Is Punching A Nazi OK?

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why is that different than your posts?

because you are giving your personal interpretation of events under the bias of your own beliefs and attempting to stir up sh*t and spread misinformation.
your post is BLATANTLY FALSE because you have no physical or other evidence that isn't subjective to interpretation.
this is proven by simply noting that you:
1- can't tell the difference between what is legal and what is believed to be legal by you/Tiassa/@pj
2- have a dissenting statement from me that is supported by facts and evidence that can be validated

ya got that yet?

Yes, it was. You were "explaining" irrelevancies, and indulging in misdescriptions while you did that. (such as your a,b,c, and d bs about Trayvon Martin's killing).
that is your opinion and i will allow you to have it
so what?

No, and nobody said it did, or anything like that.
go back and re-read the thread...thanks
i quoted that verbatim from a post

And last time I checked you agreed that people could defend themselves from sufficiently dangerous threats - even by shooting each other. So punching is obviously ok.

So: any progress on the actual question; When is it ok to punch a "nazi"?

We have this:

But that's just what we all agree, and doesn't deal with the central question: when is a "nazi" directly threatening action, so that we can punch them?
1- when you can establish, in a court of inquiry, review, investigation or similar official finding, that you felt threatened sufficiently to defend your life and limb.
i even said that when i posted
IOW - unless they provide an action that is a direct threat to life, health, safety and the same to others of immediate present family (dependent upon the state)
of course, you can use the cornell link (above/below) to establish what is justifiable in the legal system becuase this will differ between states, as i also noted

2- if you don't get it, just say you don't get it. repeating the same thing over and over as some kind of excuse to prove your bias is the only morally superior belief system that can be held is quite irritating

like this:
doesn't deal with the central question: when is a "nazi" directly threatening action, so that we can punch them?
and i say again: this varies between states
aww f*ck... let me just re-link it because you're being an irritating parrot and you can't seem to read:
FIRST read my reply once again here:

now go here:
look up battery, assault, self defense and then use the cross referenced material to pertinent legal findings since you can't seem to comprehend the small words.

(reminds me of the red faced redneck southern baptist preacher/chaplain who ejected me from the army chapple screaming: Out of my church you sacrilegious son of a bitch.)
Ah but:
I was so much younger then.
(reminds me of the red faced redneck southern baptist preacher/chaplain who ejected me from the army chapple screaming: Out of my church you sacrilegious son of a bitch.)
Ah but:
I was so much younger then.

can i hear an amen?

The flaw in the justice system revealed by this evidence is that in some circumstances it is legal to shoot someone because they are black. We have several examples of this, it is well established fact.
i just thought of a way to explain how stupid your justification is while using small words you can understand:
lets change the wording of the claim just a bit - this is offered as a teaching tool only

it's legal to shoot white people in the US
i can prove it:

this uses the exact same tactic as you and Tiassa/@PJ to justify homicide
it uses a police officer in the commission of his/her/their duties and the shooting of a suspect which actively resisted arrest (though my example differs in that the resistence was utilising firearms, they are not considered a criminal, but a suspected criminal - technically speaking; exactly the same thing you did)

why is it BLATANTLY wrong to make a statement like the above using the evidence linked? even if you state "it is sometimes legal" ?
because of this:

please note that this is not a local law, but US law (federal statute)
it also doesn't address the Federal statutes against shooting at cops, nor does it address rule of felony murder, explained in the link, which is the use of a weapon and or a death (or the shooting at/of a police officer) during the commission of a felony.

but there is more to consider:

is this a new problem?

mind you, i am citing recent law - not historical law, like former Papal Bull's that directly caused the eradication of multiple tribal US natives
because it is not covered under the US Constitution nor US law

so what have we learned?
regardless of your biased interpretation of events, it is not legal, or even sometimes legal, to shoot white people in the US
in fact, it is covered under the same hate crime laws linked in the other post, as it would be classified as a racial hate crime

get it yet?


why is that different than your posts?

because you are giving your personal interpretation of events under the bias of your own beliefs and attempting to stir up sh*t and spread misinformation.
your post is BLATANTLY FALSE because you have no physical or other evidence that isn't subjective to interpretation.
this is proven by simply noting that you:
1- can't tell the difference between what is legal and what is believed to be legal by you/Tiassa/@pj
2- have a dissenting statement from me that is supported by facts and evidence that can be validated

ya got that yet?

that is your opinion and i will allow you to have it
so what?

