Is the bible the word of god?


Valued Senior Member
I have heard many folk say that the bible is the word of god so I ask does that mean that god wrote it or that someone has just taken notes while god was chatting?

Why do folk say the bible is the word of god given there is no reference of authorship ad nothing mentioned in the credits..

So how is the claim that the bible is gods word supported or is such a claim without foundation.

I believe in the bible

Which part of the bible do you believe in....the good Old Testament section which provides an interesting insite into the workings of the minds of ancient folk using superstition to explain their world...or...the false new testament which is clearly made up and based on a lie and presenting a human saying he is a god, just like multiple lieing humans before him who made the same wild unsupported claim.

Surely you are not taken in by the new testament.

Even God can be confused by hate.

How do you know this?
Also...what did you think of the videos?
Or aren't you allowed to watch them...they probably contain more truth than you can handle so I can understand if you wont watch them.

All of them if watched one after the other will make you a card carrying atheist.

I was going to make a list of things wrong in the bible but I realised I would end up with a book as long as the bible...but if you watch the videos you will get the idea...but if you want to avoid the truth certainly dont look at them.

And I can understand not wanting to know the truth given that would mean it would mean you have to admit that you have been conned and have in fact just been plain wrong.

You seem like a nice person so I hope you can sift thru the lies and end up with a small box of good cherries.

All the best and may reason guide your judgements.

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How do you know this?
Also...what did you think of the videos?
Or aren't you allowed to watch them...they probably contain more truth than you can handle so I can understand if you wont watch them.

All of them if watched one after the other will make you a card carrying atheist.

I was going to make a list of things wrong in the bible but I realised I would end up with a book as long as the bible...but if you watch the videos you will get the idea...but if you want to avoid the truth certainly dont look at them.

And I can understand not wanting to know the truth given that would mean it would mean you have to admit that you have been conned and have in fact just been plain wrong.

You seem like a nice person so I hope you can sift thru the lies and end up with a small box of good cherries.

All the best and may reason guide your judgements.


Because you can falsely believe in hate, because it masquerades as a angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14
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Belief. This religion thing is all about "belief".

I dont get it.

If I read a book and it contains just one error I think that one error destroys its credibility and can then only be regarded as entirely suspect.
The bible contains many errors and so its credibility becomes zero.
Consider this ... a friend tells you a lie and then another does not your trust diminish in everything he says.

But all this chat ignores my question which I now ask again...

So how is the claim that the bible is gods word supported?

I dont get it.

If I read a book and it contains just one error I think that one error destroys its credibility and can then only be regarded as entirely suspect.
The bible contains many errors and so its credibility becomes zero.
Consider this ... a friend tells you a lie and then another does not your trust diminish in everything he says.

But all this chat ignores my question which I now ask again...

So how is the claim that the bible is gods word supported?


Because you can falsely believe in hate, because it masquerades as a angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14

How do you unfalsely believe in hate?

I dont hate it is a negative and destructive emotion.

I see the hate religious folk have for others and wonder why they are so hateful ...can you explain why they are so hateful.

My view is that they secretly realise that they have been conned and rather than just accept that they have been diddled they turn their disappointment to anger, then to hatred of others you brought them the thruth that their religious leaders have lied to them for the base desire to control their thinking and take their money.
Just think how much money you have paid them and how much better off your family would be if you could have spent that lost money on them.

How many times have you denied a love ones request for money on the basis that you could not afford their request but that same year have handed over cash to your church.

Can you honestly address my question?
