Is Physics A Religion?

apparently you don't know what the word physical means. dreams are not physical, but a hammer hurts as much in dreams as in the real world. physical is the opposite of mental/spiritual. mental means something that is inside our consciousness, physical means something that is outside, but since the outside is always in your consciousness, the universe must be mental instead of physical.

"The universe is built on a plan the profound symmetry of which is somehow present in the inner structure of our intellect"

- Paul Valery
subjective perception != subjective reality

besides thinking is energy, hammer is energy, no difference.
a hitting hammer is a lot more energy though -> e=mc^2

so apparently it seems that you don't know what dreams are
nothing is "inside" our consciousness, consciousness is, and that's all
Pff I just got an infraction for trolling.

I guess Christian mathematicians like Pascal, Newton, and Leibniz are trolls.

Please explain how any one of those individuals used gods, chimeras and faeries to demonstrate their achievements?
Physics makes factual claims all the time based upon assumptions and principles which by definition cannot be proven. In religion on the other hand we acknowledge our hypthesis is called faith not certainty. Religion is far more scientific than physics.


Far more scientific than physics!:D lol I was cracking up when I read that.
What's the difference between physics and religion?
What a strange question to ask in this era. Physics keeps becoming more and more like mathematics: pure reasoning about logical abstractions. It is about as far from religion as one can get, which is pure imagination about illogical fantasies.
He's doing nothing here anyway except throwing a few words around. This thread is a total waste and should be locked and cesspooled.
He has been warned and infracted before. He just keeps popping up like a Whack-a-Mole. I think this discussion would be appropriate on the Philosophy board, but Oils just doesn't have the rhetorical and debating skills to survive there. So he just keeps pestering the scientists.
Likewise; "string theory".
Again, string theory is getting close to the line between physics and mathematics. It is not like religion.
They should rename this Atheist Forum. I came here looking for science and all I found was hatred. I'll see you haters never. Last post. Talk about braindrain.
He can't distinguish between criticism and hatred. I'd be happy to change the name of the website if it would keep the Religious Redneck Retards away.
there is no evidence that the world is physical so physics is a philosophy. physics is a philosophy used to explore and understand the world. religions are philosophies used to explore and understand ourselves (inner world).
Huh? What a colossally strange thing to say. The ONLY evidence we have about the world is physical. Just exactly what other kind of evidence is there??? The whole rest of your post is the result of invalid reasoning. Are you a friend of his or something?
This thread probably would have been better off if there was an initial distinction made between those areas of Physics that can be verified by physical experimentation, and those areas which can only be investigated through mathematical speculation.
The point of the OP wasn't to create intellectual discourse but rather an ad hominem against the proponents of science. Ironically, the former member who was the OP resigned his membership after it became apparent that the majority of the Sciforums members rejected his particular brand of superstition. His last comment was an attempt to transfer blame for his inability to fit in to the minds of reason who declined to conform to his delusions.
Physics is useful.
Take Electromagnetic theory for example, it may just be a theory and maybe some parts are not proven but it has been used again and again and again and has revolutionized mankind.
The ONLY evidence we have about the world is physical. Just exactly what other kind of evidence is there???

it's impossible to prove that there is an external physical world independent from your senses/consciousness... so the world must be mental/spiritual.

Physics is useful.

so is religion. physics is useful for the world, religion is useful for individuals.
But these are acknowledged to be hypothesis until they are confirmed. Unlike religion, they are not considered fact until then. On some level, you are correct that theoretical physics (as opposed to the physics used to put the space shuttle in orbit), resembles the most liberal forms of religion. The requirements for confirmation of these ideas are very different, though.

If you ever studied logic there is a margin of error in inductive reasoning. The scientific method is based on inductive reasoning. Because something happens the same way in all known cases, inductive reasoning says there is a high probability it will happen the same way again. But it is not definite that it must happen the same way again. Believing that it must happen the same way again is like a religious belief. Some scientists have this religious belief which is really not definite and has a margin of error. Paranormal occurences such as miracles and psychic phenomena, show that at times it will happen a different way.
Deductive reasoning is absolutely reliable with no margin of error. If you know that it happened a certain way in a specific number of cases, then you are sure it happened that way in any one of those cases.
But does that then not make it unscientific? How can it be falsifiable?
What's the difference between physics and religion?
Physics doesn't cover the whole of philosophy. Religion does.

Physics doesn't have a systematic philosophical viewpoint on aesthetics, ethics, or anything else besides a vague Naturalist view on metaphysics.

Physics is a branch of science, which is the systematic method through which one describes, evaluates, and analyses reality. Science is not a religion. It is not a philosophy. It is the method one uses to evaluate reality.
Bertrand Russell writes in Our Knowledge of the External World:What's the difference between physics and religion?

No problem! Physics and indeed all science is a set of rules as how to accumulate the most accurate understanding of ourselves and the world about us. All we have in our heads is BELIEF, not "absolute Truth"! That is why physics, science in general CHANGES. The difference is that science belief becomes more accurate while each religion stays much the same.

Should each religion become more accurat also? No, each religion has to stay the same so that its believers have a constant, fixed, set of beliefs that hold their society together and give them a sense of unity, of wholeness. We are, after all, social animals and need to feel part of the group or society in order to minimize stress and hostility.