go back and re-read the thread...thanks
i quoted that verbatim from a post

1- when you can establish, in a court of inquiry, review, investigation or similar official finding, that you felt threatened sufficiently to defend your life and limb.
i even said that when i posted
of course, you can use the cornell link (above/below) to establish what is justifiable in the legal system becuase this will differ between states, as i also noted

2- if you don't get it, just say you don't get it. repeating the same thing over and over as some kind of excuse to prove your bias is the only morally superior belief system that can be held is quite irritating

like this:

and i say again: this varies between states
aww f*ck... let me just re-link it because you're being an irritating parrot and you can't seem to read:
FIRST read my reply once again here:

now go here:
look up battery, assault, self defense and then use the cross referenced material to pertinent legal findings since you can't seem to comprehend the small words.

i just thought of a way to explain how stupid your justification is while using small words you can understand:
lets change the wording of the claim just a bit - this is offered as a teaching tool only

it's legal to shoot white people in the US
i can prove it:

this uses the exact same tactic as you and Tiassa/@PJ to justify homicide
it uses a police officer in the commission of his/her/their duties and the shooting of a suspect which actively resisted arrest (though my example differs in that the resistence was utilising firearms, they are not considered a criminal, but a suspected criminal - technically speaking; exactly the same thing you did)

why is it BLATANTLY wrong to make a statement like the above using the evidence linked? even if you state "it is sometimes legal" ?
because of this:

please note that this is not a local law, but US law (federal statute)
it also doesn't address the Federal statutes against shooting at cops, nor does it address rule of felony murder, explained in the link, which is the use of a weapon and or a death (or the shooting at/of a police officer) during the commission of a felony.

but there is more to consider:

is this a new problem?

mind you, i am citing recent law - not historical law, like former Papal Bull's that directly caused the eradication of multiple tribal US natives
because it is not covered under the US Constitution nor US law

so what have we learned?
regardless of your biased interpretation of events, it is not legal, or even sometimes legal, to shoot white people in the US
in fact, it is covered under the same hate crime laws linked in the other post, as it would be classified as a racial hate crime

get it yet?
and there the temper tantrum i was talking about. grow the fuck up. your childish attempts to turn our valid criticisms about your biased opinion and twisting of fact and gross ignorance onto us fails completely to anyone capable of a shred of nuance

at the end of the day your tirade is just a childish rant that someone dared to disagree with you. but than again you think your a superman better than us normal people. you think you have super powers. your not clark kent
your childish attempts to turn our valid criticisms about your biased opinion
so... you make and support a blatantly false claim and call it "valid criticisms about your biased opinion"

twisting of fact and gross ignorance onto us fails completely to anyone capable of a shred of nuance
by all means, show where i twisted the facts
if you can

feel free to report me as well, and we'll let the moderator decide

at the end of the day your tirade is just a childish rant that someone dared to disagree with you.
actually, you're disagreeing with reality
and the legal system
and the English language, of which you've already demonstrated a less than stellar grasp of
(did you use that link and learn anything? oops, forgot who i was talking to. never mind)
but than again you think your a superman better than us normal people. you think you have super powers. your not clark kent
well, this should be easy for you to prove then since you keep repeating it
show where i "think [i'm] a superman better than us normal people"
while you are at it, feel free to actually refute my claims and support your claims- or link evidence to help your support of Tiassa and iceaura and their blatantly false claims with actual evidence and not yet another regurgitated account of how you think someone is thinking or whatever the hell you're attempting to say...

you have yet to provide anything of merit to the conversation

thanks for playing
i thought so
it's also relevant and a reminder that you still haven't produced any evidence supporting the argument that it's legal to shoot blacks
OR that "if he was white he wouldn't have been shot"

still waiting for any evidence to prove that point



but you haven't provided any evidence other than your opinion ...

hell, you haven't been able to show a link to my evidence either
in fact, you state my evidence proves your point but you can't show where in my evidence that it does!

still waiting...


true, but you seem to be ignoring the facts for your opinion on this topic
can you think for yourself. repeating my criticisms of you back to me doesn't make me think your very capable intellectually. your initial foray was just stating your opinion

actually i am not
but in this case it still doesn't justify your argument of legal shooting of blacks, nor does it prove that he wouldn't have been shot if he was white. if a white guy were bashing a head in i am thinking he would have been shot, but you stated otherwise because you ASSume that he wouldn't have been racially profiled in the neighborhood.
you really don't understand the argument do you? a simple syllogism chain is literally beyond your comprehension.
this here
. if a white guy were bashing a head in i am thinking he would have been shot
the fact you even said that shows you don't understand the argument. its a chain. if the chain breaks at point A point D no longer matters.

