Is religon a cowards security blanket?

mars13 said:
i say yes.

religon is a proven mental disorder.

most importantly, te whole concept of 'mental disorder'--as its beng puched by the so-called mental health establishment is NOT based on scientific proof of any kind. so it is not proven!

also....yes LITERALIST religion IS used as security blanket against ACXTUAL ecstatic experience
GodlessEvil said:
What in the hell does that mean?

Whenever man's consciousness identifies itself with the law of matter so that his thinking, words and deeds, instead of serving the divine law, serve the law of matter, man is bringing satan to life, man is becoming satanic himself. Without man satan cannot exist; for without the self of man, satan is only an unconscious force, a necessary natural law of matter.

Satan can come to life only in the consciousness of a person who manifests the law of matter, the law of the flesh, in his spirit; who identifies his consciousness with his person, with his lower nature, with the drives and urges dwelling in the flesh, with the urge of self-preservation and propagation of the species. Such a person manifests the centripetal, coagulating power of matter as spiritual characteristics such as avarice, envy, vanity, hard-heartedness and selfishness. No living creature has ever met satan by himself, for without man satan has no existence at all. Without man satan is only the law of matter. We can meet the living satan only in the human being; only in a human face can we recognize satan as the expression of this face.

As long as this law manifests itself in matter and as matter, the law is operating in its place and consequently in a divine manner. But inert matter becomes living matter when the divine spirit, the self, clothes itself in matter and becomes flesh. The self, life, penetrates the inert matter, and out of the law of matter there arises a living spirit.

Satan lies dead in matter, as its law, until with its own life the divine spirit makes him come alive.

The law of matter is drawing inward, cooling off, paralysis. These are converted into mental form and reflected as egoism, mental hardness, coldness etc
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All.For.One said:
'Why is there evil and suffering?' the answer to that is simple:
God, though sovereign, gave us freedom to follow Him or to disobey Him.

Not according to this scripture --

"There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands,
no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one."
Romans 3:10-12

Everyone who has asked me that has replied with silence or said something like'Oh I just heard that there was some'

Try Ezekiel 18:20 vs. Exodus 20:5
Matthew 1:16 vs. Luke 3:23

Think about this the 4 Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are all the same with no contradictions but their is that so called "contradiction."

Read your Bible objectively next time.

Being Christian does help your mental and physical health.

No it doesn't.

I've seen a deaf man get his hearing back.

Hearsay is always impressive.

Anyway Christians are proved to have better mental health but that doesn't mean it's not true, for instance Catholics are proven to have the best mental health in the world due to having confession (I am not a catholic and don't agree with all their views).

It isn't nice to be deceptive. God hates that.
mars13 said:
religon is a proven mental disorder.

There are a few doctors that might say that but there are many more who would disagree with them and say that religion doesn't make people have mental disorders but that people themselves have mental disorders to begin with. To put the blame upon the religon people believe in doesn't make alot of sense unless the religion was doing things that caused the people to become mentally unstable like some cults do.
they put people in lunatic asylum's for hearing voices, for seeing things, for believing in fantasy things, so why has religion, got an immunity. every religious person on this planet has a mental disorder thats why their so dangerous, they have no respect for life, or humanity they all seem to follow by example a mythical god thing, that kills humans with in punity, it is a morally degenerite, imaging, as it causes the believer to do nasty things if thats normal, you could have fooled me.
what the fuck? you said you have seen deaf people hear again? i bet it was with the help of the all mighty science,not some imaginary invisble man in the sky.

where is the physical evidence to prove any religon? where is the physical evidence that will hold up tp scientific scrutiny?

if jesus exsisted then why is there not one scrap of physical evidence to support his exsistance?

and wouldnt the oldest religons be the right ones? christianity is barely 2000 years old,hindus have been around 5000 years,sun worship is 20,000 years old,so why did god wait until a few mellenia ago to tell us about him self?

and because some human suffering is caused by individual choice that automaticly makes the christian god real?thats just stupid.

the fact is the christian god is no more real then any other half baked imaginary man in the sky religon. the flying spagetti monster makes more sense then christianity, but its still just made up crap.

cowards need to have something to look foward to after death,they need there to be something else physical when they die,they cant just accept death as the end all of human exsistance.

science says nothing happens when you die,and they have been right about everything else.

you want to heal the sick,get to a science run hospital

heres an experiment,break your finger with a hammer and pray for it to heal

then break another finger and go to the hospital to fix it

now,see which one heals and which one gets infected and kills you with sepsis.

