Is prostitution wrong?

No, it's not. Alot of things the united states has outlawed really aren't morally repugnant, but appear that way since they've been outlawed for hundreds of years. Not that I'd ever hire a prostitute, but it's not an amoral practice, hell read the bible. Tons of hookers in that thing.
Mosheh Thezion said:
and what is she was your daughter??? or your mother??? would it make a difference??? would it still be ok?

One should never try to decide an important issue by resorting to some personal point of view. Logic and reason are the only valid methods of making good, solid, workable decisions. Why one throws human emotions into the argument, everyone should simply walk away.

Baron Max
Mosheh Thezion said:
and what is she was your daughter??? or your mother??? would it make a difference??? would it still be ok?

That's the point. The question was "is it wrong/immoral"? If you didnt think it was immoral, then you wouldnt mind if it were your mother or daughter or sister or whatever.

charles cure said:
everybody would be forced to use condoms, prostitutes themselves would be subject to probably weekly AIDS/STD testing (like some pornstars) in order to avoid the spread of disease. without a doubt they would also be regularly tested for drug use and would not be able to work if they failed a drug test. in turn the prostitutes would then probably receive proper pay and benefits and the government would extract tax revenue from an entirely new and undoubtedly popular source.

If you put aside preconceived notions and open your mind just a little, this makes a lot of sense.
Taking a chance by selling your body to strangers is really a very good way to get into physical as well as mental problems. Do you know if the people that pay you will treat you right all the time? They could hurt you or even kill you. Diseases are another worry to think about, going to bed with so many starangers only escalates the problems of contracting a disease if a condom should break or spit gets into your body. Taking chances is risky business bur we all must decide as to what way to go. I wouldn't want to take the risk myself, but it is really up to each of us to decide after learning what the consequences might be.
Mosheh Thezion said:
because the woman has reduced her self to being a whore.

and you have found ways of getting women that doesnt involve marraige, and a long term relationship which leads to happy families.


other than that, i quess its not so bad.

and it would be perfectly fine... if she gave it away... instead of sold it...

that would raise her from 'whore' to mearly... 'slut'.


thats so stupid. marriage and long term relationships dont necessarily result in happy families. in fact in the US around 60% of them now end in unhappy circumstances such as divorce or seperation. youre just repeating what youve been told is good for society by some preacher or politician. thats bullshit. iw ould think that a woman, under the right circumstances, like the Geishas for instance could derive pride from the fact that although a man could undoubtedly have sex with a woman for free, he would be willing to pay an exorbitant fee to have sex with her specifically, because of her beauty or personality or talent. true, the Geishas were far more than simple prostitutes, but so are high class call girls or escorts in places like Beverly Hills, its all a matter of society's viewpoint. the same view that denegrates prostitution as self-deprication is the same religiocentric/moralistic viewpoint that relegated women to second class citizen status for the first 1,900 years of the christian era. dont pretend like now that same mindset is out trying to do women a favor. the truth is that prostitution is frowned upon because a society with a patriarchal structure doesnt want to think about the consequences of a woman's sexuality becoming a source of wealth, power, and influence in society. hence the myth about prostitution being a destructive act that tears apart the moral fiber of humanity.
In my personal views prostitution is not wrong but should organized and cleaner...

All it really is the sale of sex....or whatever your thing is
every prostitute in the world....

is someones daughter...

and any of you who say its ok.... i need to ask...

is it ok for your daughter??

or just other peoples children... not-related to you?

Most people seem to hold their mind as more sacred than their body. Yet they don't mind "selling" their mind in their jobs to earn a living. So if you don't mind selling your mind and your intelligence, what's so wrong about selling your body which is considered superficial? I don't know if this has been discussed before.

Yes, we are all prostitutes if selling one's self is the definition.

is it ok for your daughter??

Not if she feels that she must do it to survive.
Mosheh Thezion said:
every prostitute in the world....

is someones daughter...

and any of you who say its ok.... i need to ask...

is it ok for your daughter??

or just other peoples children... not-related to you?


i could care less if my daughter became a prostitute i have no problem's with prostitute's ....i'd just prefer if she did it where it was legal and did it as safe as possible as we would all worry about our daughters safety. But, i still would allow my children to the right of there choice of a career.

no little girl says... "when i grow up i wanna be a cheap whore selling my ass on the street.. or in a brothel."

and the ones that do... were influenced by bad people... like you.

are you saying im a bad person because i don't find anything wrong with clean and organized sale of sex?

Well, usually a women's views have changed from what they wanted to be when there little girls

and further more i am not going to influence a little girl in to being a prostitute im not going to influence anyone to do anything.
1. Do I find it at all strange that the men ( most) are the ones with no problem with prostitution!?

