Is masturbation a sin or a wonderful gift from God for all to enjoy?


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Masturbation is a gift of God. Sex is a gift of God to us. Sexual lust is not evil lust, it is God designed human nature. Evil lust is hurtful and harmful to humans. Masturbation is healthy. Masturbation is good. Masturbation is God designed. Masturbation is good for you. Masturbation is for everyone to enjoy.

Is Masturbation a sin? Clearly NOT!!! It is clearly not a sin in the Bible!!

Major contradiction-- verse used by anti-masturbation and anti-nudist people. Matt. 5:28 is totally misunderstood and taken out of context. "look at a women with lust...adultery"

Major research on masturbation, the Bible, Christianity, sexuality, to clearly show that masturbation is a wonderful gift from God for us to enjoy. God designed every detail for us to enjoy.

Letter To Anti-masturbation teachers. I can clearly show you that with your anti-masturbation teaching that you are harming and hurting God, others, and yourself.

A man was NOT considered an adulterer if he engaged in sexual relations with....... Sex with Mutual consent of spouse.... Also when letting another man have sex with his wives and concubines.

Masturbation positive talk: many Christian people, Ministers, College Professors, Bible teachers, saying masturbation is not a sin and is very healthy for you.

The Cause for a great deal of the sexual negativity in our culture. When did sex became bad?

The Hidden Effects of Sexual Guilt. Many clergymen now admit that the church's attitude toward sex over the years has not only be out of line with scriptural intent, but it has proven harmful.

Who, when, and How Sex Was Made A Sin??

The false Gnostic ideal that sex was a sin or evil was forced into the Christian thinking and is kept there by taking the Bible verses out of context.
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Yeah, good...point? Um, putting aside the fact that there is no god to play devil's advocate for a minute, why exactly do think god likes masturbation?
Does god masturbate? Are we ejaculate of the supreme divinity?

Hey hey hey! :mad:
you chose god inkaboutit, you have to live with it, no jackin off for you buddy! :mad:
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Hey hey hey! :mad:
you chose god inkaboutit, you have to live with it, no jackin off for you buddy! :mad:

HAHAHA, you don't know how funny that was to me at 1 am, dude, please rock on pornstar

Every time you masturbate, a sinner screams in agony.
And every time a sinner screams in agony, God masturbates.
"if you look upon a woman with lust, then you are commiting adultrey in your heart". "thou shalt not commit adultrey"
yes, god gave us that gift, but you are supposed to share the gift with your spouse.
and with the thing with godly men having sex with prostitutes and such, THEY STIL CAN SIN YOU KNOW just cuz they did it doesnt mean its right. as the guy said, if you fill your mind with lustfull passions, you want more and more.

Job 31:1 "I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?"
see, he is saying that he has to win the battle within his mind. their are so many temptations now days, more than before. you have to fight them off.

i dont want to hammer on all other denominations, but the denomiantions that dont really have an organized structure can be really misleading. one guys says this, another says this.
atleast in the catholic church, atleast you have a vote by MANY people, so it's not just the opinion of one.

one more thing, if people left the christian faith because they were said not to masturbate that means their faith was weak.
jesus said that you should stop whatever causes you to sin.
if YOU are addicted to masturbation, pray, fast, and give. also go find a hobby or if you have an urge go to your friends house. anything that will stop you from sinning. it may not work right a way but ur persistent, you can do it. i heard that from some priest.
"A friend a mine who had been a Mormon missionary came across
this "guide," circa 1970, on tattered photocopy. Anyway, we were
so amused by it (esp. "Suggestion 19"), thought it deserved a
wider audience."

Morman Masturbation Prevention
The following may be verbal masturbation… Just needed the release.

As far as I’m concerned the best orgasm is achieved with another person… (I’m sure it is similar to the tickle nerve).

But it (masturbation ) is the best way to reduce sexual stress… Hormonal balances.. If I don’t wank I cant keep my eye from sex (in its many forms)..

