has finished".

Wait untill you hear the original about adultery. seems it is ok so long as you dont tell anyone☺.

lol :)
The closest I know of is 2 Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness".

But that leads directly to: what does "inspiration" mean? What does "scripture" mean?

I just checked. The book of Job mentions insiration in the same way as Timothy... it looks like Paul "borrowed" the line, or it's true one or the two.

Scripture. This is again only mentioned in the old testament once, in Daniel but the angel seemed to be talking about some divine object. I don't quite understand why they used it in the way they did in the new testament.
The angel of equanimity
Are you equating human personal character virtues with angels?

Are virtues angels or do angels have virtues? If so, do some angels have sins? Do they represent sins. Devil?

Are sins and virtues angelic aspects or human aspects?
Number 3 if my memory is correct

Not number 3 in sequence

Still has the other 2

Problem - he does not leave on them

Well he does, but he comes back

Next he'll be demanding a rocket, because planes don't get close enough to heaven and he wants to get close enough to "touch the face of God"
High Flight, John Gillespie Magee, Jr
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, --and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of --Wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air...
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark or even eagle flew --
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God
How will that explain your thought? I'm not joking around here, and don't take kindly to being patronised.
If you do not do any research outside of your box, you cannot expect everyone else to study your documents if you refuse to study related but incidentally opposing views on origins, i.e. the "word of god". That is a lexical question no? Or are you telling me it's just another in a long line of metaphors?

Well, Authorship of Origins happens to apply to the study of chemical evolution and distribution on an earthlike planet.

I don't patronize anyone, but theist attitudes are invariably patronizing. I don't blame them, they are supposed to proselytize by divine command. But then, I should have the right to present evidence against the theist perspective, no?

Trust me, Hazen will not mention God or any religious theme. This is purely about chemistry, but told in a most easy and relaxed format and will expand your knowledge of origins a great deal.
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If you do not do any research outside of your box, you cannot expect everyone else to study your documents if you refuse to study related but incidentally opposing views on origins, i.e. the word of god. That is a lexical question no?

I don't patronize anyone, but theist attitudes are invariably patronizing. I don't blame them, they are supposed to proselytize by divine command.

Trust me, Hazen will not mention God or any religious theme. This is purely about chemistry, but told in a most easy and relaxed format and will expand your knowledge of origins a great deal.
You don't want to go down the path of whether I am a theist or not. Regardless, what are you debating? Your thought?
You don't want to go down the path of whether I am a theist or not. Regardless, what are you debating? Your thought?
Does it matter? Are you not curious how the chemical world functions? It's only fundamental to EVERYTHING, including Origins of life in the universe.
Does it matter? Are you not curious how the chemical world functions? It's only fundamental to EVERYTHING, including Origins of life in the universe.
I've never been interested in chemistry, I put faith in people like you for telling the truth about what I'm not interested in. A bit like you with philosophy, you sound great, but it all comes tumbling down to evolution. We have accepted it as part of the question we are talking about, we don't need any further information. I don't know if that is related to this thread or one of the others.

EDIT: It is interesting dissecting religion then killing it.

EDIT: And the Young Earth vs Evolution may pop up again on our travels, so fill you gun up.
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Are you equating human personal character virtues with angels?


Are virtues angels or do angels have virtues? If so, do some angels have sins? Do they represent sins. Devil?

Not all angel's are virtues, but all angel's are a living thing. All positive things are angels all negative things are demons.

Are sins and virtues angelic aspects or human aspects?

FAITH can be both angel and human.