Is Punching A Nazi OK?

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To: DaveC, Dr Toad, Truck Captain Stumpy

re: Basic definitions

What the hell is wrong with you? You conflate examples of bad behavior with actual bad behavior, or what?

let me make this very clear: i did not put transgenders in the repugnant category. YOU DID
you even quoted me and prove this yourself, in your post!


this is painfully obvious if :
1- you can read
2- you're not blinded by some delusional bias and or irrational behaviour

transgender is located with: christian; republican; democrat; moonie
unless you consider the above repugnant then you are putting words into my mouth because you're delusional and biased

and lying

All the rest of my response has been deleted as useless, because:

I think that has got to be the single most trollish accusation I have ever seen on this site. And I've been here a long time.

Quite simply, Truck Captain Stumpy compared transgender to Nazis. As I reminded↗:

• No, it is not okay to punch someone because they're a Nazi

just like it is not OK to punch someone if they're ....​

Now, then, please see ... a dictionary:

Click for Merrriam-Webster.


: a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as (as in cheeks like roses)

Your turn: You have anything resembling evidence to support anything resembling an argument, or are we stuck redefining words to accommodate your needs?

Something about, "What the hell is wrong with you?" goes here.
But punching someone for threatening - sufficiently - is not illegal. Even shooting someone. And some expressions of some ideologies do - under some circumstances - directly threaten people. The ideology common to all "nazi" is among the ideologies that lend themselves to such expressions. The expression and circumstances that would add up to "sufficient" are of course the topic of the thread.
Right. But note the operative word "expressions". That implies action.
It is wrong to punch someone for their ideology. But it is less wrong to punch someone for certain expressions of their ideology. Such as hate speech or verbalt threats, etc.
To: DaveC, Dr Toad, Truck Captain Stumpy

re: Basic definitions
Quite simply, Truck Captain Stumpy compared transgender to Nazis. As I reminded↗:
I have pointed out several times now that putting many otherwise unrelated things in a group is not a comparison.

Unicorns are white. Skeletons are white. They fit in a broad group of white things.

This does not mean that unicorns are comparable to scary things that frighten childen.

TCS made a broad category of people with personal traits (Nazis, Republicans, Christians, Transexuals). Anything in that category (no matter what flavor) is not to be punched.

Stop tilting at windmills.
Right. But note the operative word "expressions". That implies action.
It is wrong to punch someone for their ideology. But it is less wrong to punch someone for certain expressions of their ideology. Such as hate speech or verbalt threats, etc.
Welcome to the club.

So what are your criteria for "ok" nazi punching?
I have pointed out several times now that putting many otherwise unrelated things in a group is not a comparison.

So ... redefining stuff to accommodate your needs, then.

I have pointed out a dictionary definition. Apparently you need pseudo-literacy (or is it #AltDef?) in order to support your crackpottery.
I have pointed out several times now that putting many otherwise unrelated things in a group is not a comparison.
But making a comparison between everything in a group and one other thing is.

We're talking about when it's ok to punch a "nazi". If somebody draws a parallel between that and a discussion of punching someone because they are - say - transgender, there are two ways of taking that: the immediate and literate take, from the structure, is that they are offering the opinion that it might be ok to punch a "nazi" if the nazi is transgender. Clearly that is not what was meant. The other take is that they are positing an equivalence between being a "nazi" and being transgender, and arguing that any circumstances justifying punching the one would also justify punching the other.

Do you see anything a little odd about that?
But it's not the argument. It's a verbatim quote of something else.
it's your argument. you brought it up
or did you miss that in the above?
When I post something like that argument,
Right back at ya!
don't you think it's fair?
When I post something like that argument, I say different things than when I post something else, such as observations of what just happened. It's called "language" and "meaning" - look into it. start here:
And contains exactly the terms - "willfully" and so forth - at issue.
if you're going to argue the syntax of the legal document then i suggest you also include precedent to validate your argument with something other than your opinion
otherwise you're talking about what you, personally, think the law should state, while not actually comprehending what the law states
Did he do that anyway, unwillfully? Of course.
this is called a subjective interpretation of events and as such is not considered anything but your opinion
moreover, this does not in any way change the argument of the legality of shooting blacks, or even the legality of using race as a justification for feeling threatened
it is still illegal per 18 U.S. Code § 249
it's not a debate, nor is it a matter of interpretation
unless, and only unless, you can provide precedent and supporting evidence from not only case history and the law, but also from studies of the statistics freely available from various government agencies covering crime and the census
Was his reasoning - based entirely on his race-warped perceptions of threat and vigilante response - accepted by the legal authorities as exonerating? Yes, it was.
please show the requisite physical evidence... you know, where it stated in the review as well as the investigation
you're making a claim about the situation, now i will ask for the evidence that specifically demonstrates your claim
if you're referring to the Brown/Wilson DOJ document, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that substantiates your claim
if you're referring to Martin/Zimmerman then you still haven't presented evidence that is not subjective, like the DOJ document