Its hormones that controls sexual drive. Hormones that build up and need specific events to slow production, increase absorption.. You wank to reduce the drive…

If god existed thank him for giving you hands….

Who has not heard of the hormonal pressure cookers in particular churches that have taken inappropriate measures to satisfy their needs.

Thus pull and stroke your self at least once a week and take control of the hormones…
Seems God was just about done creating the universe, but he had two extra things left in his bag of creations, so he decided to split them between Adam and Eve.

He told the couple that one of the things he had to give away was the ability to stand up while urinating. "It's a very handy thing," God told the couple, who he found hanging around under an apple tree. "I was wondering if either one of you wanted that ability."

Adam jumped up and blurted, "Oh, give that to me! When I'm working in the garden or naming the animals, I could just stand there and let it fly. It'd be so cool I could write my name in the sand. Oh, please God, let it be me who you give that gift to, let me stand and pee, oh please."

On and on he went like an excited little boy who had to pee. Eve just smiled and told God that if Adam really wanted that so badly he could have it. It seemed to be the sort of thing that would make him happy, and she really wouldn't mind if Adam was the one given this ability.

And so Adam was given the ability to control the direction of his urination while in a vertical position. And lo, he was happy and did celebrate by wetting down the bark on the tree nearest him, laughing with delight all the while. And it was good.

"Fine", God said, looking back into his bag of leftover gifts. "What's left here? Oh yes, multiple orgasms."
Masturbation is a Gift of God for us to enjoy. Clearly NOT a sin.

>>>>>>EvilPoet found this >>>>>>Morman Masturbation Prevention

**********Inkaboutit reply**********Why in the world would anyone want to stop something like masturbation when it is not a sin, God designed for all to enjoy and has over 50 health benefits and if you try hard to avoid sex and masturbation you may cause a blockage that can lead to cancer and lead to death
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>>>>>>>>edgar said >>>>>>>>>> "if you look upon a woman with lust, then you are commiting adultrey in your heart". "thou shalt not commit adultrey"

**********Inkaboutit reply**********The verse is Matt 5:28 and when taken out of context is a Major contradiction-- verse used by anti-masturbation and anti-nudist people. Matt. 5:28 is totally misunderstood and taken out of context. "look at a women with lust...adultery"

>>>>>>>>edgar said >>>>>>>>>> yes, god gave us that gift, but you are supposed to share the gift with your spouse

**********Inkaboutit reply**********You can share when you have a sex partner to share it with, called mutual masturbation or just have sex together. But when you do not have a partner, then you can go solo masturbation. In Lev 15:16-19 either partner or solo was not a sin and did not require any sin offering of any kind.
>>>>>>>>edgar said >>>>>>>>>> if you fill your mind with lustfull passions, you want more and more.

**********Inkaboutit reply**********Sexual lust and sexual fantasies are very important parts of God sexy, lusty human sexuality design. If you call sexual lust and sexual fantasies a sin and try to remove them 100% then God's sexual plan will not even work at all. Christian need to apply the law of love to our sexual lust and sexual fantasies.

Jas 2:12 - So whenever you speak, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free.
Micah 6:8 The Lord has told you, human, what is good; he has told you what he wants from you: to do what is right to other people, love being kind to others, and live humbly, obeying your God.
Ge 1:31 - Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. ...(Note: God designed our human nature, every detail of our natural sexuality, and said it was all very good. The only bad part of us is what we added, the "sin principal" part.)
Ro 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
Tit 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
Ro 14:20 - For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence.
1Co 10:23 – All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.
2Co 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Ga 6:15 - For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.
Acts 10:13 Then a voice said to Peter, "Get up, Peter; kill and eat." 14 But Peter said, "No, Lord! I have never eaten food that is unholy or unclean." 15 But the voice said to him again, "God has made these things clean so don't call them 'unholy'!" 16 This happened three times

(Note: this was not only about food, but almost everything.)

