Is prostitution wrong?


My true colours clash
Registered Senior Member
Is prostitution really all that wrong?

Most people seem to hold their mind as more sacred than their body. Yet they don't mind "selling" their mind in their jobs to earn a living. So if you don't mind selling your mind and your intelligence, what's so wrong about selling your body which is considered superficial? I don't know if this has been discussed before. So please bear with me if it has.
Is prostitution wrong? ...... No! Prostitution is a trade of money for services in the same way as any other human enterprise. Cave women probably traded sex for the food that the hunters brought back to the cave ...I mean, she didn't go out hunting, but she still needed food, so she traded sex for food. Is that really any different?

But please don't forget that there's lots more to prostitution than just the two people who engage in the act. Also don't forget that it's actually a form of prostitution when a man buys a few drinks or dinner for his date in the hopes of getting laid!

However, we all like to pretend that we're upstanding and moral ...and that we have some right to tell others how to act and what to think and how to conduct their lives.

Baron Max
Also don't forget that it's actually a form of prostitution when a man buys a few drinks or dinner for his date in the hopes of getting laid!

Yep, that's what I always say.

- N
tere are pople callin themselves 'sacred prostitutes', in Holland, who give themselves free to disbled people who need physical intimate contact.....saw this in a docu. someyears back.
Prostitution is necessary for humans to survive. Less rape, murders and violence...
Of course its wrong..... very very wrong... for both the man and the woman!!!!

thats why it costs so much....

It's not prostitution per se which is wrong. It's more certain forms of prostitution, in which everybody profits except the woman (and it is almost invariably a woman) who has to have sex with the "client". Then there's the voluntary vs. involuntary aspect. And so on.
Lol, once again based on perspectives. Nothing in the world is constant and defined other than the laws of physics. Well, in many countries prostitution is now legal. Just like the prohibition period in North America. Govt bans alcohol, however they still cant control the underground bootlegging. So they make it legal. No different.
Prostitution would be a "great" job if men would just behave properly! ;)
Seriously though..... Most women aren't prostituting just for the fun of it. It's a very dangerous job. Be it disease, rape, death. Not to mention the emotional play on it. The cost of the after effects for the rest of society would be tremendous and unjust on so many levels. That's why it's illegal in most parts of the USA.
ReighnStorm said:
Prostitution would be a "great" job if men would just behave properly! ;)

...LOL! And just when do you think THAT will ever happen??!! ...LOL!

We've had some 6 million years to perfect such actions and haven't even come close, so what'dya think ....another 6 million might do it?? :)

ReighnStorm said:
It's a very dangerous job.

Apparently so is mining coal. And being a police officer. And heavy construction is also dangerous. Around the Dallas area, it seems that being a football coach in high school is pretty damned dangerous, too! .... Should we make all of those jobs illegal, too?

Baron Max
duendy said:
tere are pople callin themselves 'sacred prostitutes', in Holland, who give themselves free to disbled people who need physical intimate contact.....saw this in a docu. someyears back.

that might be the stupidest thing i've ever heard of...ever.
ReighnStorm said:
Prostitution would be a "great" job if men would just behave properly! ;)
Seriously though..... Most women aren't prostituting just for the fun of it. It's a very dangerous job. Be it disease, rape, death. Not to mention the emotional play on it. The cost of the after effects for the rest of society would be tremendous and unjust on so many levels. That's why it's illegal in most parts of the USA.

i disagree, its a dangerous job because its illegal. if it were legal in the US it would be regulated and with regulation comes at least a bit of a cleaning up of the whole scene. everybody would be forced to use condoms, prostitutes themselves would be subject to probably weekly AIDS/STD testing (like some pornstars) in order to avoid the spread of disease. without a doubt they would also be regularly tested for drug use and would not be able to work if they failed a drug test. in turn the prostitutes would then probably receive proper pay and benefits and the government would extract tax revenue from an entirely new and undoubtedly popular source. the emotional devestation brought on by working as a prostitute in a country where it is illegal is like the damage inflicted on nearly anyone who lives in a criminal underground subculture. prostitutes in these societies are stigmatized because their behavior has been criminalized. this leaves them subject to abuse at the hands of the people they work for, abuse at the hands of their clients, and a whole host of other kinds of abuse that result from living in violent and impoverished urban settings while committing crimes. they have no self-respect, self-esteem, or self-value because they are devalued and dehumanized by society for their behavior. legalization of prostitution and regulation of it as an "industry" would change this viewpoint dramatically and subject the men and women who do this kind of work to far less danger and emotional damage. just because its illegal doesnt mean it is wrong, prostitution after all is the world's oldest profession.
its wrong... wrong.. wrong.... women are not supposed to be selling it to every worthless slob with a job....