2. Am I at all shocked that there are so many people on this site with little self value!?

3. Is prostitution immoral??


by charles cure
if it were legal in the US it would be regulated and with regulation comes at least a bit of a cleaning up of the whole scene. everybody would be forced to use condoms, prostitutes themselves would be subject to probably weekly AIDS/STD testing (like some pornstars) in order to avoid the spread of disease. without a doubt they would also be regularly tested for drug use and would not be able to work if they failed a drug test.
"The cost of the after effects for the rest of society would be tremendous and unjust on so many levels. That's why it's illegal in most parts of the USA."
by charles cure
marriage and long term relationships dont necessarily result in happy families. in fact in the US around 60% of them now end in unhappy circumstances such as divorce or seperation.
Really?? :bugeye: So what do you think will happen if prostitution
(one of the nastiest, filtthy "jobs" this side of the border) were to become legal all over the world. Just because it becomes legal does not mean that the danger stops.
Example: Drinking is legal, smoking cigarettes, cigars legal, unsafe sex is legal, carrying a gun is legal (most places). Prostitution demoralizes women and men period!

Are we the only animals on the planet having sex for other reasons that procreation? Or is it just my bad thinking!? :eek:
Recently, I have been debating this topic a lot in my head. I'm a regular student, studying at university and one day, the thought of getting the services of getting an escort passed my mind. Now, I'm a fairly upstanding guy, I have a good upbringing and a pair of decent parents but I had to say the idea was appealing. Realisitically there really shouldn't be any problems with it. To quote the logic in the film "Risky Business", in terms of time and money spent in an "attempt" to have sex it would be far cheaper and more efficient to simply pay for it. So many of my friends at uni who have had incredible academic success all through out their lives, failed to do themselves justice in their exams because they were always trying to convince someone to have sex with them. Surely, it would make more sense for them in terms of just opportunity cost to buy an escort than jeopardise their entire lives.

Although, due to the fact that I can't seem to bring myself to hire a prostitute because i feel like I'm lowering myself. I've always had the dilemma, that this really does go against my ideas of religion. But on further reflection, it is something i think society mistakenly believes to be a sin.

In an ideal world, we would all follow our own personal morality to the letter. However, being only human beings, we do the best we can, and we are,hopefully, tolerant of other people’s shortcomings. Unfortunately, in their quest for human perfection and saintliness, some religions become almost in-human in their intolerance of the differences between people in their desire, capacity and need to have dissimilar lifestyles. The way they address these differences is usually by trying to impose their blueprint for the perfect human society on the people of the country or countries they are powerful within. They use a number of devices but their justification is universal: they have the right to do it because God said they could, or should. Their blueprint rarely allows for sex outside marriage, homosexuality or prostitution. And yet they claim to want to make human beings happy.

For all those who consider that sex is only valid within marriage, or at the very least, within a committed relationship, I would have this to ask. What do you have to say, or offer, to those who, because of their circumstances or personalities, are not able to have such a relationship? What do you say to those who yearn for the human contact of sex but do not wish to exploit or hurt anyone in seeking this by taking anyone by force (rape), or by making false promises (“Yes, I’ll leave my wife/marry you”, etc.), or by playing around with people’s feelings (“Of course I love you”, etc.)? I would contend that you do not have anything to say or offer that would mean very much to many people in such circumstances. Being told to control oneself does not fulfil a person in such situations as much as the warmth of another human body and human sexuality.

In my view, rather than fulfil one’s needs in the ways previously mentioned, it is far more moral to do an honest deal with another person who is willing to offer companionship and sex for money. What I consider one of the most immoral things to do in the area of human sexuality is to feign love for another person in order to get sex. This way you can break another person’s heart, possibly also their relationships and family life, and from what I have seen they rarely deserve it. Better to go to a professional who can handle the situation, rather than get the sixteen-year old office girl pregnant.

What of the married man who goes to a prostitute? What of the morality of that? Well, all I can say is that, firstly, anyone’s personal morality is precisely that: their personal morality. That means they are responsible for it, and they alone are responsible for it. Prostitutes do not rape or seduce their clients even if they could be said to “tempt” them. At the level of escort girls, this “temptation” is not even initially visible; clients merely assume (and rightly so in the main) that behind the discreet ad or introduction, sex is one of the possible services available. However, contrary to the view of female sexuality favoured by many traditional religions, this female sexuality is not rampant and actively waiting to seek men out, to “devour” them and to lead them to sin; on the contrary it is calm, civilised, warm and receptive. It is men who actively seek out prostitutes; and prostitutes who warmly receive their clients.
Baron Max said:
Both of those, among others that you might consider, are SEPARATE ISSUES. The issue of prostitution is one issue ...forcing someone to do something is another issue ...forcing children to do something is another issue. There's no reason to bring such issues into the discussion of prostitution ...they are separate issues altogether! To bring them into the discussion of prostitution is simply to cloud and confuse the original issue.