so: prove it
that isn't justified or proven in my linked evidence. you're simply believing it is due to a delusional perspective much like @T above

actually, i ignored a lot of typo's, but i felt that it deserved notice in that particular occasion due to your intentional attempt to inflame the situation while offering absolutely no evidence supporting your delusions...

still waiting for that evidence ...

only one delusional here is you. no you did to feel better about yourself. its merely pedantic and a tactic used by poor debaters when they have been beat.

so... if i state that you're making a false claim because you intentionally lied and made a false claim, then i am "defending a jack booted thug and promote pro gun terrorism"?
i see...
No you defending a jack booted thug makes you defending a jack booted thug. also you being ok with people making death threats to promote a pro gun agenda makes you a proponent of pro gun terrorism.

this is easily rectified! produce the specific evidence, from my links or other similar valid references that specifically prove:
1- that it is legal to shoot blacks in the US
2- that if Martin was white he would not have been shot

this will end the responses to you immediately if you can, quoting and linking the reference, show where these were absolutely factual and supported by evidence that isn't a subjective interpretation of events!

i will just wait for your copious evidence links and references...

then post links/references because i think you're full of sh*t on that one - and i don't know what you're referring to specifically. i don't speak fundie delusional crank, so were talking two different languages here -
your entire fucking argument was based on a subjective interpretation of events. any argument is based on a subjective interpretation of events. trayvon martin is dead so we only know half the fucking story, from the guy with ever incentive to lie.

(see what i did there? i even used your literary fails to incorporate your own language barrier problem to enhance my post and make it more clear to you by mis-spelling we're !!! )

just trying to speak your lingo
you mean your trying to denigrate based on your own failings

you think so?
well then... this is also easily rectified: you can always challenge me to a face-to-face confrontation. i would not recommend it, however, as you would most definitely lose.
did you really just threaten me for insulting your manhood? your even more childish than i thought.
also i abhor violence an it harm none do as ye will and all but as i thought you feel violence is an appropriate means of dealing with mockery ironic given your stated stance in this thread.

and if you remember historical posts then you know why i own a gun, and this actually demonstrates you're a lying POS attempting to bait
i said i remember posting history. i do not have an eidetic memory. ie i remember themes and patterns not every single fact.

so again, it's really easy: produce the evidence that:
1- that it is legal to shoot blacks in the US
2- that if Martin was white he would not have been shot

while you are at it, please show where this is quoted in my links and references. since you claimed my links supported this delusional crap


if your so much smarter than why can't you see it? oh thats right because your entire argument is based on your own biases and ignoring of historical fact

oh, this should be easily done: show where i issued a death threat!
that should be easy for you, considering your literacy skills!
i never said you did well you did end up doing so in this post but i was referring to the time sculptor threatened me.

funny thing: i produced an argument that used evidence to directly demonstrate you were posting a false claim and asked you for evidence to support said delusional belief, and all i got was attacked back
as delusional as ever. you have shown anything of the sort.

this is called transference on your part, little girl! you tried failed. it's funny, but also pathetic on your count.
do you really think adding misogyny on top of your racism is doing you any favors? i do so hope you don't have any daughters i feel sorry for them if you do

i didn't know you were a racist pro terrorism thug liar, but i will accept your description of yourself as accurate so far...
i find your lack of originality offensive. can't you think up of anything yourself?

sorry you can't learn how to read - literacy problems are one of your largest contributing factors to this situation
i can read just fine. the problem isn't with my literacy but with your shoddy argument.

perhaps one day your mom will let you out of the basement to socialise like a real person?
there is hope yet...
you get one warning this is it. do not mention my mom again. you weren't here when that shitstorm went down and i am not the sort to hold things against people that they don't know about. you fucked up and crossed a line don't do it again.

yeah, and that was intentional
i do more technical writing - my wife is the author. but she thinks you're too stupid to comprehend what she would write so refused to help
i hold out hope that you can learn (eventually) because i'm optimistic that way
i somehow doubt that. satire requires a better understanding of logic than you've shown. and i could give two shits what your wife thinks. if she agrees with you than she is just as ignorant as you.

you should get back on your meds if you are, and talk to your psychiatrist

still waiting for that evidence...