Ga 5:14 - For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
2Jo 1:6 - Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.
1Co 14:1 - Let love be your highest goal, but also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives, especially the gift of prophecy.
Ro 13:9 - For the commandments against adultery and murder and stealing and coveting – and any other commandment – are all summed up in this one commandment: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

>>>>>>>>edgar said >>>>>>>>>> Job 31:1 "I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?" see, he is saying that he has to win the battle within his mind. their are so many temptations now days, more than before. you have to fight them off.

**********Inkaboutit reply**********Be sure to not take this out of context. Job is trying hard to figure out why God took everything away from him and is quessing, this is part of his guessing why. This is not a command from God, but a personal guess on Job's part personal and not some kind of world wide command. Also Job being a very rich man had a very beautiful wife and did not want to share her sexually with any other man. In that day men would have wife swapping and Job did not want to share his wife with anyone, because he had the most sexy and beautiful wife of all. That is why he would not have sex with his neighbor wife because if he did then he would have to share his wife with that neighbor and he did want to share his wife with him.

>>>>>>>>edgar said >>>>>>>>>> i dont want to hammer on all other denominations, but the denomiantions that dont really have an organized structure can be really misleading. one guys says this, another says this.
atleast in the catholic church, atleast you have a vote by MANY people, so it's not just the opinion of one.

**********Inkaboutit reply**********One man, The Pope rules over the Catholic Church, and it is hard to confront lies or false teachings, when they will burn you at the stake or excommuicate you for doing so. So misunderstand and incorrect teachings and any corruption of power will stay much longer then they would if they had less fear of retaliation.
Teachings should be tested and questioned, because truth will stand the test and lies will be exposed. The internet is good because there is less fear of retaliation. It is easy for a big powerful church like the Catholic Church to become corrupt from it power and money and man made fear put into the people. In the old days they would burn you at the stake if you taught something different then the Church taught. No room for disagreements or open discussions.
>>>>>>>>edgar said >>>>>>>>>> one more thing, if people left the christian faith because they were said not to masturbate that means their faith was weak.

**********Inkaboutit reply**********Maybe, Then again what if they try very hard to stop masturbation when it is not even a sin and is God designed for all to enjoy and they can stop because of a very high sex drive then the very high sex drive person would have great man made shame and guilt and feel very defeated all the time as a Christian. Not weak faith but has a God given high sex drive and man made guilt trip to put him down.
>>>>>>>>edgar said >>>>>>>>>> jesus said that you should stop whatever causes you to sin.

**********Inkaboutit reply**********Why in the world would you want to stop something like masturbation when it is not a sin, God designed for all to enjoy and has over 50 health benefits and if you try hard to avoid sex and masturbation you may cause a blockage that can lead to cancer and lead to death

>>>>>>>>edgar said >>>>>>>>>> if YOU are addicted to masturbation, pray, fast, and give. also go find a hobby or if you have an urge go to your friends house. anything that will stop you from sinning. it may not work right a way but ur persistent, you can do it. i heard that from some priest.

**********Inkaboutit reply**********Masturbation is clearly not a sin at all, but a wonderful gift from God for all to enjoy. It is 100% health and good to want to masturbate often with 50 health benefits. Christians just need to apply the law of love to our masturbation and sexual lust and sexual fantasies.
Jas 2:12 - So whenever you speak, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free.
>>>>>>Spacemanspiff said >>>>>> i think this will explain everything

Attachment: godkills.jpg

******inkaboutit reply************Of course, God does not kill any kittens, of course it nothing to do with masturbation at all, not even close. Just like some anti-masturbation argument. But check this one out, maybe this is someone you know who masturbates 24/7. Just don't masturbation 24/7 like this guy.

Sometime this site work and sometimes not.
Consequences of masturbation.

I am confused, why do you think I want to stop masturbation?
Was it because of the link I posted? Or another reason?

