Is religon a cowards security blanket?

If Christianity is a phsychological crutch then Jesus came to because there was an epidemic of broken legs. Think about that because it's proved that Jesus was on earth. Another thing to dwell on is if you can honestly say there is NO God can you honestly say you've tried to find him.
where is the physical evidence for jesus?

the shroud of turin was only 900 years old.

not one religon has a single shred of credible scientificly provable evidence.

if a religon is truth then it will hold up to scientific scurtiny.
I say that if god made hell,satan and human beings, he is not a good guy after all and there is no security.

It would be more accurate to say that satan made human beings, while god created the universe, god looks at satans creatures and goes "what the fuck is that?"

Then we shall assume that gods son took pity on humans and god said "yeah all right we will let them in with the animals and aliens etc, but if they fuck about i'll give them back to satan".

More accurate, more stupid, still not much security there!
"Then you come to moral questions. There is one very serious defect to my mind in Christ's moral character, and that is that He believed in hell. I do not myself feel that any person that is really profoundly humane can believe in everlasting punishment."

Yeah i guess it is a mental illness of a sort but i would say it is a "viral" mental illness in that it can be spread from person to person, some people (like myself) are naturally immune to the virus.

Somehow the combination of life experience plus the knowledge of final death...throw in some bible teaching and you have the unhealthy ingredient for permanent schizoid virus, which you will want to give to everyone else who will listen to you.

For me it is alot like going to a massive social group who are all sneezing and coughing at you, and you cover your mouth in disgust because you do not want to catch the flu.

For others they welcome the coughing and sneezing and try to breath in as much of the shit as possible till there brain is fucked.
So religeon is a cowards blanket?And it's all made up bull crap then? There are so may questions I've been asked as a Christian like for instance

'Why is there evil and suffering?' the answer to that is simple:
God, though sovereign, gave us freedom to follow Him or to disobey Him. Oxford scholar C.S. Lewis estimated that eighty percent of human suffering stems from human choice.

'What about all the contradictions in the Bible?'
To which I reply what contradictions?Everyone who has asked me that has replied with silence or said something like'Oh I just heard that there was some'
There was only one person who had actual evidence of a contradiction but the contradiction was only ommision. The so called "contradiction" was this 'In the Bible in the book of Luke it ses that there was two angels at Jesus' tomb but in the book of Matthew it mentions "an angel". That is not a contradiction only ommision. Think about this the 4 Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are all the same with no contradictions but their is that so called "contradiction."

And the one you guys are supporting 'Isn’t Christianity just a psychological crutch?'
Being Christian does help your mental and physical health. Physically through healing people say its all bull crap and coincidence its something you need to see for yourself. I've seen a deaf man get his hearing back. Anyway Christians are proved to have better mental health but that doesn't mean it's not true, for instance Catholics are proven to have the best mental health in the world due to having confession (I am not a catholic and don't agree with all their views). Christianity cators to human needs forgiveness,love,acceptance etc.
Christianity is not a crutch but more an iron lung, essential for life itself.

Christianity may be a blanket...but it's not for cowards. They are the people who stand tall for their beliefs becasue they know they are right. If YOU try personelly find God you will find him if all you do is believe. Without believing there is something out their you won't find it. I know God is real because I have felt Him alot and its calming and makes me happy.

So if you can say YOU believe there is NO God can you YOU have tried finding him??????
If god exists, which he doesn't, he is a bad person, and needs to be tried and executed for crimes against humanity.
That'd be funny to see...yahweh at the World Court in Brussels... :D
...oh, yes...hheehehaa.
Seriously though, god doesn't exist.
Christianity may be a blanket...but it's not for cowards. They are the people who stand tall for their beliefs becasue they know they are right. If YOU try personelly find God you will find him if all you do is believe. Without believing there is something out their you won't find it. I know God is real because I have felt Him alot and its calming and makes me happy.

You cannot know you are right about anything, such a belief is in itself negative, it is arrogant to say the least to believe you are right and we are wrong.

It is ok to say you are right and know you are right if you can show us, show us proof, show us the way, show us that you are right and correct in your belief without mentioning anything from the bible, show us that you would have believed it and knew of its nature before you were ever introduced to the "good" book.

If you can do this then there may be hope, but all i see in you is negativity surrounded by a THIN shell of benevolence, a thin shell of hope that there is more to your pointless existence and that you have to give everyone else this thin shell to cover themselves.
Hapsburg said:
If god exists, which he doesn't, he is a bad person, and needs to be tried and executed for crimes against humanity.

That would be funny,

Almighty god you are charged with seven counts of sending plagues to egypt
Creating the devil
Inventing spiders

Kill the bastard

Hapsburg you deserve a knighthood.
Pi-Sudoku said:
That would be funny,

Almighty god you are charged with seven counts of sending plagues to egypt
Creating the devil
Inventing spiders

Kill the bastard

Hapsburg you deserve a knighthood.

You cant charge a man for stealing his own car.

c20H25N3o said:
You cant charge a man for stealing his own car.


so are you saying that you are allowed to harm your own creation.

Can you kill your children?

no, so why can god kill humans?

well you did put LSD as your screenname
Pi-Sudoku said:
so are you saying that you are allowed to harm your own creation.

If it is in the name of damage limitation, yes. Besides who is anyone to tell God what He can or can't do with His own creation.

Can you kill your children?

No, but policeman can because they have the authority to do so. If my child stepped onto a train with a large backpack and the authorities expected him/her to blow up a bunch of people, they would employ a shoot to kill policy. They would probably bring me my child's belongings, get me to identify the body and I would grieve for the rest of my days. If my child's backpack did indeed have a bunch of explosives in, I would hardly be in a position to sue the police.

no, so why can god kill humans?

For the greater good of all. Objectively examine God's motives if you will.

well you did put LSD as your screenname



I am not so sure you can call it a coward's item.
Religion can be used for a variety of things like politics, hacking & slashing.....

A moldable tool, yes.