Is our legal system really based on justice?

Squid Vicious,

Xev- "Actually, astronomy is."

Squid Vicious- "My guess would be hunting."

Makes sense...
Eventhough what I read was prostitution...


Oh, but it does if all cultures share such behaviors.
And Buddhists? And Atlantis? Indians...?
Btw... if rationalism is what causes it, when we invented language we were already rationalists, so there's no account of any civilization without those things (eventhough some have a little bit and others a lot...)

When was this?

Same answer above...
"This doesn't make something common in human nature."

Rape is part of human nature if you believe in genetics and evolution. The male of the species has instinct to reproduce (though brett would argue we just have instinct to fuck). I'll be the first to admitt it as a male here; that feeling you get when you see a really hot woman and just are attracted to her looks and you start thinking about sex and sex with her - that's the beginning of an instinct to have sex with her. Some people follow their instincts without thinking logically. That's what causes rape. A more logical and rational society which values other humans highly would eventually drive rape rates down to an extremely low level. Through the teaching of a child from a young age on to value other humans highly, children will grow to adults who maintain these values. More often than not, that is. Also, you have no proof that Buddhists never had rape. I will venture to guess that they have a very, very low rate though.

"When we had no reason we were pretty much like children."

You are a moron. Children can use logic. They just aren't very smart so most of them can't do advanced logic.

"no one can really say. My guess would be hunting."
"Makes sense...
Eventhough what I read was prostitution..."

Prostitution perhaps was the first job where someone exchanged a good for something. Hunting was just the production/gathering of goods. And I don't think astronomy paid much in the beginning.

"Or did he admit defeat and realize how stupid it is to pick flame-wars with Xev?"

No one battles the mighty Xev and lives to speak about it!!
Squid: I'd agree, but people hunted anyway. What about medicine?

"And Buddhists?"

Are fighting in Sri Lanka, and google "Shaolin Temple".

"And Atlantis?"

*Xev weeps*

Nelson, it did not exist.


Google "Aztec empire" and "Anasazi"

"Btw... if rationalism is what causes it, when we invented language we were already rationalists, so there's no account of any civilization without those things (eventhough some have a little bit and others a lot...)"

Then it is human nature, right?

BTW, where is your lap-dog, ndrs? Still obsessing about my sex life, or trying to find quark-sized condoms?

Or did he admit defeat and realize how stupid it is to pick flame-wars with Xev? :p

Rape is part of human nature if you believe in genetics and evolution. The male of the species has instinct to reproduce (though brett would argue we just have instinct to fuck). I'll be the first to admitt it as a male here; that feeling you get when you see a really hot woman and just are attracted to her looks and you start thinking about sex and sex with her - that's the beginning of an instinct to have sex with her. Some people follow their instincts without thinking logically. That's what causes rape.

You are most likely right - however, how would this theory explain the rape of a child? And how would we test this theory?

It's a bit of a problem in psychiatry at the moment. Certain studies have shown that the amount of force used during rape is (sorry, cannot find such studies) is grossly disproportional to the amount "needed" to obtain consent.

Thus the model of rape as a means of achieving dominence developed. I think that this makes a fair amount of sense when you look at chimp troops and the way they use sex to express dominence.

HOWEVER! Your model is simpler.

I am interested in further studies, but we're off topic.

A more logical and rational society which values other humans highly would eventually drive rape rates down to an extremely low level.

Very, very true!

No one battles the mighty Xev and lives to speak about it!!

Awww, I'm blushing now. :)
"Try "Toltecs"... and there were many peaceful others..."

Um. I just checked to make sure I was right and the Toltecs were a warrior people.

"If humans were ever like"

Um. Nelson. Animals do commit rape in a form. A male will just walk up and start mating with the female. In some animals it's the reverse, though. That's why the strongest mate. In some animals the female will attempt to shake off the male and only a strong male can stay on long enough.

By the way, another job well done in not replying to the majority of a post.
Try "Toltecs"... and there were many peaceful others...

They used language, hence your hypothesis fails.

If humans were ever like

What? You just admitted that rationalism causes violence, and that rationalism has been around since the dawn of mankind! So yes you did!

Anyways, what became of ndrs? :cool:


Um. Nelson. Animals do commit rape in a form. A male will just walk up and start mating with the female. In some animals it's the reverse, though. That's why the strongest mate. In some animals the female will attempt to shake off the male and only a strong male can stay on long enough.