women are supposed to give it up to one real awesome man... a man who is worthy...
so worthy that she may find herself as one of a group of women.

The invention of money changed that.. its allowed the perversion of women into...
literally... whores...... for sale... for rent... weak and cheap.

it is truely sad... any one of them could be a sister, a mother.. a daughter at least... and the worst place or direction any child can take is... prostitution.

lets not kid ourselves..

we need to literally protect those women from the evils of society which allows and even wants them down on their knees for one reason or another... drugs... poverty.. stupidity... or the presense of abusive men.

Society must step up and become that super hero to protect these girls from the promtings of the free market...

Ladies... why would a man buy a cow... if he can get milk real cheap anytime he wants it... ? fresh and nice.....?
thats whats wrong with prostitution... men dont need wives as much.

Ya' know, no matter how I personally feel about it all, I can't help wondering what's so wrong with two people making an agreeable trade. The man wants a blowjob, the woman is willing to suck him off for, say, $25 ...what's the big deal? And even better is the fact that that woman probably gives much better blowjobs than the man's own wife! Why shouldn't that transaction be permitted in a civilized society?

Baron Max
because the woman has reduced her self to being a whore.

and you have found ways of getting women that doesnt involve marraige, and a long term relationship which leads to happy families.


other than that, i quess its not so bad.

and it would be perfectly fine... if she gave it away... instead of sold it...

that would raise her from 'whore' to mearly... 'slut'.

I think...well 'whores'...deserve respect. Do I like the job? No, not really. I don't like how some people are forced into it. I don't like how some children are forced into it. I don't have much against a love house though. Where I live those are all over the place...well not all over the place but you can find them pretty easy.
Sometimes people are desperate and need money. What are you supposed to do? What if you can't get a job and your child is hungery? What are you supposed to do? I would never want to be put in that place, but if both people are okay with it then who cares? If they both are over 18, they both want this to happen, why does it matter?
Mosheh Thezion said:
because the woman has reduced her self to being a whore.

Reduced herself? Geez, I'm think that she's elevated herself. See? Yours is just a judgement of someone else ...a self-righteous judgement, I might add.

Mosheh Thezion said:
and you have found ways of getting women that doesnt involve marraige, and a long term relationship which leads to happy families.

A little better than half of all marriages end in divorce. So if we take your slant, then it might be said that the men are marrying those women ONLY for sex ...but certainly NOT for that "...long term relationship which leads to happy families." you so lovingly put it.

Mosheh Thezion said:
...and it would be perfectly fine... if she gave it away... instead of sold it... that would raise her from 'whore' to mearly... 'slut'.

Well, good then! Hereafter, we'll consider the "payment for services" as only a donation for a good cause or a tip for happy services. Then you have no problem with it, and neither should anyone else. Perfect solution! :)

Baron Max
hug-a-tree said:
I think...well 'whores'...deserve respect.

Good for you! So do I.

hug-a-tree said:
I don't like how some people are forced into it.
I don't like how some children are forced into it.

Both of those, among others that you might consider, are SEPARATE ISSUES. The issue of prostitution is one issue ...forcing someone to do something is another issue ...forcing children to do something is another issue. There's no reason to bring such issues into the discussion of prostitution ...they are separate issues altogether! To bring them into the discussion of prostitution is simply to cloud and confuse the original issue.

hug-a-tree said:
...but if both people are okay with it then who cares? If they both are over 18, they both want this to happen, why does it matter?

I agree wholeheartedly. And if one does NOT agree, then they're basically saying that they should have some authority over others ...i.e., they want to FORCE others to be and do what THEY want them to be or do. That don't sound very nice, does it? In fact, that sounds worse than prostitution! :)

Baron Max