anyone who truly belives in a god should never be at a scientific health care facility,prayer should be plenty for them.but im willing to bet 99% of christians supllement prayer with modern medicince when they are sick or injured.

if god exsists science will prove or disprove it.
Mars13 said:
cowards need to have something to look foward to after death

Can you qualify the reference to cowardice? Why are you any braver than a believer?


i have the ''courage'' ta face exsistance alone. i understand that death is the end all of my exsistance.

i face death afraid but still willing to accept it as the envitable.

religous people belive death is the beggining of a majical journey,where you get all the things in life you were denied.its self dillusion at its best.

religous people cant comprehend their own death,they are unwilling to accept it as the endall of a physical exsistance.they can only deal with death because they belive they will live on somewhere else after they die.

its basicly running away from the cold facts of death,they are scared and cant accept this as all exsistance has to offer.

if religous people truly belived in the literal reads of their religon,then they would not have a survival instinct,they would not seek medical attention in an emergency. after all,according to them you get to go live with god and the angels when you die,would they really want to postpone that if they truly belived in it?

but no,they want their cake and eat it too. they refuse to just die and go to heaven,they seek any and all scientific cures for thier aliments,they cling to life and claim they go to heaven when they die.

these are the actions of a coward.

if they spent their time making earth a better place,instead of worring about a majical kingdom of the dead,maybe they wouldnt need a crutch for their own death.
c20H25N3o said:
If it is in the name of damage limitation, yes. Besides who is anyone to tell God what He can or can't do with His own creation.
Yes you can. No one is sovereign over everything- that undermines basic human rights. Fuck god, all hail humanity, bitch.

No, but policeman can because they have the authority to do so.
Fu-fu-fu-fuck the Police.

For the greater good of all.
What's good for one may not be good for all. This is why democracy will NEVER work properly.
Plus, murder is against the law, and no one is exempt from the law. All the shit your self-rightous god has pulled would amount to well over 3 billion consecutive life sentences.

Objectively examine God's motives if you will.
"Power corrupts and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. This unalterable rule applies to both man and god."
-Lord Acton, 18th Century British Philosopher.
the end of his own exsistance.

religon offers the belife of living forever.
More or less? What does that mean? Yes or no. If yes, I disagree outright. If no, then I would argue that religion CAN be used as a blanket of security, but that it is not by nature a blanket of security. Religion is merely a tool, just as is philosophy, science, art and all the different fields of study and practice. How one uses the tool does not determine what the tool actually is, or was designed for.
Also they look to a deity to answer thier questions and intervene to solve thier problems instead of getting off thier asses and fixing thier own shit and answering thier own questions.
Lazy fucks.
beyondtimeandspace said:
What is the religious man afraid of that he needs religion as a blanket of security?

Most people believe in something and because a person has a religion to believe in shouldn't be construed as needing a security blanket but more along the lines of having the same way of thinking as others that they are with. It's a social gathering as much as it is a way of trying to find those who are like you and to be with them . If I wanted to have a security blanket I'd carry a gun or a knife with me.
Religion is based on faith, if you feel secure because of faith, you are just stupid. It's even more ridiculous than saying, "I feel safe because I have faith that my fellow man would never harm me."
alteredperception said:
Religion is based on faith, if you feel secure because of faith, you are just stupid. It's even more ridiculous than saying, "I feel safe because I have faith that my fellow man would never harm me."

i'm not justpickin on you here....but i see two camps--tat uually are apparent at these an other, the literalist religionists vs the ones who believe in 'science', andhumanismif i remember, title of thread is asking if peple use religion as asecurity blanket. i would say yes IF tey are stuck in literalism--which means naively beliving in the superficial stories of their chosen bible

te science promoters on te other hand seem naive to assume that scienc as it is--combined with State--is also to be wholy believed, cause the scientist told me so.....for the othersits: cause the bible told me so

is that so?

also has been the talk of 'disorder' tat seemingly harmless sounding trn is USED by science&state to diagnose you having a BIOLOGICAL illness. as soon as the group of shrinks sat round their shiny table decide such an such a behaviour is a 'DISORDER@ tismeans it is a 'disease' and tey can drug it wit pharmaceutical meds!!!

yet. there is no proof whatsoever for teir 'medical' diagnosis. NONE! YET you----who criticize te literalist religionists for having 'blind faith' BELIEVE your chosen 'priests' te scientists tat such and such istrue, because science says so........!