Yep. Chickens do, and chimpanzees do, and does this one species of flatworm, and so do dragonflys and monkeys and...
xev: ugh... You seem to mention me in every post now, have you really missed me that much? :p
Thanks. I'm happy I have a sense of compassion too. Perhaps you should attempt to fake one.

I'm sure that you should ask your wife or girlfriend if you have one - the poor girl would be an expert on "faking it" after any period of time sleeping with you.
What suggests to you my lack of compassion? The way you talk to Nelson, suggests you haven't got any. What does "faking it" have to do with compassion?
Mallory? You know, she did about the same thing with her sig as you did.....hmmm....
Well, this is the first forum website I participated in. Seems like a few people do it (including your favorite Tyler). The only difference is that other people do it for revenge, wickedness, while mine is mainly based on humour.
And she instantly disliked me without provocation as you do.....

However, Mallory had more balls than you could ever pretend to. And she was female!
I don't dislike you xev.. What suggested that to you? I don't think I started the "comments".
Why did Mallory have balls? Because she responded to your childish flamewar requests?
I'll be the first to admitt it as a male here; that feeling you get when you see a really hot woman and just are attracted to her looks and you start thinking about sex and sex with her
Really, is sex all you think about?
Some people follow their instincts without thinking logically. That's what causes rape. A more logical and rational society which values other humans highly would eventually drive rape rates down to an extremely low level. Through the teaching of a child from a young age on to value other humans highly, children will grow to adults who maintain these values.
I agree with first sentence. But I doubt valueing other humans has anything to do with it.. When a rapist sees a woman he wants to rape, he doesn't think about her personality, respect, etc... He wants to fuck. If his will is weak, he will follow that instinct, otherwise his will will stop him. So I think selfcontrol is a much more important aspect.
What suggests to you my lack of compassion? The way you talk to Nelson, suggests you haven't got any. What does "faking it" have to do with compassion?

Oh barf! This topic has turned into a discussion of the posters, not the issues.

I'm without compassion? Gag me with a fucking spoon! You're the one with more compassion towards the hypothetical rapist than for his victim.

Nelson? Jesus fuck man, do you know what sheer effort of will it takes for me to be nice to Nelson?

Well, this is the first forum website I participated in.

*Xev smiles*

A newb, eh? You should have said somthing...most newbs try to provoke flamewars. I would have been nicer.

I don't dislike you xev.

I should hope not! That'd be uber-pathetic.

Seriously, you do. And I don't care.

*Xev raises her glass high*

Here's to internet dislikes and flamewars! And may our disputes be a bit more interesting in the future!

Now I'm declaring peace, because you're too boring and intellectually dull for a good flamewar.
I'm without compassion? Gag me with a fucking spoon! You're the one with more compassion towards the hypothetical rapist than for his victim.
Did I say that? Did I even mean it anywhere? Please quote me...
I just didn't like your statement that revenge is justifiable.
A newb, eh? You should have said somthing...most newbs try to provoke flamewars. I would have been nicer.
Now I'm declaring peace, because you're too boring and intellectually dull for a good flamewar.
Wait, wait.. Did I actually participate in YOUR imagined flamewar?
I've been there with IRC when I was 14-16 and I've done it along with the flood wars. I just can't be bothered to do it anymore. I have to work now, and I'm trying to use whatever time is left for something useful.
While you are just trying to start another one. ;)
Seriously, you do. And I don't care.
I don't know you enough to really dislike you. Time will tell. :bugeye:

Um. I just checked to make sure I was right and the Toltecs were a warrior people.


Dream warriors... Warriors of Peace... call the way you want...
The word warrior has a conotation of fighting for freedom in their Philosophy... I don't know why you misinterpret everything...

Um. Nelson. Animals do commit rape in a form. A male will just walk up and start mating with the female. In some animals it's the reverse, though. That's why the strongest mate. In some animals the female will attempt to shake off the male and only a strong male can stay on long enough.

Children is a better example, as I said before...

By the way, another job well done in not replying to the majority of a post.



They used language, hence your hypothesis fails.