Many young men struggle with the problem of what is termed "self-abuse." This is defined as the misuse of the body, which is the temple of the indwelling spirit of God. God intended the process of procreation to be pleasurable, but to seek that pleasure as an end in itself is deadly folly.

Cleanliness is the single most important guard against the dangers of self-abuse. Young men must be ever vigilant in keeping their "less seemly members" (I Cor. 12:23) scrupulously clean. For some it is necessary to cleanse themselves 3 or even 4 times per day. Plenty of soap and thorough lathering will help chase away unclean thoughts and practices.

However, a regimen such as this can invoke its own dangers! Excessive dryness in the groinal area can cause itching which may tempt inadvertent "scratching." Therefore it is important to use plenty of lotion or balm to keep the procreative area moist. Rubbing the emollient in until it is absorbed will prevent staining of the clothes.

Some young men feel uncomfortable committing themselves to such a demanding routine and would prefer to avoid touching themselves altogether. Such admirably virtuous young men are encouraged to find another young man with whom they can exchange their cleansing duties. In this way they are never tempted to touch themselves with the wrong motive

Occasionally a young man will be driven by his procreative urges beyond his own best intentions. In such rare cases it is suggested that the young man tie a soft leather or cloth thong around the base of his manhood and his testicles to prevent blood from causing them to engorge.

It is hoped that these suggestions will aid the virtuous young man on his wholesome journey to adulthood.*
that mormon thing is a good guide;)

Avoid being alone as much as possible.

i usually seek out being alone

If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, YOU MUST BREAK OFF THEIR FRIENDSHIP

I think i'm ok here.
I know a guy who went on a mission to refrain from such activities for as long as possible. he claimed to have made it for over a year.

When you bathe, do not admire yourself in a mirror.

lord knows i turn myself on way too much to ever stop checking myself out in the mirror.

When in bed, if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your vital parts

aparently sleeping in a straight jackett is preferable to my usuall boxers only.

If the temptation seems overpowering while you are in bed, GET OUT OF BED AND GO INTO THE KITCHEN AND FIX YOURSELF A SNACK

i do always like to eat and masturbate at the same time:D

Put wholesome thoughts into your mind at all times. Read good books -- Church books -- Scriptures

that part in the bible about david watching a woman bathe, that's ok no?

Reduce the amount of spices and condiments in your food. Eat as lightly as possible at night.

pizza at midnight makes you masturbate?:bugeye:

acording to that thing i should be going at it all the time. what with my spicy foods and nonbinding clothing.
>>>>>>>>machaon said>>>>>.Many young men struggle with the problem of what is termed "self-abuse." This is defined as the misuse of the body, which is the temple of the indwelling spirit of God. God intended the process of procreation to be pleasurable, but to seek that pleasure as an end in itself is deadly folly.

********inkaboutit reply******Masturbation has over 50 health benefit with no negative side effect at all. The term, “self-abuse is base on all the medical lies of the past which all have been clearly lies. Masturbation in no way is self –abuse, but a wonderful gift from God for all to enjoy. Masturbation in no way is a misuse of the body, if you try hard to avoid masturbation or sex this may be a misuse of the body and God designed human nature, and may lead to blockage, cancer, and death. “Seek that pleasure as an end in itself is deadly folly”, this is clearly a wrong and false statement. God has give us many pleasurable things in life to enjoy. Enjoy pleasure is not evil. Jesus enjoy pleasure and all Godly men enjoy pleasure and every day everyone seeks something that is pleasuable to them and they are not sinning.

Christians are under the law of love, love God as the only God, creator and love others as you love yourself.
>>>>>EvilPoet>>>>>>I am confused, why do you think I want to stop masturbation?
Was it because of the link I posted? Or another reason?

*****inkaboutit reply*****My mistake. I overlook the words, “we were so amused by it”. Some people on some anti-masturbation forums really believe what is on the link and try hard to do it for real. To Those people I was responding to.

How should I take “machaon Advice” post? Is that a joke or is it for real? Some people may real believe what he says for real and others would just have a good laugh about it.