and now we see denigration of the mentally ill. that's ugly.
show where i "think [i'm] a superman better than us normal people"
do you really want to put your narcissism and ego on display again? i mean i'm willing to because i find it amusing but do you really want me to go back and pull up were you claimed to be immune to a basic psychological response hard wired into our biology? it might take me a while but if your so demanding to make yourself look bad who am i not to oblige?
can you think for yourself.
can you think at all?
repeating my criticisms of you back to me doesn't make me think your very capable intellectually.
1- i'm not repeating your criticisms, i'm stating a fact: you have not actually produced any evidence other than your opinion
2- you are the one repeating, ad nauseum, the same unfounded opinion (delusion) while attempting to state this justifies your conclusions while not, i repeat, NOT actually giving any evidence to justify your conclusions. basically you're saying that you're right becuase you say so and because you believe yourself to be right. just like any delusional cult member, religious fundamentalist, racist, sexists or similar pseudoscience crank

and thus the difference between us: i've provided links and references to prove your support of the Tiassa statement to be wrong and that you're stupid and you've only demonstrated you are stupid by stating that i can't think for myself because i can provide evidence to prove you wrong
you really don't understand the argument do you? a simple syllogism chain is literally beyond your comprehension.
and you consider a hypothetical syllogism to be justification for your argument?
lets quote direct from the source since you can't comprehend the above and you are incapable of actually reading the link, the law or anything other than your biased echo chamber supporters: it doesn't matter if you consider a person a threat - however, once you utilise race as the justification of a person being a threat and therefore attempt to justify your defense or action against said person you become, quite literally, a criminal
let me show you:
Offenses involving actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin.—Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person—
(A)shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, fined in accordance with this title, or both; and
(B) shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined in accordance with this title, or both, if—
(i)death results from the offense; or
(ii)the offense includes kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill.
what that means in very small words for you: as i noted above, it's illegal to kill black people in the US
but more importantly, and specifically referring to the abjectly stupid comment of perceiving a threat because one was of a different race, it is illegal to use race as an excuse to justify your feeling threatened

and i've repeated this more than once
so lets use your "simple syllogism chain" so that perhaps you can comprehend this:
killing people is illegal
racial crimes are illegal
killing someone because of race is illegal

don't believe me, then actually read the law

the fact you even said that shows you don't understand the argument. its a chain. if the chain breaks at point A point D no longer matters.
stating this while not comprehending the law or being able to use a free resource to actually check your facts shows you don't understand the argument
only one delusional here is you. no you did to feel better about yourself. its merely pedantic and a tactic used by poor debaters when they have been beat.
you're repeating what i i will repeat your own words: "can you think for yourself. repeating my criticisms of you back to me doesn't make me think your very capable intellectually." [sic]
No you defending a jack booted thug makes you defending a jack booted thug. also you being ok with people making death threats to promote a pro gun agenda makes you a proponent of pro gun terrorism.
troll/baiting comment not justified by evidence
care to provide the evidence for your belief on this?
i thought not... you can't even supply evidence for your delusional belief that it's legal to kill blacks in the US
your entire fucking argument was based on a subjective interpretation of events.
actually, my entire f*cking argument is based upon the law, as linked multiple times already
it's not my fault you can't f*cking read
deal with it, illiterati-troll
you mean your trying to denigrate based on your own failings
only if that is what you were trying to do... perhaps you should re-read that?
did you really just threaten me for insulting your manhood? your even more childish than i thought.
actually you are the one that made an implied threat, and i offered you a solution to exercise your threat
i can also provide you driving instructions should you decide to... oh wait. you can't read
I can also get out my crayons and draw you a map any 5 year old can use... or would you prefer i programmed it directly into google and just sent you the link?

also i abhor violence an it harm none do as ye will and all but as i thought you feel violence is an appropriate means of dealing with mockery ironic given your stated stance in this thread.
you made the threat mrs illiterati, not i
i said i remember posting history. i do not have an eidetic memory. ie i remember themes and patterns not every single fact.
and i just proved that to be factually incorrect
hell, you can't even grasp that i am not arguing from opinion, but actual written law, backed by the SCOTUS and precedent!

let me prove it to you with your very next regurgitated non-evidence based biased stupid comment
if your so much smarter than why can't you see it? oh thats right because your entire argument is based on your own biases and ignoring of historical fact
it's not rocket surgery - you really can use those links to see where i cite the law, not my opinion!

oh wait... forgot who i was talking to
i never said you did
wait... WHAT?
ok, time to prove you're a blatant liar, troll and intentionally being stupid now
you said i issued a threat, and i can prove it:
but than again your one of aholes who thinks its ok to issue death threats to people for wanting gun control so yeah your a thug and i remember
so, please show where i issued a death threat to anyone, let alone to someone for wanting gun control

you will never be able to provide evidence supporting this because it doesn't exist. in any thread.
this makes you intentionally being a troll
provide the evidence mrs illiterati!
where is that evidence?

i can wait...



still nothing?