Of course they used language to communicate!!!:bugeye:
...Read their philosophy and you will find out that after reason they discovered the Truth... READ it... It's a Philosophy based on Love (as usual...)... Try it before judging it...:bugeye: :eek:

What? You just admitted that rationalism causes violence, and that rationalism has been around since the dawn of mankind! So yes you did!

...? Oh well... whatever... :eek:
Dream warriors... Warriors of Peace... call the way you want...
The word warrior has a conotation of fighting for freedom in their Philosophy... I don't know why you misinterpret everything...

Nelson dear, read this:

Among the Toltecs, war took on a greater significance than it had for the cultures of the Classic period. Professional soldiers appeared in Tula, and were organized in sects or brotherhoods that identified them with certain animals: eagle, jaguar or coyote warriors. Evidence also shows that the number of human sacrifices increased; this was especially the case when prisoners of war were taken. This militaristic spirit was a characteristic of all the cultures of the Postclassic period.

Of course they used language to communicate!!!
...Read their philosophy and you will find out that after reason they discovered the Truth... READ it... It's a Philosophy based on Love (as usual...)... Try it before judging it...

Sounds interesting. What books do you recommend?

I don't know you enough to really dislike you. Time will tell.

Umm, evil, without compassion, unfeeling, so on....

You think I could care less? Ego man, ego! My mother hated me......why on earth would I care whether some dickless wonder on the 'net does? :bugeye:
Xev, dear, read those:

Sounds interesting. What books do you recommend?
"The Mastery of Love"
"The Four Agreements"
both by Don Miguel Ruiz

I recommend "The Mastery of Love" first... But the introduction of the other talk about how the Philosophy came into being. You might begin with this one. Check out their beginnings... (you can read inside...) ;)

Here are them:

I misinterput everything?


Dream warriors... Warriors of Peace... call the way you want...
The word warrior has a conotation of fighting for freedom in their Philosophy... I don't know why you misinterpret everything"

Here's a couple of resources for you:

"The advent of the Toltec also marked the rise of militarism in Mesoamerica"

"There many gods also led to a common practice of sacrifice which included humans."
"Sources indicate that their downfall was due to two main conflicting ideologies. Half of the Toltecs worshipped and followed a militaristic diety while the others followed a peaceful God"

"The macabre tzompantli, a wall on which the heads of sacrifice victims were hung, was built here for the first time."
"Among the Toltecs, war took on a greater significance than it had for the cultures of the Classic period. Professional soldiers appeared in Tula, and were organized in sects or brotherhoods that identified them with certain animals: eagle, jaguar or coyote warriors. Evidence also shows that the number of human sacrifices increased; this was especially the case when prisoners of war were taken. This militaristic spirit was a characteristic of all the cultures of the Postclassic period"

"In Tula, Toltec society grew increasingly militaristic. The knightly orders of jaguar and eagle warriors and the practice of massive human sacrifices are likely to have begun there"

Want more?

"Children is a better example"

Ugh Nelson. Please. I beg of God that you can think logically enough to realize why children don't commit rape.
I'm talking about Philosophy... not History (IF those sites are relieable...:eek: )
"I'm talking about Philosophy... not History"

Hoorah. In actuality though the Toltecs were a war loving people.

"IF those sites are relieable..."

I hope that's a joke.
I did. That's how I know they were a warrior-people who conquered many lands, slaughtered their enemies and sacrificed humans to hang their heads up in the temple.
I'm talking about philosophy, not history...
And I'm almost sure that those stories are lies...:bugeye:

Read the books and you will see...
"I'm talking about philosophy, not history..."

- "Try "Toltecs"... and there were many peaceful others..."
- "Dream warriors... Warriors of Peace... call the way you want..."

"And I'm almost sure that those stories are lies..."

Oh my fucking god. Are you really this dumb? How fucking stupid do humans get???? Sorry for the swearing but this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, hands down. Wait wait, no claiming that as a virgin with no experience you know sex is.

Two of the links were made by the government of Mexico. Another one was from a U.S. college. Can you give me one fucking reason why they would lie about this? What the fuck do they gain? They don't gain anything!!!! You have basically just said that for no purpose whatsoever history text books, a University and THE GOVERNMENT OF MEXICO (WHICH IS WHERE THESE THINGS HAPPENED) ARE ALL LIERS!!!!! DO YOU REALIZE HOW DUMB YOU SOUND?