is pseudo-science a wastage of time?

Is pseudo-science a wastage of time?

  • Yes! (if so,please give an argument to support your case)

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • No!(if so,please give an argument to support your case)

    Votes: 11 55.0%
  • Cannot Say(if so,please give an argument to support your case)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I had to say no, as without Pseudoscience people would be at each others heals in the rest of the areas of the forum because of their "Release" methods.
No, it is not a waste of time. At least some of the insanity is contained this way. Just imagine all these wackos posting in all the other forums because they have to vent their paranoia :p
It is not a waste of time. What, you don't like reading funny things? Don't like saying funny things? Chill, man! Go laugh and be funny and let your fantasy grow in the pseudoscience place. Can't be a kid anywhere else. :p
Dahm your right...didn't think about that...Can I change my vote...PLEEEEEEASSSSEEE :D

I'll give you weed :m:
yea its a waste of time

no one will ever listen to our warnings and information

not a single person will take our words into consideration

not a single thought of alternative science will ignite

no body will ever ever think twice
There is a fine line between Pseudo-Sci and SciFi. Pseudo is a place for legitimate research A great place for alternative concepts to be presented and reviewed but it is not a place for story telling, take that to SciFi forum.
Not a waste of time no. Pre Internet, I had no idea how many loons there were about.

The Pseudo Science section provides a means of a head count. It's fascinating to see all the whacked out and half baked theories different people advocate.

It's almost as much fun are arguing with religious loons.
zonabi said:
yea its a waste of time

no one will ever listen to our warnings and information

not a single person will take our words into consideration

not a single thought of alternative science will ignite

no body will ever ever think twice
Thats not completly true. i've been a part of this forum for a couple of weeks now and i listen to all warnings and take all info. into consideration. plus some of your very own posts, mr z., have had me think twice. so no i dont think that pseudo-science is a waste of time, and keep on spreding "the word" z. I'm listening! ;)
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Stryder had to say yes, or he would be out a high paying job. :D ;)

What are YOU here for? It wasted much of my time till I learned about all the ow ow’s, that’s woo woo’s antagonists and disinformation and misinformation and aliens that are trying to keep people deceived. They are easily dealt with,. IGNORE THEM. Once you identify them, just IGNORE THEM. Do NOT respond to them in any way unless you feel you have to. They will never discuss the topic in the normal ways. They will twist your words and never own up to a fault. They Can’t. It is fun to toss out some real truth and expose all the cover up that is going on. Some of the woo woo’s are also agents that just are so much fun to play with. Knowing that there is a trap, is the first step in avoiding it. We all learn from our mistakes. Do you? :bugeye:

I voted YES, LOL
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its not a waste of time, werent a lot of normal scientific breakthroughs first consider a form of pseudoscience before they were proven? or am i considering a different definition?
You expect us to give an explanation of our vote but you don't give any reason for starting the poll, I'm not voting...
i said no, actual psuedoscience (Not this alien bullcrap people seem to think its all about) brought us the discovery of the cell, pasteurization, and much more (including evolution theories, and also the dispelling of two myths : spontanious generation, and the ideal that diamonds are just condensed ice)
Yes. Psuedo= false. Why study obscure, rare occuraces? I personally would much rather "true" science that can be explained and understood though laws og the universe.
If pseudoscience was a waste of time, the earth would still be flat, it would still be the center of the universe, the only four elements would still be earth, fire, sky, and water, etc. etc.