Is Jesus God?

In christian, there is a blur line of who is the Jesus's father, and it only mentioned Mary as his mother. it don't answer it completely. As I mentioned earlier, God exist billions years ago while Mary and Jesus born 2000 years ago. same as Islam Allah born 600 years later after christian. buddha born earlier. God is more or less create and hence 'born' Jesus, it generally using correct term of God 'born' Jesus.
Christianity with its double deity is perhaps the most wobbly of all the monotheistic religions because of it. Tough enough believing in God but then you have to believe in Jesus also. If Jesus is God and God is....well....God, then is it still monotheistic?
God and Jesus is NOT the same identity... don't confuse the term used. Bible said God is the creator in old testament, but Jesus is born in this earth only 2000 years ago, a relatively microscopic in astronomical year. Whoever you worship is not a matter, but there is just one creator in the universe.
Jesus belonged to an organisation bent on the removal of the roman invader from Judea. It was called The Sons of God. Years after JC's death, the roman emperor sent in legions to wipe them out after they became the terrorists of their day. They were all destroyed and put to death on that hilltop battle I forget the name of. He was a man, nothing more. He became divine 400 years later.
Jesus was a primitive man with all man's parts . He eat , drunk , walked , slept , got miserably sick ....etc . Those who think Jesus is anything but a simple human being are living in a world of myths and hullicination . Happy imagination to all of them !.
I wouldn't say he was primitive, he was after all, of royal blood, from the line of David, hence the INLI on his cross thingy. But he was a mere mortal. There is one theory that he survived the crucifix, (a bribed guard) and was whisked away "and LO! He rose again" , yeah right? He is allegedly buried in a tomb in Tibet alongside a muslim cleric where he spent his final years on the run from the Romans.
Well if I reach down into the memories of my catholic school education...we worshiped something called the trinity. The father, the son, and the holy spirit. They are all one god, yet they differentiate from each other. Think of it like an egg; you have the shell, the yolk, and the embryo. They are all together one egg, but they are different from each other nor can the egg exist without all of them existing there in unison with each other.

Note that after three years of going to a catholic school and almost 10 years of religious education, I am a devout atheist.
Christianity with its double deity is perhaps the most wobbly of all the monotheistic religions because of it. Tough enough believing in God but then you have to believe in Jesus also. If Jesus is God and God is....well....God, then is it still monotheistic?

Don't forget Satan.

Sure xtians claim he isn't "really" a god but they sure worship him like one and if he ain't equal to god why is he still around?

so xtianity has 4 gods?
Satan is also an invention of the Christian world. He is a "christianization" of Pan; a pagan god.