Baron Max

No. The guy was asking if prostitution is wrong. What I'm saying is that it isn't wrong...only in cases where people are being forced into it, then that's wrong.
ReighnStorm said:
Are we the only animals on the planet having sex for other reasons that procreation? Or is it just my bad thinking!? :eek:

It is your bad thinking.

The bonobo.

Sexual intercourse plays a major role in Bonobo society, being used as a greeting, a means of conflict resolution and post-conflict reconciliation, and as favors traded by the females in exchange for food. Bonobos are the only non-human apes to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex (most frequently female-female, then male-female and male-male), tongue kissing, and oral sex. This happens within the immediate family as well as outside of it. Bonobos do not form permanent relationships with individual partners.


Just look at his cute satisfied face and you know he just had sex for another reason than just procreation.
ReighnStorm said:
"The cost of the after effects for the rest of society would be tremendous and unjust on so many levels. That's why it's illegal in most parts of the USA."

what exactly would the tremendous and unjust after-effects be if prostitution were legal and highly regulated? do you even know? i bet you have no idea what they would be. youre just saying that because you think its immoral and degrading because of the current observable mental and emotional status of ILLEGAL prostitutes in a society that denegrates them for their criminal behavior. im not saying prostittution would become legal and clean up overnight. dont be stupid. it would have to be a gradual phasing in of the legality of prostitution in highly controlled situations for probably the first couple of decades before an attitudinal shift took place among most people. just for your info, prostitution has been legal in many many societies that existed and prospered before the united states and many of them probably did so for longer than the united states ever will if it continues to follow its current socio-political trajectory. the act of prostitution had no such wide spread tremendous and unjust effects on those societies. the geishas for instance, whom i mentioned before, royal concubines, babylonian harems, temple prostitutes of various religious cults in the mediterranean. these were all forms of prostitution that were highly regarded and practiced by women who controlled the situation they were in to one extent or another. so there is a way for prostitution to be practiced in a way that is not life-threatening or emotionally debasing, provided that the society it exists in is not dominated by a religiocentric viewpoint that criminalizes self-gratification and creates a cult of guilt that surrounds the act of fornication (see christianity). why dont you try reading some history?

Really?? :bugeye: So what do you think will happen if prostitution
(one of the nastiest, filtthy "jobs" this side of the border) were to become legal all over the world. Just because it becomes legal does not mean that the danger stops.
Example: Drinking is legal, smoking cigarettes, cigars legal, unsafe sex is legal, carrying a gun is legal (most places). Prostitution demoralizes women and men period!

you have made my point for me. just because something is legal doesnt mean it isnt dangerous, or even morally right. conversely, just because something is illegal, doesnt mean its morally wrong or even more dangerous than some things that are legal. its legal to become a stripper and sell your body in a similar manner to a prostitute. there are strippers who give customers blowjobs in private rooms during dances in exchange for a wide range of currencies and drugs, but somehow that is socially more acceptable than outright prostitution. and also seems to be less damaging. there are lots of women who are strippers to pay for college or are in some similar situation. it is most likely a very temporary job for many of these women, as im sure it would be with most women who became legal prostitutes. stripping seems to have entered the public consciousness as being acceptable, and its certainly not as dangerous as prostitution because its legal and the people who are doing it have legal recourse through normal channels if someone commits a criminal act against them. not to mention the fact that the organization they work for controls the situation that they are in. the girls are surrounded by bouncers and assorted other safety measures that are in place to prevent harm from being done to them. thats probably how legal prostitution would end up being. its not like you'd have some woman out at 430 in the morning on a deserted street get picked up by a guy who wants to take her to an abandonded building and hit her with a bat wrapped in barbed wire while he masturbates, something like that would undoubtedly still be illegal. the situation would be controlled by the organization selling the service, you would most likely have to go into a brothel that was regulated by all kinds of different health department standards, each prostitute would meet with the client in an area where their actions would be possibly monitored, and there would probably be some type of "emergency button" or something similar by which the prostitute could end the necounter and have the client physically removed if need be. legalizing prostitution would limit it in scope of what services could be provided, and would ensure that those services were provided in a clean and controlled atmosphere that is continually reviewed to ensure compliance, just like goverment regulation in any other industry. that alone would remove much of the stigma from the act itself, and i believe that if done properly, the social stigma of prostitution could disappear entirely after a period of time.

Are we the only animals on the planet having sex for other reasons that procreation? Or is it just my bad thinking!? :eek:

youre wrong. some primates do, some even masturbate.
all female chimps are sluts....

they give it up to all the males availible... one at a time... like a gang bang.

thats why all chimps have aids... but they are immume...

thats is also why all the males will treat the children as their own...
since no males knows who exactly the father is... so they share.

so while this may work for chimps...

do not think that such behavior is a benefit to humans.... duh.


oh and monkeys... dont charge for it... its free love all the way.