...yeah, that's what i thought!

you get one warning this is it. do not mention my mom again. you weren't here when that shitstorm went down and i am not the sort to hold things against people that they don't know about. you fucked up and crossed a line don't do it again.
that is called a threat, and can be utilised in a court of law to establish intent as well as a direct threat

if you can't actually provide the evidence then i suggest you STFU and go away
or report the posts and comments and allow a moderator to decide.

this will not go away now. you've threatened me, you've assaulted my manhood, you've lied, you've presented delusion and misrepresented the law, reality and intentionally (and blatantly) made false accusations all in this thread alone, all for a blatantly stupid purpose.

step carefully. and consider your words carefully, because this thread is now archived on more than one hard drive to insure clarity and the ability to provide evidence should the MODS decide to simply delete all posts from us both

i somehow doubt that. satire requires a better understanding of logic than you've shown. and i could give two shits what your wife thinks. if she agrees with you than she is just as ignorant as you.
attacking my wife because you're an idiot and can't read?

she laughed too! just FYI!

and now we see denigration of the mentally ill. that's ugly.
actually, i have ample evidence in this thread alone that you've ADD and a few other mental disorders, so that is not denigration
that is a request to get back on your meds so that you can think clearly
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do you really want to put your narcissism and ego on display again?
do you think you're capable of reading well enough to find explicit written evidence that i infer, state or imply am superman, superhuman or that i made such statements?
then by all means, you go for it, illiterati!
i mean i'm willing to because i find it amusing but do you really want me to go back and pull up were you claimed to be immune to a basic psychological response hard wired into our biology? it might take me a while but if your so demanding to make yourself look bad who am i not to oblige?
if ya feel froggy, then jump!

that is what this forum is about, eh?
you made a claim, so now i challenge you to support your claim with evidence instead of flapping your stupid mouth off or threatening me like above

i will say this to you now, however: you will fail
because you can't f*cking read well enough to know WTF you're reading, let alone actually find where i said i "think [i'm] a superman better than us normal people"

i can wait... at least you will actually be attempting to find evidence for something

you get one warning this is it. do not mention my mom again. you weren't here when that shitstorm went down and i am not the sort to hold things against people that they don't know about. you fucked up and crossed a line don't do it again.
more on this:

considering your historical posts here on this thread, this is called circumstantial supporting evidence and can be justifiably interpreted as a direct threat, especially the part where you state "you fucked up and crossed a line don't do it again" (emphasis mine)

as a person who hasn't followed you around panting at your every post and with no established history of threats against you, then you should consider that the legal system will be able to show where you've applied a threat due to your history elsewhere, with other people

please note that in the above exchanges i have stated that i will allow you to make good on your threats, but that in and of itself isn't a threat. I am clarifying that, yet again, considering your limited intellect (and for legal clarity)
that is and was a means for you to exercise your own threat to your own end for your own purpose.
this doesn't mean i will not defend myself accordingly, however, so please take that into consideration. sorry for the interruption.

to continue:

do i know about your history?
don't care, either... especially at this point
you've already established (in this thread alone) that you're mentally unstable and that you're willing to act upon your own delusional beliefs, as well as you're capable of misinterpreting reality, that you're incapable of following simple english (written or linked) intentionally presented in a simple fashion considering your presented limitations, and that you're more than willing to assign hatred, prejudice and more to anyone who challenges your belief system.

now you're attempting to establish justification for your hatred by reviewing all my past posts (of which there are far more than 534, as much of my content didn't get assigned to me after the changeover)

this speaks volumes

feel free to continue, but understand that you don't have the right to privacy when you post in a public forum. shall i remind you of your Miranda rights so you are aware?

i can, should you require it, so feel free to answer this whenever you want. i still have my card, and i can adapt this to whatever jurisdiction you require, so please let me know when you answer so i can insure accuracy (and, of course, because of familiarity with your local LE, it would be more familiar and less likely you could use the excuse of not comprehending)
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do you think you're capable of reading well enough . . . .
Just a suggestion here. This has become an ego thing for PJ and there is no way he will ever back down no matter what you type. He will never admit any error or misunderstanding on his part because that would mean you "win" and he's not willing to take that kind of a "defeat" (which has how he has built it up in his mind.)