therefore you're wasting your time and everyone else too
It's not always covered, of course - as the various examples, including the DOJ official determinations in more than one of them, clearly demonstrate.
blatantly false claim and big fat lie
if you utilise race or any of the others mentioned per 18 U.S. Code § 249 as a justification for threat or even violence, it is against the law and prosecutable under multiple statutes, including but not limited to 18 U.S. Code § 249
get that through your skull... it's not rocket surgery. it's really simple.
if you attempt to justify it with race, you're commiting a hate crime
full stop

as i told Tiassa, take it to any prosecutor and get them on the record. they will state the same thing.
I will bet money on it
care to take me up?
There's a muddle there, in that it's hard to tell whether you are talking about the perp's beliefs or the victim's as the "base".
again: it doesn't matter.
if your justification is due to race, color, religion, or national origin, actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, then you are committing a hate crime and prosecutable under the law
The hate crimes laws, interestingly enough, are sometimes similarly slippery.
only to a sufficiently trained and well paid lawyer with experience that you don't have... and that is debatable too
Meanwhile, you are wrong in that prediction of what they will say in some particular cases, as the actual examples of doing just that demonstrate.
then get a prosecutor to go on the record and prove it to me
make sure it is in writing so that you can get the idiot debarred
But punching someone for threatening - sufficiently - is not illegal.
it is if your justification is due to: race, color, religion, or national origin, actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability
But punching someone for threatening - sufficiently - is not illegal. Even shooting someone. And some expressions of some ideologies do - under some circumstances - directly threaten people.
then prove it to me with something other than your opinion
The ideology common to all "nazi" is among the ideologies that lend themselves to such expressions. The expression and circumstances that would add up to "sufficient" are of course the topic of the thread.
and again: if your justification is due to race, color, religion, or national origin, actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, then you are committing a hate crime and prosecutable under the law
full stop

why can't you understand that?
it's not like i haven't already proven it to you... all you have is 3 examples that you are interpreting
and one of those examples you are misinterpreting intentionally

My "flag burning" or "fighting words" general criterion is posted. Apparently the others have been withdrawn? Or something. Anyway: - -
fighting words are not the same thing as a threat due to race, and it's not my argument, nor is it the argument i've continually posted about
don't change the goalposts again

Let's not lose sight of the actual list:
We're talking about when it's ok to punch a "nazi". If somebody compares that to a discussion of punching someone because they are - say - transgender, OR CHRISTIAN OR REPUBICAN OR DEMOCRAT OR MOONIE
How many possible states-of-being for a human would have to be listed with you insisting he thinks they're all repugnant?
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Quite simply, Truck Captain Stumpy compared transgender to Nazis.
quote simply, you're a liar. a big fat liar.

for starters, i did not in any way use a similie. i made a list based upon this list:
Transgender is listed with the following
actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability
since you can't read well, let me explain that list to you: transgender is listed with religion.

as such, listing transgender with "christian; republican; democrat; moonie" is the exact same thing as the list on the federal statute.
see it here:
i just quoted it - i just proved, again, that you're a blatant lying POS troll redefining stuff to accommodate your needs

the try reading the law and quit blatantly lying
more importantly, the only one equating or comparing transgenders to nazi's is you!
- and you're attempting to bait/troll into a flame war

just because you can't read doesn't mean you should not try to learn - try this link:


But making a comparison between everything in a group and one other thing is.
to both you illiterates: if ya don't like it, file a complaint with the federal statute
maybe you can get a class action lawsuit
why? because i took the list directly from them


had you taken the three seconds to even peruse the link i provided you would be able to see that for yourselves!

so either yall can't read or you're ... let me quote @i-MOD... "redefining stuff to accommodate your needs"
it's your argument. you brought it up
or did you miss that in the above?
What you quoted, verbatim there, was not my argument. You said it was, apparently because you have no idea what I - or anybody here - is talking about. Why that still is, after all this repetition, I can only speculate.
if you're going to argue the syntax of the legal document then i suggest you also include precedent to validate your argument with something other than your opinion
Already done - three or four examples of precedent, actual decisions by legal authority.
if your justification is due to race, color, religion, or national origin, actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, then you are committing a hate crime and prosecutable under the law
Except for certain circumstances in which you felt threatened or otherwise perceived the situation differently largely because someone was black. As we see in the selection of examples, drawn from the many hundreds available in the newspapers.
fighting words are not the same thing as a threat due to race, and it's not my argument, nor is it the argument i've continually posted about
don't change the goalposts again
The OP is about punching "nazis". I use my posting here to address the OP. If you don't like that, too bad.