So why not just let it go? It's pretty clear that he made a mistake at this point to anyone still following the thread. It will save you both a bunch of typing.
Just a suggestion here. This has become an ego thing for PJ and there is no way he will ever back down no matter what you type. He will never admit any error or misunderstanding on his part because that would mean you "win" and he's not willing to take that kind of a "defeat" (which has how he has built it up in his mind.)

So why not just let it go? It's pretty clear that he made a mistake at this point to anyone still following the thread. It will save you both a bunch of typing.
yeah, i can do that...

and if the BS continues...???
what then?
The boy shot did not self-identify, racially or any other way - he didn't have a chance to.
Oh, I see. Then a Latino man shot and killed a boy of unknown categorical origin. Unless you can see into his mind? Do you know something we don't? Or have some objective measurement of so called "race".

Regardless, to the OP, it is not okay to punch a BLM member in the face even they hold the personal opinion that "Whites" are ruining American and should piss off back to Europe.

It's not okay to punch a feminist in the face because she holds the opinion sperm samples should be frozen and then men castrated and allowed to die out.

It's never "okay" to punch someone for their beliefs and opinions. Even if you feel the ideas are an existential threat to you. That's just too bad.
lets change the wording of the claim just a bit - this is offered as a teaching tool only
That's every post you've made. You have never once dealt with my actual claim in my actual words based on the evidence I actually pointed to.

Why not, do you suppose?
it uses a police officer in the commission of his/her/their duties and the shooting of a suspect which actively resisted arrest (though my example differs in that the resistence was utilising firearms, they are not considered a criminal, but a suspected criminal - technically speaking; exactly the same thing you did)
Which, again, is not what "I did" at all.

Not technically, not any other way. Not even close.
Not what I posted, not how I argued, not what the issue is, here.

You have completely and fundamentally mistaken the entire argument, and posted reams of clueless irrelevance in abusive language directed at me. You don't know what's going on, and you're blaming other people for your frustrations - essentially, you've been throwing a tantrum. Stop that.
truck said:
"doesn't deal with the central question: when is a "nazi" directly threatening action, so that we can punch them?"
and i say again: this varies between states
So we have a vote that it's ok to punch them if and only if it is definitely - without gray area - legal to punch them in the particular State and circumstances, as would be determined by any legal authority in that State based on the precedents etc in that State, all in agreement.

Seems a difficult and highly technical assessment, not normally available to the ordinary citizen, but it's one way to approach things.
That contrasts with my posted approach, which was to treat self-identification as a "nazi" similarly to the way one treats burning an American flag - as normally and presumptively free speech that merely bumps the threat level a notch, but in some circumstances "fighting words" that justifies a punch in nose.

So there's two.

It's never "okay" to punch someone for their beliefs and opinions. Even if you feel the ideas are an existential threat to you. That's just too bad.
And nobody has said any different - you continue to post agreement with everything and everyone here. Stridently. Odd.
That's every post you've made.
calling bullsh*t

You have never once dealt with my actual claim in my actual words based on the evidence I actually pointed to.
except that i have, that i've repeated it, that you've repeatedly ignored it
that alone proves you're illiterate because
... aww f*ck it... let me show you how blatantly you're a lying POS trolling right now:
i did it multiple times, but just in case you missed the last one, i did it here:

but you won't accept that so here is a solution: take your exact same statements to any prosecutor and see what they say
i can tell you what they will state because i looked it up, listed the information, then linked it
then i verified my findings

you have yet to even provide evidence that is not subjective and "validated" by your own opinion
Which, again, is not what "I did" at all.
yet another blatant false claim

so putting in the word "sometimes" wasn't your post?
would you care to revise that or must i actually quote you yet again, making you look like a complete idiot liar yet again?
you're almost funny in how you completely ignore the obvious, or is this your pathetic attempt to troll?
Which, again, is not what "I did" at all.
blatant lie & false claim YET AGAIN

let me put this all in a single colour so that you don't get confused (yet again) and think it's multiple points
see this post:
which was answered here:

where you stated, and i quote:
The other claim, that sometimes it's legal in the US to shoot somebody because they are black, I did not refer specifically to page 12 of the DOJ report, but rather to the several posted examples of people being shot because they were black followed by the shooter being not guilty of any crime according to the arbiters of legality in the US - the police, courts, etc.
now, to be clear, those examples included the Brown shooting (by Wilson) which was, technically, the shooting of a suspect in a crime by a police officer
in fact, this is also made clear by the DOJ findings where they state, and i've quoted this before
As a result, an FPD dispatch call went out over the police radio for a “stealing in progress.” The dispatch recordings and Wilson’s radio transmissions establish that Wilson was aware of the theft and had a description of the suspects as he encountered Brown and Witness 101.
so this established that Wilson is:
1- a police officer doing his duty
2- aware of a crime and the description of the suspects

you keep arguing that Wilson didn't know. you stated that on pg 12 there is evidence of this. however, you missed a couple things like
Darren Wilson made five voluntary statements following the shooting.
this is important (and i already commented on it) if you read the introduction... but i know you didn't because that would be too hard, so let me reiterate that eyewitness testimony changes. it's expected. this is known. let me prove it to you
In order to make the proper assessment under these standards, federal prosecutors evaluated physical, forensic, and potential testimonial evidence in the form of witness accounts. As detailed below, the physical and forensic evidence provided federal prosecutors with a benchmark against which to measure the credibility of each witness account, including that of Darren Wilson.

We did not credit and determined that a jury appropriately would not credit those witness accounts that were contrary to the physical and forensic evidence, significantly inconsistent with other credible witness accounts, or significantly inconsistent with that witness’s own prior statements.
but in your haste to show where Wilson didn't know about the dispatch you completely ignore the rest of the testimony which continues, on pg13 to state
As Wilson drove past Brown, he saw cigarillos in Brown’s hand, which alerted him to a radio dispatch of a “stealing in progress” that he heard a few minutes prior while finishing his last call. Wilson then checked his rearview mirror, and realized that Witness 101 matched the description of the other subject on the radio dispatch.
that is the continuation of the testimony that you ignored that proves you're lying

so you've just been proven to be a blatant liar defending lies with more blatant lies (and transference)

but you just have to dig your own grave to make things worse for you... because all of this has been addressed

Not what I posted, not how I argued, not what the issue is, here.
except that i posted what you said verbatim

so we can see that this is yet another blatant lie in an attempt to... to do what, exactly?

You have completely and fundamentally mistaken the entire argument, and posted reams of clueless irrelevance in abusive language directed at me.
another blatant lie
i have quoted you verbatim
the only one posting "clueless irrelevance" is you

You don't know what's going on, and you're blaming other people for your frustrations. Stop that.
You don't know what's going on, and you're blaming other people for your frustrations - essentially, you've been throwing a tantrum. Stop that.
except that i just proved that the only person who doesn't know what is going on is you
in fact, i just proved, multiple times, using your own quoted posts, that you're completely lost in a delusion and that you are definitely not capable of understanding that, not only are you wrong, but if you tried to use the same bullsh*t excuse you've posted here, you would be charged with a hate crime.
and you can't even see it!
so the question there is: why?

So we have a vote that it's ok to punch them if and only if it is definitely - without gray area - legal to punch them in the particular State and circumstances, as would be determined by any legal authority in that State based on the precedents etc in that State, all in agreement.
what part of my post did you understand the most? only the part that said "this varies between states"?
did you even bother to read the rest?
you know, the linked post that i put there (because i have been repeating the same thing for too long for idiot illiterate people like you) that stated:
regardless of their political ideals, stupidity or lack of taste: until they've acted in a manner that is threatening or perform an action that is considered threatening enough to defend against, then they are not a threat to life, safety or health and are allowed to say and do whatever they want, as long as they don't violete the rights of others. this means that, thought i despise them, it is illegal to hit, punch or violate their rights without either:
just cause (battery in self defense, etc)
a warrant (investigation, arrest or some similar detainment that may require physical action)
and to be clear, i also reiterated this directly above in the same quote you cherry-picked, where i said
1- when you can establish, in a court of inquiry, review, investigation or similar official finding, that you felt threatened sufficiently to defend your life and limb.
i even said that when i posted
IOW - unless they provide an action that is a direct threat to life, health, safety and the same to others of immediate present family (dependent upon the state)
of course, you can use the cornell link (above/below) to establish what is justifiable in the legal system becuase this will differ between states, as i also noted
then i also linked the legal statutes, to which you subsequently ignored because... well, because you're f*cking stupid and you don't want to actually know because that would prove you wrong and an idiot!
i know this now becuase you've repeated the exact same BS while ignoring the evidence, linked multiple times now, and referenced a lot

let me say this again: if you don't get it, just say you don't get it.
repeating the same thing over and over as some kind of excuse to prove your bias is the only morally superior belief system that can be held only demonstrates your lack of integrity and more

care to repeat that once again in your next post? or will you actually read the legal links i left which state essential the same thing i said?
I KNOW... maybe next time you can cherry-pick further and then lie, repeat the lie, throw in a lot of transference, attempt to distract from the fact that you've been proven to be a liar, then say i am misquoting you or that i'm not addressing the point nor presenting evidence and...