To join the chorus: What is wrong with you?
The other take is that they are positing an equivalence between being a "nazi" and being transgender, and arguing that any circumstances justifying punching the one would also justify punching the other.

Do you see anything a little odd about that?
wait... so, you are now equating actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin with nazi's?

for starters: a literate person would be able to spot the above is a quote directly from
18 U.S. Code § 249

for two: the only equating being done is Tiassa . then there is the other other blatant lie about similie. it is not a similie to produce a list and use a specific in said list instead of a general description, as i did above with
18 U.S. Code § 249

why am i making sure it is bold and large?
to get your attention

there is no equating
there is no similie
there is a list taken from 18 U.S. Code § 249 where i used a specific name (transgender, christian, republican, democrat, moonie) instead of religion and gender, sexual orientation, gender identity.

yall are the ones attempting to make this about your delusions now... and it's very telling as to your biases and neurosis
Let's not lose sight of the actual list:

How many possible states-of-being for a human would have to be listed with you insisting he thinks they're all repugnant?
From nowhere in my posting did you get that.
You get dropped on your head, or what happened?
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wait... so, you are now equating actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin with nazi's?
No. Quite the opposite.

You did. Explicitly. Hence my point, above.

You guys all get dropped on your heads? This jackass routine is getting dumber by the minute.
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gonna answer this first:

You guys all get dropped on your heads?
you made a statement
i quoted you verbatim
anyone can check that by simply using CTRL+F and the quote
i showed you the list
it's the same list i've used from the beginning... it's a federal statute that proved you lied about the legality of shooting blacks
it aint changed


now to the rest of your lies
What you quoted, verbatim there, was not my argument.
now you're intentionally blatantly lying becuase i took it verbatim from the following:
The race of the victim did, in those three cases, make it legal.
so, per your request: you're a "dumbass and I deny it"
and you can't deny it because i quoted you, you can follow the quote to your own post, and you can't state with any evidence that it is not what you said
You said it was, apparently because you have no idea what I - or anybody here - is talking about. Why that still is, after all this repetition, I can only speculate.
no, i used your words, so it is your own argument
by all means - follow the link and actually read your own post!
i dare ya - because it's all there linked
even an illiterate could do that much - it's just a mouse click away
per your request: "dumbass and I deny it"
Already done - three or four examples of precedent, actual decisions by legal authority.
one DOJ document from me
you have no evidence that isn't your opinion
otherwise you would have linked it
per your request: "dumbass and I deny it"
Except for certain circumstances in which you felt threatened or otherwise perceived the situation differently largely because someone was black. As we see in the selection of examples, drawn from the many hundreds available in the newspapers.
the law specifically states that if you use actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin then you are committing a hate crime
it is in black and white here:
so you're lying
per your request: "dumbass and I deny it"
The OP is about punching "nazis". I use my posting here to address the OP. If you don't like that, too bad.
sigh... are you stupid?
and again: the law specifically states that if you use actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin then you are committing a hate crime
fighting words are different in that they give extenuating circumstances for the violence
not always an excuse, mind you, as they still may be prosecuted for assault and battery, and the fighting words, if they are regarding "actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin" then they, too, are classed as a hate crime

deal with it.

did you two get dropped on your heads? This jackass routine is getting dumber by the minute.
Stop tilting at windmills.
at this point it's about bullying, really

they want us to capitulate
i won't
Tiassa (i-MOD) lied, iceaura lied, they're attempting to flood with stupidity at this point, or attempting to get people riled to file reports based upon their delusional beliefs
and yet, if anyone actually read this link ( ) they would see that i took that "list" directly from 18 U.S. Code § 249
it's not a similie
it's not a comparrison
it's a list from 18 U.S. Code § 249

why is that so hard for them to understand, i wonder?
but then i remember: this is a crusade for Tiassa and her echo chamber cronies
it doesn't matter if it's fact - only that we get "put in our place" for daring to challenge the great, high and mighty i-MOD
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