you can just say something like: "Not what I posted, not how I argued, not what the issue is, here." while i quote you again verbatim and prove you a liar ...

Oh wait! that is what you did above!
sorry... you've done the exact same thing for so many posts! i lost track of which lie you're repeating
So there's two.
there is two what? lies?
except that you :
a- lied
b- completely ignored what i said
c- tried to make a point that i didn't make

what colour is the sky in your world?
"You have never once dealt with my actual claim in my actual words based on the evidence I actually pointed to."
- - - - -
i did it multiple times, but just in case you missed the last one, i did it here: - -
No, you didn't. What followed there, for example, was a link to a post in which you did - unusually enough - quote my claim rather than paraphrase it wrong - but you then stated that I had provided no evidence for it, and ignored the entire argument from that evidence.

Denying that I have pointed to evidence and made arguments is not the same thing as dealing with them, you see.
Even in all red and big caps, because that's how tantrums are thrown, it's not the same.
"Not what I posted, not how I argued, not what the issue is, here."
except that i posted what you said verbatim
And it didn't match what you said it did. You posted some jackass attempt at parody evidence, made no argument from it, and stated the uncomprehending farce was "exactly the same" as my evidence and argument.
let me say this again: if you don't get it, just say you don't get it.
I get it. You're throwing a tantrum, and nothing is getting through to you until you stop and listen.

Patiently, in case:
so this established that Wilson is:
1- a police officer doing his duty
2- aware of a crime and the description of the suspects {So far, so good}
you keep arguing that Wilson didn't know. {he didn't recognize Brown as a robber suspect, initially}
- -
but in your haste to show where Wilson didn't know about the dispatch {nonsense, posted nothing like that}
- -
For the last time: In the initial encounter, Wilson did not recognize Brown as a robbery suspect. That's what I posted. Your claim that he did was false, just as I said. We know that, because Wilson said that, (page 12) and his behavior matched that claim, and his word and behavior is all the evidence we have for that circumstance.

It explains why he neither apprehended Brown nor called for help at that time, as would have been his duty as a police officer. He drove ahead, and then - and only then, according to Wilson - recognized the correspondence with the robbery perp description.

The reason it matters is that it tells us that Wilson had information about the mental state of Brown, prior to the lethal encounter. It is from here on that his behavior diverges from sound police procedure such as white people expect in their neighborhoods and dealing with their children, and the sequence of events began that ended with Wilson spraying a residential neighborhood with bullets and killing an unarmed mentally unstable teenager in the middle of the street.

And "getting away with it".

Is that nailed down now? I can understand why this, rather than the Trayvon Martin or Castile shooting, would be the focus - it's the most plausibly justifiable of the examples, the one least clearly highlighting that flaw in the justice system, and the one most difficult to bring around to relevance regarding punching "nazis", but if instead I am going to be called a liar every time I insist on a few established facts, it ain't going anywhere.

Any more of this shit, say,
so putting in the word "sometimes" wasn't your post?
would you care to revise that or must i actually quote you yet again, making you look like a complete idiot liar yet again?
you're almost funny in how you completely ignore the obvious, or is this your pathetic attempt to troll?
and the prospects of getting anything sensible out of you basically vanish.

About the "nazis":
you know, the linked post that i put there (because i have been repeating the same thing for too long for idiot illiterate people like you) that stated:
- -
until they've acted in a manner that is threatening or perform an action that is considered threatening enough to defend against, then they are not a threat to life, safety or health and are allowed to say and do whatever they want,
- -
Once again, as in its first appearance and as often as it reappears: that begs the question.

Post 196 has your approach summarized in more useful form, unless you have something to add.
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what part of my post did you understand the most? only the part that said "this varies between states"?
did you even bother to read the rest?
I understand but I'm a bit worried Cap'n!

While laughter is good medicine for the soul, you've been losing a lot of your ass lately:


Just checking...
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